ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Article dans une revue internationale  

Mazuka, R., Cao, Y., Dupoux, E. & Christophe, A. (2011 ). The development of a phonological illusion: a cross-linguistic study with Japanese and French infants. Developmental science, 14(4), 693-9. doi:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2010.01015.x

Article dans une revue internationale  

Giavazzi, M., Daland, R., Palminteri, S., Peperkamp, S., Brugières, P., Jacquemot, C., Schramm, C., Cleret de Langavant, L. & Bachoud-Levi, A. (2018 ). The role of the striatum in linguistic selection: Evidence from Huntington’s disease and computational modeling. Cortex, 109, 189-204. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2018.08.031

Article dans une revue internationale  

Lefebvre, G., Nioche, A., Bourgeois-Gironde, S. & Palminteri, S. (2018). Contrasting temporal difference and opportunity cost reinforcement learning in an empirical money-emergence paradigm. PNAS, 115(49), E11446-E11454. doi:10.1073/pnas.1813197115

Article dans une revue internationale  

Schatz, T., Bach, F. & Dupoux, E. (2018). Evaluating automatic speech recognition systems as quantitative models of cross-lingual phonetic category perception. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 143(5), EL372. doi:10.1121/1.5037615

Article dans une revue internationale  

Dupoux, E. (2015). Category Learning: Top-Down Effects Are Not Unique to Humans. Current biology : CB, 25(16), R718-20. doi:10.1016/j.cub.2015.06.065

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Thual, A., Dancette, C., Karadayi, J., Benjumea, J. & Dupoux, E. (2018). A K-nearest neighbours approach to unsupervised spoken term discovery. In EEE Spoken Language Technology SLT-2018.

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Holzenberger, N., Du, M., Karadayi, J., Riad, R. & Dupoux, E. (2018). Learning Word Embeddings: Unsupervised Methods for Fixed-size Representations of Variable-length Speech Segments. In Interspeech 2018. doi:10.21437/Interspeech.2018-2364

Article dans une revue internationale  

Guevara Rukoz, A., Cristia, A., Ludusan, B., Thiollière, R., Martin, A., Mazuka, R. & Dupoux, E. (2018). Are Words Easier to Learn From Infant- Than Adult-Directed Speech? A Quantitative Corpus-Based Investigation. Cognitive Science, 42(5), 1586 - 1617. doi:10.1111/cogs.12616

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Riad, R., Dancette, C., Karadayi, J., Zeghidour, N., Schatz, T. & Dupoux, E. (2018). Sampling strategies in Siamese Networks for unsupervised speech representation learning. In Interspeech 2018.

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Zeghidour, N., Usunier, N., Kokkinos, I., Schatz, T., Synnaeve, G. & Dupoux, E. (2018). Learning Filterbanks from Raw Speech for Phoneme Recognition. In ICASSP 2018 - IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing.

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Cao, X., Dakhlia, C., Del Carmen, P., Jaouani, M., Ould-Arbi, M. & Dupoux, E. (2018). Baby Cloud, a technological platform for parents and researchers. In LREC 2018 - 11th edition of the Language Resources and Evaluation Conference.

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Zeghidour, N., Usunier, N., Synnaeve, G., Collobert, R. & Dupoux, E. (2018). End-to-End Speech Recognition From the Raw Waveform. In Interspeech 2018. doi:10.21437/Interspeech.2018-2414

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Ondel, L., Godard, P., Besacier, L., Larsen, E., Hasegawa-Johnson, M., Scharenborg, O., Dupoux, E., Burget, L., Yvon, F. & Khudanpur, S. (2018). Bayesian Models For Unit Discovery On a Very Low Resource Language. In IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP).

Article dans une revue internationale  

Gvozdic, K., Moutier, S., Dupoux, E. & Buon, M. (2016). Priming Children’s Use of Intentions in Moral Judgement with Metacognitive Training . Frontiers in Psychology, 7

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Défossez, A., Zeghidour, N., Usunier, N., Bottou, L. & Bach, F. (2018). SING: Symbol-to-Instrument Neural Generator. In Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), Dec 2018, Montréal, Canada.

Article dans une revue internationale  

Kriegel, U. (2019). Dignāga’s Argument for the Awareness Principle: An Analytic Refinement. Philosophy East & West , 69, 144-156

Article dans une revue internationale  

Kriegel, U. (2018). Brentano’s Dual-Framing Theory of Consciousness. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 97(1), 79-98. doi:10.1111/phpr.12327

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Kriegel, U. (2019). The Perception/Cognition Divide: One More Time, with Feeling. In C. Limbeck-Lilienau and F. Stadler (Eds.), he Philosophy of Perception and Observation Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Kriegel, U. (2018). Belief-that and Belief-in: Which Reductive Analysis? Non-Propositional Intentionality (pp. 192-213). New York: Oxford University Press

Article dans une revue internationale  

Armary, P., Dokic, J. & Sander, E. (2018). The Problem of Context for Similarity: An Insight From Analogical Cognition . Philosophies, 3(4), 39. doi:10.3390/philosophies3040039

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Arcangeli, M. & Dokic, J. (2018). Affective Memory: A Little Help From Our Imagination. In K. Michaelian, D. Debus, D. Perrin (Eds.), New Directions in the Philosophy of Memory, (pp. 139–157).Routledge,

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Dokic & Pascal Engel, J. (2018). Visual Awareness and Visual Appearances. A Dual View. In F. Dorsch & F. Macpherson (Eds.), Phenomenal Presence (pp. 181-198). Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780199666416.003.0008

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Arcangeli, M., Sperduti, C. & Dokic, J. (2018). The beautiful, the sublime and the self. In F. Cova et S. Réhault (Eds.), Advances in Experimental Philosophy of Aesthetics (pp. 175-196).Bloomsbury

Article dans une revue internationale  

Dokic, J. (2018). Comments on “Postures of listening” by Victor A. Stoichita and Bernd Brabec de Mori. Terrain. Anthropologie et sciences humaines

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Dokic, J. (2018). The Role of Noetic Feelings in Sensory Substitution. In F. Macpherson (Eds.), Sensory Substitution and Augmentation, Proceedings of the British Academy Oxford University Press

Article dans une revue internationale  

O'Madagain, C., Kachel , G. & Strickland, B. (2019). The Origin of Pointing: Evidence for the Touch Hypothesis. Science Advances, 5(7), eaav2558. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aav2558

Article dans une revue internationale  

Chambon, V., Thero, H., Findling, C. & Koechlin, E. (2018). Believing in one's power: a counterfactual heuristic for goal-directed control. bioRxiv, 498675. doi:10.1101/498675

Article dans une revue internationale  

Rouault, M., Drugowitsch, J. & Koechlin, E. (2019). Prefrontal mechanisms combining rewards and beliefs in human decision-making. Nature Communications, 10, 301. doi:10.1038/s41467-018-08121-w

Article dans une revue internationale  

Sidarus, N., Palminteri, S. & Chambon, V. (2018). Trading off the cost of conflict against expected rewards. Plos Computational Biology, 42809. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007326

Article dans une revue internationale  

O'Madagain, C., Kachel , G. & Strickland, B. (2019). The origin of pointing: Evidence for the touch hypothesis. Science Advances, 5(7), eaav2558. doi:10.1126/sciadv.aav2558