PhD student
Chargé de Recherche CNRS
Psycholinguistique, psychoacoustique, perception des modulations temporelles, compréhension de la parole dans le bruit
PhD student
PhD student
- Language acquisition across cultures
ENS Professor
Associated member
- Language acquisition across cultures
PhD student
Senior Research Scientist (CNRS)
- Cognitive development and pathology
CNRS Director of Research, Deputy Manager of LSP, Head of Audition team
PhD student
Associated member
MCU Paris Diderot
Pédopsychiatre Hôpital Robert Debré
- Cognitive development and pathology
Support staff
Data manager
- Language acquisition across cultures
PhD student
PhD student
PhD student
Full Professor in Experimental Psychology at Ecole normale superieure
Psychophysics, Hearing, Time, Temporal modulations, Speech, Hearing loss, Ageing, Auditory models
PhD student
PhD student
Associated member
- Cognitive development and pathology
Honorary member