ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Dezecache, G. (2013). La communication émotionnelle ou le jeu des affordances sociales. Santé Mentale, 177, 26-31


Neri, P. (2018). Classification images as descriptive statistics. "Journal of Mathematical Psychology", "82"("1), "26–37"


Vacher, J. , Davila, A., Kohn, A. & Coen-Cagli, R. (2020). Texture Interpolation for Probing Visual Perception. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (Spotlight – top 5%)


Le Coënt, A., Fribourg, L., Vacher, J. & Wisniewski, R. (2020). Probabilistic reachability and control synthesis for stochastic switched systems using the tamed Euler method. Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems, 36, 100860Elsevier. doi:10.1016/j.nahs.2020.100860

Book review  

Nicolas, D. (2011). Review of Pelletier, Jeff (ed.) (2010) Kinds, Things, and Stuff. Language, 87, 3, 650-652. doi:10.1353/lan.2011.0051

Book review  

Nicolas, D. (2014). Review of Oliver, Alex and Smiley, Timothy (2013) Plural Logic. Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews.

Book chapter  

Nicolas, D. (2002). La catégorisation des noms communs : massifs et comptables. Catégorisation et Langage (pp. 29-51).

Book chapter  

Mamassian, P., Landy, M., Maloney, L., Rao, R., Olshausen, B. & Lewicki, M. (2002). Bayesian modelling of visual perception. In R. Rao, B. Olshausen & M. Lewicki (Eds.), Probabilistic Models of the Brain: Perception and Neural Function (pp. 13-36). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press

Book chapter  

Nicolas, D. (2005). Types of degrees and types of event structures. Event arguments: foundations and applications (pp. 277-300).

Book chapter  

Nicolas, D. (2006). Massif / comptable. Sémanticlopédie: dictionnaire de sémantique

Book chapter  

Nicolas, D. (2006). Compositionalité: questions philosophiques. Sémanticlopédie: dictionnaire de sémantique

Book chapter  

Nicolas, D. (2006). Ambiguïté. Sémanticlopédie: dictionnaire de sémantique

Book chapter  

De Brabanter, P., Nicolas, D., Stojanovic, I. & Villanueva Fernandez, N. (2007). Les usages déférentiels. In Bouvier, Alban and Conein, Bernard (Eds.), L'épistémologie sociale. Une théorie sociale de la connaissance (pp. 139-162).Editions de l'EHESS

Book chapter  

Grèzes, J. & Dezecache, G. (2012). Communication émotionnelle: mécanismes cognitifs et cérébraux. In P. Allain, G. Aubin & D. Le Gal (Eds.), Cognition Sociale et NeuropsychologieSolal

Book chapter  

Grèzes, J. & Dezecache, G. (2014). Bases cérébrales et cognitives de la communication émotionnelle. In M. Botbol (Eds.), L'empathie au carrefour des sciences et de la cliniqueJohn Libbey Eurotext

Book chapter  

Asic, T. & Corblin, F. (2014). Telic definties and their prepositions. French and Serbian. In Aguilar-Guevara, Ana, Bert Le Bruyn and Joost Zwarts (Eds.), Weak Referentiality (pp. 183-212).Benjamins

Book chapter  

Dezecache, G., Eskenazi, T. & Grèzes, J. (2016). Emotional Convergence: A Case of Contagion? In Sukhvinder D. Obhi & Emily S. Cross (Eds.), Shared Representations: Sensorimotor Foundations of Social Life (Cambridge University Press ed., pp. 417).

Book chapter  

Giannakidou, A. & Mari, A. (2017). La dimension épistémique du futur : le rôle des adverbes. In Baranzini and de Saussures (Eds.), Le Futur dans les langues RomanesPeter Lang Ag

Book chapter  

Nicolas, D. (2018). The logic of mass expressions. In E. N. Zalta (Eds.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Stanford: The Metaphysics Research Lab Center for the Study of Language and Information Stanford University

Book chapter  

Mari, A. (2018). The French Future : evidentiality and information increase. Evidence for Evidentiality (pp. 199-226). Dordrecht: Benjamins

Book chapter  

Mari, A. (2018). The French Future : evidentiality and information increase. Evidence for Evidentiality (pp. 199-226). Dordrecht: Benjamins

Book chapter  

Chevallier, C. (2019). Theory of mind and autism: Revisiting Baron-Cohen et al.’s Sally-Anne study. In A. Slater and P. Quinn (Eds.), Developmental Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies 2nd edition (pp. 148-163).Sage

Book chapter  

Chevallier, C. (2021). Vivre dans un environnement risqué : quels impacts pour la psychologie ? In Claudia Senik (Eds.), Sociétés en danger (Odile Jacob ed., pp. 197 à 208). Paris: La Découverte. doi:10.3917/dec.senik.2021.01.0197

Edited book  

Nicolas, D. (2002). La distinction entre noms massifs et noms comptables. Leuven: Editions Peeters

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Erdmann, A. , Joseph Wrisley, D., Allen, B. , Brown, C. , Cohen-Bodenes, S., Elsner, M. , Feng, Y. , D Joseph, B. , Joyeux-Prunel, B. & de Marneffe, M. (2019). Practical, Efficient, and Customizable Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition in the Digital Humanities. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North, 2223-2234. doi:10.18653/v1/N19-1231

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Millet, J., Caucheteux, C. , Boubenec, Y., Gramfort, A., Dunbar, E., Pallier, C. & King, J. (2022). Toward a realistic model of speech processing in the brain with self-supervised learning. , Vol. 35: In 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 33428-33443.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Mamassian, P. & Vemuri, B. (1993). ISOPHOTES ON A SMOOTH SURFACE RELATED TO SCENE GEOMETRY. , Vol. 2031: In Geometric Methods in Computer Vision II, 124-133. doi:10.1117/12.146619