ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Article dans une revue nationale  

Proust, J. (2021). Le naturalisme philosophique et les sciences. Raison présente, 219, 53-63. doi:10.3917/rpre.219.0053

Article dans une revue nationale  

Nicolas, D. (2004). Is there anything characteristic about the meaning of a count noun? Revue de la Lexicologie, 18-19, 125-138

Article dans une revue nationale  

Nicolas, D. (2002). Do mass nouns constitute a semantically uniform class? Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics, 26, 113-121. doi:10.17161/KWPL.1808.591

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Origgi, G. (2021). Ground Zero. The Triangle of Humiliation. In Yale Political Theory Seminar, Yale, United States.

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Chiril, P. , Moriceau, V. , Benamara, F. , Origgi, G., Coulomb-Gully, M. & Mari, A. (2020). He said “who’s gonna take care of your children when you are at ACL?”: Reported Sexist Acts are Not Sexist. In 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020, France, 4055-4066. doi:10.18653/v1/2020.acl-main.373

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Feest, U. , Bouvier, A., Henderson, D. , Kaldis , B., Montuschi , E., Risjord, M. , Roth, P., Zahle , J. & Zamora-Bonilla, J. (2019). Special Issue (Part I) , Vol. 49: In Joint Session of the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS) and the Roundtable on Philosophy of the Social Sciences , Hannover.

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Feest, U. , Bouvier, A., Henderson, D. , Kaldis , B., Montuschi , E., Risjord, M. , Roth, P., Zahle , J. & Zamora-Bonilla, J. (2019). Special Issue (Part II) In Joint Session of the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS) and the Roundtable on Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Hannover.

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Mari, A. (2016). Actuality entailments: when the modality is in the presupposition. In Amblard M., de Groote P., Pogodalla S., Retoré C. (Eds.), Vol. 10054: In Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics. Celebrating 20 Years of LACL (1996–2016), Dordrecht: Springer Verlag, 191-210. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-53826-5_12

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Nicolas, D. (2007). Mass nouns and plural logic (extended abstract) In Proceedings of the 16th Amsterdam Colloquium, 163-168.

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Stojanovic, I., De Brabanter, P., Nicolas, D. & Villanueva, N. (2005). Deferential Utterances. In Casati, R. and Origgi, G. (Eds.), In Referring to Objects, Interdisciplines.org., 4-19.

Acte de conférence expertisé  

Nicolas, D. (2004). The semantics of nouns derived from gradable adjectives. In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 8, 197-207.


Origgi, G. (2018). https://www.openaire.eu.


Origgi, G. (2018). South, Status and Knowledge: Epistemic Dominance and Forms of Epistemic Injustice.


Lussange, J., Belianin, A., Bourgeois-Gironde, S. & Gutkin, B. (2017). A bright future for financial agent-based models. arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.08222


Bouvier, A. (2009). Joint Commitment, Coercion and Freedom in Science : Conceptual Analysis and Case Studies. , 143–61