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Article dans une revue internationale  

Baumard, N., Safra, L., Martins, M. & Chevallier, C. (2024). Cognitive fossils: using cultural artifacts to reconstruct psychological changes throughout history. Trends in cognitive sciences, 28(2), 172-186. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2023.10.001

Article dans une revue internationale  

Nettle, D., Chevallier, C., De Courson, B., A Johnson, E. , T Johnson, M. & E Pickett, K. (2024). Short-term changes in financial situation have immediate mental health consequences: implications for social policy. Social Policy & Administration, . doi:10.1111/spol.13065

Article dans une revue internationale  

Altay, S., Hacquin, A., Chevallier, C. & Mercier, H. (2023). Information delivered by a chatbot has a positive impact on COVID-19 vaccines attitudes and intentions. Journal of experimental psychology. Applied, 29(1), 52-62. doi:10.1037/xap0000400

Article dans une revue internationale  

Chung, V., Grèzes, J. & Pacherie, E. (2023). Collective Emotion: A Framework for Experimental Research. Emotion Review, 16(1), 28-45. doi:10.1177/17540739231214533

Article dans une revue internationale  

Mus, M., Mercier, H. & Chevallier, C. (2023). Designing an acceptable and fair carbon tax: The role of mental accounting. Plos Climate, 2(10), e0000227. doi:10.1371/journal.pclm.0000227

Article dans une revue internationale  

Lussange, J., Vrizzi, S., Bourgeois-Gironde, S., Palminteri, S. & Gutkin, B. (2022). Stock Price Formation: Precepts from a Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Model. Comput Econ. doi:10.1007/s10614-022-10249-3

Article dans une revue internationale  

Mell, H., Safra, L., Algan, Y., Baumard, N. & Chevallier, C. (2022). Early Life Adversity Is Associated With Diminished Social Trust in Adults. Political Psychology, . doi:10.1111/pops.12756

Article dans une revue internationale  

Chevallier, C., Hacquin, A. & Mercier, H. (2021). COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Shortening the Last Mile. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 25(5), 331–333. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2021.02.002

Article dans une revue internationale  

Jacquet, P., Findling, C., Mell, H., Chevallier, C. & Baumard, N. (2021). Predictive modeling of religiosity, prosociality, and moralizing in 295,000 individuals from European and non-European populations. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications , 8(9). doi:10.1057/s41599-020-00691-9

Article dans une revue internationale  

Lettinga, N., Jacquet, P., Andre, J., Baumard, N. & Chevallier, C. (2021). Environmental adversity is associated with lower investment in collective actions. PLoS ONE , 16(1), e0246591. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0246591

Article dans une revue internationale  

Yesilaltay , S., Hacquin, A., Chevallier, C. & Mercier, H. (2021). Information delivered by a chatbot has a positive impact on COVID-19 vaccines attitudes and intentions. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied. doi:10.1037/xap0000400

Article dans une revue internationale  

Lussange, J., Lazarevich, I. , Bourgeois-Gironde, S., Palminteri, S. & Gutkin, B. (2020). Modelling Stock Markets by Multi-agent Reinforcement Learning. Computational Economics, 57, 113-147. doi:10.1007/s10614-020-10038-w

Article dans une revue internationale  

Rahnev, D., Desender, K., Lee, A., Adler, W., Aguilar-Lleyda, D., Akdoğan, B., Arbuzova, P., Atlas, L., Balcı, F., Bang, J., Bègue, I., Birney, D., Brady, T., Calder-Travis, J., Chetverikov, A., Clark, T., Davranche, K., Denison, R., Dildine, T., Double, K., Duyan, Y., Faivre, N., Fallow, K., Filevich, E., Gajdos, T., Gallagher, R., de Gardelle, V., Gherman, S., Haddara, N., Hainguerlot, M., Hsu, T., Hu, X., Iturrate, I., Jaquiery, M., Kantner, J., Koculak, M., Konishi, M., Koß, C., Kvam, P., Kwok, S., Lebreton, M., Lempert, K., Ming Lo, C., Luo, L., Maniscalco, B., Martin, A., Massoni, S., Matthews, J., Mazancieux, A., Merfeld, D., O'Hora, D., Palser, E., Paulewicz, B., Pereira, M., Peters, C., Philiastides, M., Pfuhl, G., Prieto, F., Rausch, M., Recht, S. , Reyes, G., Rouault, M., Sackur, J., Sadeghi, S., Samaha, J., Seow, T., Shekhar, M., Sherman, M., Siedlecka, M., Skóra, Z., Song, C., Soto, D., Sun, S., Van Boxtel, J., Wang, S., Weidemann, C., Weindel, G., Wierzchoń, M., Xu, X., Ye, Q., Yeon, J., Zou, F. & Zylberberg, A. (2020). The Confidence Database. Nature Human Behaviour, 4, 317–325. doi:10.1038/s41562-019-0813-1

