ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Icard, B., Claveau, V. , Egré, P. & Atemezing, G. (2023). Un traitement hybride du vague textuel : du système expert VAGO à son clone neuronal. In 18e Conférence en Recherche d'Information et Applications -- 16e Rencontres Jeunes Chercheurs en RI -- 30e Conférence sur le Traitement Automatique des Langues Naturelles -- 25e Rencontre des Étudiants Chercheurs en Informatique pour le Traitement Automat, 151-163.

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Icard, B., Claveau, V. , Atemezing, G. & Egré, P. (2023). Measuring Vagueness and Subjectivity in Texts: From Symbolic to Neural VAGO. In 2023 IEEE/WIC International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology (WI-IAT), Venice, Italy, 395-401. doi:10.1109/WI-IAT59888.2023.00065

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Radushev, D. , Dogonasheva, O., Gutkin, B. & Zakharov, D. (2023). Chimera states in a ring of non-locally connected interneurons. In 7th Scientific School Dynamics of Complex Networks and their Applications (DCNA), Kaliningrad, Russian Federation, 229-232. doi:10.1109/DCNA59899.2023.10290318

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Dogonasheva, O., Gutkin, B. & Zakharov, D. (2021). Calculation of travelling chimera speeds for dynamical systems with ring topologies. In 5th Scientific School Dynamics of Complex Networks and their Applications (DCNA), 61-64. doi:10.1109/DCNA53427.2021.9586903

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Zakharov, D., Dogonasheva, O. & Gutkin, B. (2021). Bistability of globally synchronous and chimera states in a ring of phase oscillators coupled by a cosine kernel. In 2021 5th Scientific School Dynamics of Complex Networks and their Applications (DCNA), 211-214. doi:10.1109/DCNA53427.2021.9586968

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Berthet, M., Benjumea, J., Millet, J., Cäsar, C., Zuberbühler, K. & Dunbar, E. (2020). Can emotional communication be semantically rich? The case of titi monkeys. In “An integrative approach to the study of language evolution: Re-drawing the boundaries of language”. Workshop at the Evolang XIII, Brussels, Belgium.

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Zakharov, D., Dogonasheva, O. & Gutkin, B. (2020). Role of Pyramidal Cell M-current in Weak Pyramidal/Interneuronal Gamma Cluster Formation. In 2020 4th Scientific School on Dynamics of Complex Networks and their Application in Intellectual Robotics (DCNAIR), Innopolis, Russia, IEEE. doi:10.1109/DCNAIR50402.2020.9216942

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Anvari, A., Maldonado, M. & Soria Ruiz, A. (2019). The Puzzle of Reflexive Belief Construction in Spanish. In Espinal, M. T.; Castroviejo, E.; Leonetti, M.; McNally, L.; and Real-Puigdollers, C. (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 23rd Sinn und Bedeutung Conference, 57–74.

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Bourgeois-Gironde, S., Mari, A., Nicolas, D. & Blunier, D. (2019). Grammatical mood and ambiguity aversion. In Proceedings of 10th International Conference of Experimental Linguistics, Lisbon, Portugal, 33-36. doi:10.36505/ExLing-2019/10/0008/000370

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Castro, V. , Clodic, A., Alami, R. & Pacherie, E. (2019). Commitments in Human-Robot Interaction. In AI-HRI 2019 Proceedings. AAAI Fall Symposium Series.

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Wilcox, E. & Spector, B. (2019). The Role of Prior Beliefs in The Rational Speech Act Model of Pragmatics: Exhaustivity as a Case Study. In CogSci, 3099-3105.

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Spector, B. (2017). The pragmatics of plural predication: Homogeneity and Non-Maximality within the Rational Speech Act Model. In Cremers, Alexandre and Thom van Gessel and Floris Roelofsen (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 21st Amsterdam Colloquium, 435–444.

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Spector, B. (2015). Presupposed ignorance and exhaustification. In Eva Csipak & Hedde Zeijlstra (Eds.), In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 19, Gottingen, Germany, 608-620.

