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International Journal article  

Beaurenaut, M., Dezecache, G. & Grèzes, J. (2021). Action co-representation under threat: A Social Simon study. Cognition, 215, 104829. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104829

International Journal article  

Messerotti Benvenuti, S., Buodo, G., Mennella, R., Bò, E. & Daniela, P. (2019). Appetitive and aversive motivation in depression: The temporal dynamics of task-elicited asymmetries in alpha oscillations. Scientific Reports, 9(1). doi:10.1038/s41598-019-53639-8

International Journal article  

Buot, A., Azzalini, D., Chaumon, M. & Tallon-Baudry, C. (2021). Does stroke volume influence heartbeat evoked responses? Biological Psychology. doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2021.108165

International Journal article  

Grèzes, J., Erblang, M. , Vilarem, E., Quiquempoix, M. , Van Beers, P. , Guillard, M. , Sauvet, F. , Mennella, R. & Rabat, A. (2021). Impact of total sleep deprivation and related mood changes on approach-avoidance decisions to threat-related facial displays. Sleep, zsab186. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsab186

International Journal article  

Lorna F, H., Rosen , S., Outi, T. & Calcus, A. (2019). Impaired Frequency Selectivity and Sensitivity to Temporal Fine Structure, but Not Envelope Cues, in Children With Mild-To-Moderate Sensorineural Hearing Loss. J Acoust Soc Am., 146(6), 4299. doi:10.1121/1.5134059

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2023). Informational communication and metacognition. Evolutionary Linguistic Theory, 5(1), 11-52. doi:10.1075/elt.00046.pro

International Journal article  

Nicolas, D. (2016). Interprétons-nous de la même manière les expressions 'deux pommes' et 'deux pommes et demie'? Travaux de Linguistique, 72(1), 107-119. doi:10.3917/tl.072.0107

International Journal article  

Vacher, J. , Mamassian, P. & Coen-Cagli, R. (2020). Measuring and Modeling Human Probabilistic Segmentation Maps. Journal of Vision, 20(11), 260. doi:10.1167/jov.20.11.260

International Journal article  

Maldonado, M., Chemla, E. & Spector, B. (2019). Revealing abstract semantic mechanisms through priming: The distributive/collective contrast. Cognition, 182, 171-176. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2018.09.009

International Journal article  

Liuni, M., Ponsot, E., Bryant, P. & Aucouturier, J. (2020). Sound context modulates perceived vocal emotion. Behavioural Processes, 172, 104042. doi:10.1016/j.beproc.2020.104042

International Journal article  

Jacquet, P., Safra, L., Wyart, V., Baumard, N. & Chevallier, C. (2019). The ecological roots of human susceptibility to social influence: a pre-registered study investigating the impact of early-life adversity. Royal Society Open Science, 6(1), 180454. doi:10.1098/rsos.180454

International Journal article  

Casati, R. (2009). ‘Does topological perception rest on a misconception about topology?’ . Philosophical Psychology

International Journal article  

Sijilmassi, A. , Safra, L. & Baumard, N. (2024). 'Our Roots Run Deep': Historical Myths as Culturally Evolved Technologies for Coalitional Recruitment. The Behavioral and brain sciences, ., 1-44. doi:10.1017/S0140525X24000013

International Journal article  

Sijilmassi, A. , Safra, L. & Baumard, N. (2024). ‘Our Roots Run Deep’: Historical Myths as Culturally Evolved Technologies for Coalitional Recruitment. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 1-44. doi:10.1017/S0140525X24000013

International Journal article  

Barascud, N., Griffiths, T., Mcalpine, D. & Chait, M. (2014). "Change deafness" arising from inter-feature masking within a single auditory object. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 26(3), 514-526. doi:10.1162/jocn_a_00481

International Journal article  

Yesilaltay , S., De Araujo, E. & Mercier, H. (2022). “If this account is true, it is most enormously wonderful”: Interestingness-if-true and the sharing of true and false news. Digital Journalism, 10(3), 373-394. doi:10.1080/21670811.2021.1941163

