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Chapitre d'ouvrage
Graupner, M. & Gutkin, B. (2012). Dynamical Approaches to understanding cholinergic control of nicotine action pathways in the dopaminergic reward circuits. Computational Neuroscience of Drug Addiction (Springer ed.).Ahmed and Gutkin (eds.)
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Caze, R., Humphries, M. & Gutkin, B. (2013). Dendrites enhance both single neuron and network computation. In Remme et al (eds) (Eds.), Dendritic ComputationSpringer
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Remme, M., Lengyel, M. & Gutkin, B. (2014). Phase Response Methods in Dendritic Dynamics. In Schultheiss et al (eds) (Eds.), Phase Response Cruves in NeuroscienceSpringer
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Gutkin, B. & Stiefel, K. (2014). Cholinergic Neuromodulation of Phase Response Curves. In Schultheiss et al (eds) (Eds.), Phase Response Cruves in NeuroscienceSpringer
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Grèzes, J. & Dezecache, G. (2014). Bases cérébrales et cognitives de la communication émotionnelle. In M. Botbol (Eds.), L'empathie au carrefour des sciences et de la cliniqueJohn Libbey Eurotext
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Remme, M., Lengyel, M. & Gutkin, B. (2015). Trade-off between dendritic democracy and independence in neurons with intrinsic subthreshold membrane potential oscillatio. In Remme et al (eds) (Eds.), Dendritic ComputationSpringer
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Kuznetsov, A. & Gutkin, B. (2015). Dopaminergic cell Models. The Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience (pp. 2958-2965).
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Gutkin, B. (2015). Theta-neurons. In Springer Verlag (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Comptutational Neuroscience (pp. 1034-1042).
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Grèzes, J., Dezecache, G. & Eskenazi, T. (2015). Limbic to Motor Interactions during Social Perception. In Arthur W. Toga (Eds.), Brain Mapping: An Encyclopedic Reference (pp. 1027-1030).Academic Press: Elsevier
Chapitre d'ouvrage
Dezecache, G., Eskenazi, T. & Grèzes, J. (2016). Emotional Convergence: A Case of Contagion? In Sukhvinder D. Obhi & Emily S. Cross (Eds.), Shared Representations: Sensorimotor Foundations of Social Life (Cambridge University Press ed., pp. 417).