nEuro-economics seminar series

Functional antagonisms between ventromedial prefrontal cortext and anterior insula during value-based decisions: insights from intracranial studies

Informations pratiques
13 février 2025

ENS, room



Despite decades of research into the neural circuits and cognitive processes underlying human decision making, it remains difficult to decipher the mechanisms underlying motivational deficits in clinical settings, particularly in severe and drug-resistant neuropsychiatric illnesses. I will focus on epilepsy and on intracranial EEG data-sets recently acquired in the team that revealed crucial functions of the anterior insular cortex (aINS) and of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex (vmPFC) during reinforcement learning, valuation, binary choices or multi-attribute risky decision-making tasks. I will introduce the idea that the aINS and the vmPFC are associated with opponent roles. Finally, I will also discuss emergent use of intracranial stimulation or of invasive brain-computer interfaces to provide more causal tests of the functions of these structures during human choices.

The nEuro-economics seminar is a monthly seminar series organised by the HRL team. Europe-based early career researchers are invited to speak about their research at the crossroads of neuroscience, psychology and economics.