International Journal article  

de Carvalho, A., Crimon, C., Barrault, A. , Trueswell, J. & Christophe, A. (2021). “Look! It is not a bamoule!” 18‐ and 24‐month‐olds can use negative sentences to constrain their interpretation of novel word meanings. Developmental Science, 24(1), e13085. doi:10.1111/desc.13085

International Journal article  

Kinzler, K., Dupoux, E. & Spelke, E. (2012). "Native" objects and collaborators: Infants' object choices and acts of giving reflect favor for native over foreign speakers. Journal of Cognition and Development, 13(1), 1-15

International Journal article  

Sijilmassi, A. , Safra, L. & Baumard, N. (2024). "Our roots run deep": Historical myths as culturally evolved technologies for coalitional recruitment. The Behavioral and brain sciences, 47(e171), 1–63. doi:10.1017/S0140525X24000013

International Journal article  

Kolberg, L. , de Carvalho, A., Babineau, M., Havron, N., Fiévet, A., Abaurre, B. & Christophe, A. (2021). "The tiger is hitting! the duck too!" 3-year-olds can use prosodic information to constrain their interpretation of ellipsis. Cognition, 104626. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104626

International Journal article  

Ngon, C., Martin, A., Dupoux, E., Cabrol, D., Dutat, M. & Peperkamp, S. (2013). (Non)words, (non)words, (non)words: evidence for a protolexicon during the first year of life. Developmental science, 16(1), 24-34. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2012.01189.x

International Journal article  

Thezenas, J., Salhi, H., Hubsch, C. & De Raeve, M. (2024). [Current issues surrounding Parkinson's disease] Soins; la revue de reference infirmiere, 69(883), 18-21. doi:10.1016/j.soin.2023.12.019

International Journal article  

Rieu, D., Bachoud-Levi, A., Laurent, A., Jurion, E. & Dalla Barba , G. (2006). [French adaptation of the Hopkins Verbal Learning Test] Revue neurologique. doi:10.1016/s0035-3787(06)75069-x

International Journal article  

Sonié, S., Kassai, B., Pirat, E., Masson, S., Bain, P., Robinson, J., Reboul, A., Wicker, B., Chevallier, C., Beaude-Chervet, V., Deleage, M., Charvet, D., Barthélémy, C., Rochet, T., Tatou, M., Arnaud, V. & Manificat, S. (2011). [French version of screening questionnaire for high-functioning autism or Asperger syndrome in adolescent: Autism Spectrum Quotient, Empathy Quotient and Systemizing Quotient. Protocol and questionnaire translation]. Presse medicale (Paris, France : 1983), 40(4 Pt 1), e181-8. doi:10.1016/j.lpm.2010.07.016

International Journal article  

Jardri, R. & Denève, S. (2017). [Jumping-to-conclusions in schizophrenia is mediated by circular inference]. Medecine sciences : M/S, 33(11), 933-935. doi:10.1051/medsci/20173311006

International Journal article  

Thoret, E., Gauriau, C., Andrillon, T., Pressnitzer, D. & Léger, D. (2020). 0293 Sleep Deprivation Affects the Acoustic Properties of Human Speech. Sleep, 43(1), A111. doi:10.1093/sleep/zsaa056.290

International Journal article  

Kim, S., Sodian, B. & Proust, J. (2020). 12- and 24-Month-Old Infants’ Search Behavior Under Informational Uncertainty . Frontiers in Psychology, 11. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00566

International Journal article  

Babineau, M., Shi, R. & Christophe, A. (2020). 14‐month‐olds exploit verbs’ syntactic contexts to build expectations about novel words. Infancy. doi:10.1111/infa.12354

International Journal article  

Havron, N., Babineau, M. & Christophe, A. (2021). 18-month-olds fail to use recent experience to infer the syntactic category of novel words. Developmental Science, 24 (2), e1330. doi:10.1111/desc.13030

International Journal article  

Ribeiro, M., Idbaih, A., Thomas, C., Remy, P., Martin-Duverneuil, N., Samson, Y., Donadieu, J. & Hoang-Xuan, K. (2008). 18F-FDG PET in neurodegenerative Langerhans cell histiocytosis : results and potential interest for an early diagnosis of the disease. Journal of neurology, 255(4), 575-80. doi:10.1007/s00415-008-0751-8