ENS, salle Jaurès, 29 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris
Monday 18 & Tuesday 19, November 2024
The Jean Nicod Institute commemorates the centenary of the death of Jean Nicod (1893-1924), a French philosopher and logician best known for his contributions to logic and epistemology. With his two major works on geometry applied to the sensible world and on induction (La géométrie dans le monde sensible et Le problème logique de l’induction, both published in 1923), Jean Nicod anticipated central philosophical debates of the second half of the 20 th century. Author of two doctoral theses, including one with Bertrand Russell at the University of Cambridge, he was a bridge-builder between the French philosophical tradition and Anglo-Saxon analytic philosophy.
The conference brings together philosophers, psychologists, social scientists and logicians who have been influenced in one way or another by Jean Nicod’s work.