ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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International Journal article  

Lou, C., Duan, X., Altarelli, I., Sweeney, J., Ramus, F. & Zhao, J. (2019). White matter network connectivity deficits in developmental dyslexia. Human brain mapping, 40(2), 505-516. doi:10.1002/hbm.24390

International Journal article  

Zhao, J., Song, Z., Zhao, Y., Thiebaut De Schotten, M., Altarelli, I. & Ramus, F. (2022). White matter connectivity in uncinate fasciculus accounts for visual attention span in developmental dyslexia. Neuropsychologia, 177, 108414. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108414

International Journal article  

Ramus, F. (2013). What's the point of neuropsychoanalysis? The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science, 203(3), 170-1. doi:10.1192/bjp.bp.113.127217

International Journal article  

Ramus, F. & Szenkovits, G. (2008). What phonological deficit? Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006), 61(1), 129-41. doi:10.1080/17470210701508822

International Journal article  

Su, M., De Schotten, T. , Zhao, J., Song, S., Zhou, W. , Gong, G. , McBride, C., Ramus, F. & Shu, H. (2018). Vocabulary growth rate from preschool to school-age years is reflected in the connectivity of the arcuate fasciculus in 14-year-old children. Developmental science, 21(5), e12647. doi:10.1111/desc.12647

Book chapter  

Chevallier, C. (2021). Vivre dans un environnement risqué : quels impacts pour la psychologie ? In Claudia Senik (Eds.), Sociétés en danger (Odile Jacob ed., pp. 197 à 208). Paris: La Découverte. doi:10.3917/dec.senik.2021.01.0197

International Journal article  

Liu, S. , Wei, W. , Chen, Y. , Peyre, H. & Zhao, J. (2021). Visual–Spatial Ability Predicts Academic Achievement Through Arithmetic and Reading Abilities. Front. Psychol. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.591308

Book chapter  

Ramus, F. & Szenkovits, G. (2011). Understanding the nature of the phonological deficit. (pp. 153-169). doi:10.4324/9780203838006

International Journal article  

Latimier, A., Kovarski, K., Peyre, H., Fernandez, L. , Gras, D., Leboyer, M. & Zalla, T. (2019). Trustworthiness and Dominance Personality Traits’ Judgments in Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. doi:10.1007/s10803-019-04163-1

International Journal article  

Safra, L., Chevallier, C., Grèzes, J. & Baumard, N. (2020). Tracking historical changes in trustworthiness using machine learning analyses of facial cues in painting. Nature Communications, 11, 4728. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18566-7

International Journal article  

Jones, B. , DeBruine, L. , .., .., Chevallier, C. & (Et Al), . (2021). To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply? Nat Hum Behav, 5, 159-169. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.7611443.v1

International Journal article  

Collins, T. & Jacquet, P. (2018). TMS over posterior parietal cortex disrupts trans-saccadic visual stability. Brain stimulation, 11(2), 390-399. doi:10.1016/j.brs.2017.11.019

Book chapter  

Chevallier, C. (2019). Theory of mind and autism: Revisiting Baron-Cohen et al.’s Sally-Anne study. In A. Slater and P. Quinn (Eds.), Developmental Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies 2nd edition (pp. 148-163).Sage

International Journal article  

Ramus, F., Rosen, S., Dakin, S., Day, B., Castellote, J., White, S. & Frith, U. (2003). Theories of developmental dyslexia: insights from a multiple case study of dyslexic adults. Brain : a journal of neurology, 126(Pt 4), 841-65.

International Journal article  

Tincoff, R., Hauser, M., Tsao, F., Spaepen, G., Ramus, F. & Mehler, J. (2005). The role of speech rhythm in language discrimination: further tests with a non-human primate. Developmental science, 8(1), 26-35. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2005.00390.x

International Journal article  

White, S., Milne, E., Rosen, S., Hansen, P., Swettenham, J., Frith, U. & Ramus, F. (2006). The role of sensorimotor impairments in dyslexia: a multiple case study of dyslexic children. Developmental science, 9(3), 237-55; discussion 265-9. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2006.00483.x

International Journal article  

Ramus, F., Pidgeon, E. & Frith, U. (2003). The relationship between motor control and phonology in dyslexic children. Journal of child psychology and psychiatry, and allied disciplines, 44(5), 712-22.