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Caze, R., Humphries, M., Gutkin, B. & Schultz, S. (2013). A difficult classification for neurons without dendrites. In Neural Engineering (NER), 2013 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on, San Diego, CA, USA, IEEE, 215-218. doi:10.1109/NER.2013.6695910

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Chemla, E. & Spector, B. (2010 ). Experimental Detection of Embedded Implicatures. In Aloni, Maria and Bastiaanse, Harald and de Jager, Tikitu and Schulz, Katrin (Eds.), In Logic, Language and Meaning: 17th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 53–62. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14287-1_6

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Mayr, C. & Spector, B. (2010). Not too strong! Generalizing the scope economy condition. In Prinzhorn, Martin, Viola Schmitt and Sarah Zobel (Eds.), In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 14.

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Abrusan, M. & Spector, B. (2008). An Interval-Based Semantics for Degree Questions: Negative Islands and Their Obviation. In Abner, Natasha and Jason Bishop (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 17-26.

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Spector, B. (2007). Modalized Questions and Exhaustivity. , Vol. 17: In Semantics and linguistics theory, Linguistic Society of America, 282. doi:10.3765/salt.v17i0.2962

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Matushansky, O. & Spector, B. (2004). Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy. In Maier, Emar and Corien Bary and Janneke Huitink (Eds.), In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 9, Maier, Emar and Corien Bary and Janneke Huitink, 241–255.

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Spector, B. (2004). Distributivity and specific indefinites. In Sylvia Blaho, Luis Vicente and Mark de Vos (Eds.), In Proceedings of ConSOLE XII, Sylvia Blaho, Luis Vicente and Mark de Vos.

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Spector, B. (2004). Pseudo weak crossover in French relative clauses and global economy. In Olivier Crouzet, Hamida Demirdache, Sophie Wauquier (Eds.), In Actes des Journées d'études linguistiques 2004, Université de Nantes.

Acte de conférence non expertisé  

Spector, B. (2003). Plural Indefinite {DPs} as Plural-Polarity Items. In Josep Quer, Jan Schroten, Mauro Scorretti, Petra Sleeman and Els Verheugd (Eds.), In Selected papers from Going Romance, Amsterdam, 8 December 2001, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 295–313. doi:10.1075/cilt.245.18spe

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Arcangeli, M. (2024). Self-knowledge of Imagining and the Transparency Proposal. In Vendrell Ferran & C. Werner (Eds.), Imagination and Experience. Philosophical ExplorationsRoutledge. doi:10.4324/9781003366898

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Egré, P. (2023). Croire le vrai, éviter l'erreur. In Jean-Marie Chevalier; Benoit Gaultier. (Eds.), Croire le vrai, éviter l'erreur

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Egré, P., Rossi, L. & Sprenger, J. (2023). Gibbardian Collapse and Trivalent Conditionals. In S., Over, D.E., Sharma, G (Eds.), Conditionals. Palgrave Studies in Pragmatics, Language and Cognition (Palgrave Macmillan, Cham ed.). doi:10.1007/978-3-031-05682-6_3

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Falck, A., Strickland, B. & Jacob, P. (2022). Social Cognition and Moral Evaluation in Early Human Childhood. In O. Houdé & G. Borst (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Development (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ed., pp. 269-298). doi:10.1017/9781108399838.016

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Pacherie, E. & Castro, V. (2022). Robots and Resentment: Commitments, recognition and social motivation in HRI. Emotional Machines. Perspectives from Affective Computing and Emotional Human-Machine InteractionSpringer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Casati, R. (2021). Shadows in the Moment. Liddy Scheffknecht – Points in Time (pp. 161-164).De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783110769562-010

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Casati, R. (2021). Im Moment des Schattens. Liddy Scheffknecht – Points in Time,De Gruyter,. doi:10.1515/9783110769562-005

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Chevallier, C. (2021). Vivre dans un environnement risqué : quels impacts pour la psychologie ? In Claudia Senik (Eds.), Sociétés en danger (Odile Jacob ed., pp. 197 à 208). Paris: La Découverte. doi:10.3917/dec.senik.2021.01.0197