Article dans une revue internationale  

Safra, L., Baumard, N., Wyart, V. & Chevallier, C. (2020). Social motivation is associated with increased weight granted to cooperation-related impressions in face evaluation tasks. PLoS ONE, 15(4), e0230011. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0230011

Article dans une revue internationale  

Safra, L., Chevallier, C., Grèzes, J. & Baumard, N. (2020). Tracking historical changes in trustworthiness using machine learning analyses of facial cues in painting. Nature Communications, 11, 4728. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18566-7

Article dans une revue internationale  

Kriegel, U. (2019). Dignāga’s Argument for the Awareness Principle: An Analytic Refinement. Philosophy East & West , 69, 144-156

Article dans une revue internationale  

Armary, P., Dokic, J. & Sander, E. (2018). The Problem of Context for Similarity: An Insight From Analogical Cognition . Philosophies, 3(4), 39. doi:10.3390/philosophies3040039

Article dans une revue internationale  

Collins, T. & Jacquet, P. (2018). TMS over posterior parietal cortex disrupts trans-saccadic visual stability. Brain stimulation, 11(2), 390-399. doi:10.1016/j.brs.2017.11.019

Article dans une revue internationale  

Dokic, J. (2018). Comments on “Postures of listening” by Victor A. Stoichita and Bernd Brabec de Mori. Terrain. Anthropologie et sciences humaines

Article dans une revue internationale  

Kriegel, U. (2018). Brentano’s Dual-Framing Theory of Consciousness. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 97(1), 79-98. doi:10.1111/phpr.12327

Article dans une revue internationale  

Lussange, J., Belianin, A., Bourgeois-Gironde, S. & Gutkin, B. (2018). A bright future for financial agent-based models. arxiv, nc

Article dans une revue internationale  

Chambon, V., Domenech, P., Jacquet, P., Barbalat, G., Bouton, S., Pacherie, E., Koechlin, E. & Farrer, C. (2017). Neural coding of prior expectations in hierarchical intention inference. Scientific reports, 7(1), 1278. doi:10.1038/s41598-017-01414-y

Article dans une revue internationale  

Dezecache, G., Grèzes, J. & Dahl, C. (2017). The nature and distribution of affiliative behaviour during exposure to mild threat. Royal Society open science, 4(8), 170265. doi:10.1098/rsos.170265

Article dans une revue internationale  

Giustina, A. & Kriegel, U. (2017). Fact-Introspection, Thing-Introspection, and Inner Awareness. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 8(1 ), 143–164

Article dans une revue internationale  

Giustina, A. (2017). Conscious Unity From the Top Down: A Brentanian Approach. The Monist, 100(1 ), 16–37

Article dans une revue internationale  

Kriegel, U. (2017). Brentano’s Evaluative-Attitudinal Account of Will and Emotion. Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger , 142(4), 529-558

Article dans une revue internationale  

Kriegel, U. (2017). Reductive Representationalism and Emotional Phenomenology. Midwest Studies in Philosophy , 41(1), 41-59. doi:10.1111/misp.12072

Article dans une revue internationale  

Mell, H., Safra, L., Baumard, N. & Jacquet, P. (2017). Climate is not a good candidate to account for variations in aggression and violence across space and time. The Behavioral and brain sciences, 40, e91. doi:10.1017/S0140525X16001060

Article dans une revue internationale  

Safra, L., Algan, Y., Tecu, T., Grèzes, J., Baumard, N. & Chevallier, C. (2017). Childhood harshness predicts long-lasting leader preferences. Evolution and Human Behavior, 38(5), 645-651. doi:10.1016/j.evolhumbehav.2017.05.001

Article dans une revue internationale  

Chalk, M., Gutkin, B. & Denève, S. (2016). Neural oscillations as a signature of efficient coding in the presence of synaptic delays. eLife, . doi:10.7554/eLife.13824