International Journal article  

Hippolyte, L., Maillard, A., Rodriguez-Herreros, B., Pain, A., Martin-Brevet, S., Ferrari, C., Conus, P., Macé, A., Hadjikhani, N., Metspalu, A., Reigo, A., Kolk, A., Männik, K., Barker, M., Isidor, B., Le Caignec, C., Mignot, C., Schneider, L., Mottron, L., Keren, B., David, A., Doco-Fenzy, M., Gérard, M., Bernier, R., Goin-Kochel, R., Hanson, E., Green Snyder, L., 16p11.2 European Consortium, Simons Variation In Individuals Project, C., Ramus, F., Beckmann, J., Draganski, B., Reymond, A. & Jacquemont, S. (2016). The Number of Genomic Copies at the 16p11.2 Locus Modulates Language, Verbal Memory, and Inhibition. Biological psychiatry, 80(2), 129-139. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.10.021

International Journal article  

Marshall, C., Harcourtbrown, S., Ramus, F. & Van Der Lely, H. (2009). The link between prosody and language skills in children with specific language impairment SLI andor dyslexia. International Journal of Language and Communication Disorders, 44(4), 466-488. doi:10.1080/13682820802591643

International Journal article  

Jednoróg, K., Altarelli, I., Monzalvo, K., Fluss, J., Dubois, J., Billard, C., Dehaene-Lambertz, G. & Ramus, F. (2012). The influence of socioeconomic status on children's brain structure. PloS one, 7(8), e42486. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0042486

International Journal article  

Gurgand, L. , Lamarque, L., Havron, N., Bernard, J., Ramus, F. & Peyre, H. (2023). The influence of sibship composition on language development at 2 years of age in the ELFE birth cohort study. Developmental science, 26(4), e13356. doi:10.1111/desc.13356

International Journal article  

Su, M., Peyre, H., Song, S., McBride, C., Tardif, T., Li, H., Zhang, Y., Liang, W., Zhang, Z., Ramus, F. & Shu, H. (2017). The influence of early linguistic skills and family factors on literacy acquisition in Chinese children: Follow-up from age 3 to age 11. Learning and Instruction, 49, 54–63. doi:10.1016/j.learninstruc.2016.12.003

International Journal article  

Guez, A., Peyre, H., Williams, C., Labouret, G. & Ramus, F. (2021). The epidemiology of cognitive development. Cognition, 213, 104690. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104690

International Journal article  

Havron, N., Ramus, F., Heude, B., Forhan, A., Cristia, A. & Peyre, H. (2019). The effect of siblings on language development as a function of age difference and sex. Psychological Science, 30(9), 1333-1343. doi:10.31234/osf.io/fgpmd

International Journal article  

Guillou, L., Grandin, A. & Chevallier, C. (2021). Temporal discounting mediates the relationship between socio-economic status and social trust. Royal Society Open Science, 8(6). doi:10.1098/rsos.202104

International Journal article  

White, S., Milne, E., Rosen, S., Hansen, P., Swettenham, J., Frith, U. & Ramus, F. (2006). Target article with commentaries and response: The role of sensorimotor impairments in dyslexia: A multiple case study of dyslexic children. Developmental Science, 9(3), 237-255. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2006.00483.x

International Journal article  

Grandin, A. , Guillou, L., Abdel Sater, R., Foucault, M. & Chevallier, C. (2022). Socioeconomic status, time preferences and pro-environmentalism. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 79, 101720. doi:10.1016/j.jenvp.2021.101720

International Journal article  

Safra, L., Baumard, N., Wyart, V. & Chevallier, C. (2020). Social motivation is associated with increased weight granted to cooperation-related impressions in face evaluation tasks. PLoS ONE, 15(4), e0230011. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0230011

International Journal article  

Safra, L., Palminteri, S. & Chevallier, C. (2019). Social information impairs reward learning in depressive subjects: behavioral and computational characterization. Plos Computational Biology, 15(7), e1007224. doi:10.1101/378281

International Journal article  

Pierre A., G., Oquendo, M. , Courtet, P. , Blanco, C. , Olfson, M. , Peyre, H., Lejoyeux, M. , Limosin, F. & Nicolas, H. (2020). Sleep complaints are associated with increased suicide risk independently of psychiatric disorders: results from a national 3-year prospective study. Molecular Psychiatry . doi:10.1038/s41380-020-0735-3