ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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International Journal article  

Zhang, D., Gao, M., Xu, D., Shi, W., Gutkin, B., Steffensen, S., Lukas, R. & Wu, J. (2012). Impact of prefrontal cortex in nicotine-induced excitation of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons in anesthetized rats. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(36), 12366-12375. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5411-11.2012

International Journal article  

Zahle , J., Kaldis , B., Bouvier, A., Roth, P., Montuschi , E., Bohman, J., Turner, S., Wylie, A. & Zamora-Bonilla, J. (2014). Special Issue: Selected Papers From the ENPOSS Meeting, Venice 3-4 September 2013. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 44(1 )

International Journal article  

Zahle , J., Bouvier, A., Kaldis , B., Uebel, T. & Zamora-Bonilla, J. (2013). Special Issue: Papers From the Inaugural Meeting of ENPOSS (European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences), University of Copenhagen, September 21-23, 2012. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 43(3 )

Edited journal issue  

Ylikoski, P., Bouvier, A., Kaldis , B., Montuschi , E., Zahle , J. & Zamora-Bonilla, J. (2017). Selected Papers from the 5th ENPOSS Meeting, Helsinki, 24-26 August, 2016. Special issue of Philosophy of the Social Sciences.

International Journal article  

Wu, J., Gao, M., Shen, J., Shi, W., Oster, A. & Gutkin, B. (2013). Cortical control of VTA function and influence on nicotine reward. Biochemical Pharmacology, 86(8), 1173-1180. doi:10.1016/j.bcp.2013.07.013

International Journal article  

Tran-Van-Minh, A., Caze, R., Abrahamsson, T., Cathala, L., Gutkin, B. & Digregorio, D. (2015). Contribution of sublinear and supralinear dendritic integration to neuronal computations. Frontiers in cellular neuroscience, 9, 67. doi:10.3389/fncel.2015.00067

International Journal article  

Tolu, S., Eddine, R., Marti, F., David, V., Graupner, M., Pons, S., Baudonnat, M., Husson, M., Besson, M., Reperant, C., Zemdegs, J., Pagès, C., Hay, Y., Lambolez, B., Caboche, J., Gutkin, B., Gardier, A., Changeux, J., Faure, P. & Maskos, U. (2013). Co-activation of VTA da and GABA neurons mediates nicotine reinforcement. Molecular Psychiatry, 18(3), 382-393. doi:10.1038/mp.2012.83

International Journal article  

Sidarus, N., Palminteri, S. & Chambon, V. (2018). Trading off the cost of conflict against expected rewards. Plos Computational Biology, 42809. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007326

International Journal article  

Koechlin, E. (2018). Prefrontal function and cognitive control: from action to language. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 21, 106-111. doi:10.1016/j.cobeha.2018.03.008

International Journal article  

Rouault, M., Drugowitsch, J. & Koechlin, E. (2019). Prefrontal mechanisms combining rewards and beliefs in human decision-making. Nature Communications, 10, 301. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-08121-w

International Journal article  

Romagnoni, A. , Colonnese, M. , Touboul, J. & Gutkin, B. (2020). Progressive alignment of inhibitory and excitatory delay may drive a rapid developmental switch in cortical network dynamics. J. of Neurophysiology, 123(5), 1583-1599. doi:10.1152/jn.00402.2019

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2019). From Comparative Studies to Interdisciplinary Research on Metacognition. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 6(4), 309-328. doi:10.26451/abc.

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2016). The Evolution of Primate Communication and Metacommunication. Mind and Language, 31 (2), 177–203

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2015). Time and Action: Impulsivity, Habit, Strategy. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 6(4 ), 717–743. doi:10.1007/s13164-014-0224-1

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2014). Replies to LanglandHassan, Nagel, and Smith. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 89(3 ), 736–755. doi:10.1111/phpr.12151

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2014). Epistemic Action, Extended Knowledge, and Metacognition . Philosophical Issues, 24(1), 364–392

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2014). Précis of The Philosophy of Metacognition. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 89(3), 703–709. doi:10.1111/phpr.12152


Proust, J. (2013). The Philosophy of Metacognition: Mental Agency and Self-Awareness.

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2012). The Norms of Acceptance. Philosophical Issues, 22(1 ), 316–333

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2010). Metacognition. Philosophy Compass, 5 (11), 989–998

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2009). On Indicative Conditionals and Rationality in the Wason Task. PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness, 15(1), 132-136

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2009). Overlooking Metacognitive Experience. Behavioral and Brain Sciences , 32(2), 158–159

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2008). Précis de La Nature de la Volonté. Philosophiques , 35(1), 109

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2008). Précis de La Nature de la Volonté Et Disputatio . Philosophiques, 0–00

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2008). XIII-Epistemic Agency and Metacognition: An Externalist View. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society , 108(1pt3), 241–268

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2007). Le Langage Forme-T-Il Une Condition Nécessaire de la Rationalité? Dialogue , 46(1), 165–172

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2006). Why Evolution has to Matter to Cognitive Psychology and to Philosophy of Mind . Biological Theory, 1(4), 349-351

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2003). Thinking of Oneself as the Same. Consciousness and Cognition, 12(4 ), 495–509

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2002). A Critical Review of G. Lynn Stephens & G. Graham's When Self-Consciousness Breaks. Philosophical Psychology , 15(4), 543–550

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2001). A Plea for Mental Acts. Synthese, 129(1), 105–128