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Article dans une revue internationale  

XIAO, H., Strickland, B. & Peperkamp, S. (2022). How fair is gender-fair language? Insights from gender ratio estimations in French. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, . doi:10.1177/0261927X221084643

Article dans une revue internationale  

Narbona Sabaté, L. , Mesbahi, G. , Dezecache, G., Cäsar, C., Zuberbühler, K. & Berthet, M. (2022). Animal linguistics in the making: the Urgency Principle and titi monkeys’ alarm system. Ethology Ecology & Evolution , . doi:10.1080/03949370.2021.2015452

Article dans une revue internationale  

Liu, S. , Wei, W. , Chen, Y. , Peyre, H. & Zhao, J. (2021). Visual–Spatial Ability Predicts Academic Achievement Through Arithmetic and Reading Abilities. Front. Psychol. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.591308

Article dans une revue nationale  

Ramus, F., Di Folco , C. , Guez, A. & Peyre, H. (2021). Epidémiologie des troubles de la lecture en France : une comparaison du DSM-5 et de la CIM-11. Approche neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l'enfant, 175, 639-649

Article dans une revue internationale  

Williams, C., Peyre, H., Toro, R. & Ramus, F. (2022). Comparing brain asymmetries independently of brain size. NeuroImage, 254, 119118. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119118

Article dans une revue internationale  

Liu, Y., De Schotten, M. , Altarelli, I., Ramus, F. & Zhao, J. (2022). Neural dissociation of visual attention span and phonological deficits in developmental dyslexia: A hub-based white matter network analysis. Human Brain Mapping, 43(17). doi:10.1002/hbm.25997

Article dans une revue internationale  

Kuhn, J., Sheng, H. & Schlenker, P. (2021). Timelines and Temporal Pointing in Chinese Sign Language. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 6(1), 133. doi:10.16995/glossa.5836

Article dans une revue internationale  

Mascarenhas, S. (2021). A Note on the Cardinalities of Sets of Scalar Alternatives . Journal of Semantics, 38(3), 473–482. doi:10.1093/jos/ffab011

Article dans une revue internationale  

Sablé{-}meyer, M. & Mascarenhas, S. (2021). Indirect Illusory Inferences From Disjunction: A New Bridge Between Deductive Inference and Representativeness . Review of Philosophy and Psychology, ., 1–26. doi:10.1007/s13164-021-00543-8

Article dans une revue internationale  

Schlenker, P. (2021). Triggering Presuppositions. Glossa, 6(1), 35. doi:10.5334/gjgl.1352

Article dans une revue internationale  

Schlenker, P. (2021). Musical meaning within Super Semantics. Linguistics and Philosophy , 45, 795–872. doi:10.1007/s10988-021-09329-8

Article dans une revue internationale  

Schlenker, P. & Lamberton, J. (2021). Focus and Intensification in the Semantics of Brow Raise. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 6(1), 102. doi:10.16995/glossa.5706

Article dans une revue internationale  

Schlenker, P. & Lamberton, J. (2021). Meaningful Blurs: the Sources of Repetition-based Plurals in ASL. Linguistics and Philosophy, 45, 201-264. doi:10.1007/s10988-020-09312-9

Article dans une revue internationale  

Schlenker, P. (2021). Non-local Attachment of Clauses: Evidence from ASL. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 39(4), 1-36. doi:10.1007/s11049-020-09486-8

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Falck, A., Strickland, B. & Jacob, P. (2022). Social Cognition and Moral Evaluation in Early Human Childhood. In O. Houdé & G. Borst (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Development (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ed., pp. 269-298). doi:10.1017/9781108399838.016

Article dans une revue internationale  

Van Bavel, J. , Cichocka, A., Capraro, V., Sjåstad, H., Nezlek, J., Pavlović, T., Alfano, M., Gelfand, M., Azevedo, F., Birtel, M., Cislak, A., Lockwood, P., Ross, R., Abts, K., Agadullina, E., Aruta, J. , Besharati, S. , Bor, A., Choma, B. , Crabtree, C. , Cunningham, W. , De, K., Ejaz, W., Elbaek, C. , Findor, A., Flichtentrei, D., Franc, R., Gjoneska, B., Gruber, J., Gualda, E., Horiuchi, y., Huynh, T. , Ibanez, A., Imran, M. , Israelashvili, J., Jasko, K., Kantorowicz, J., Kantorowicz-Reznichenko, E., Krouwel, A., Laakasuo, M., Lamm, C., Leygue, C., Lin, M., Mansoor, M. , Marie, A. , Mayiwar, L., Mazepus, H., Mchugh, C., Minda, J. , Mitkidis, P., Olsson, A., Otterbring, T., Packer, D. , Perry, A., Petersen, M. , Puthillam, A., Riaño-Moreno, J. , Rothmund, T., Santamaría-García, H., Schmid, P. , Stoyanov, D., Tewari, S., Todosijević, B., Tsakiris , M., Tung, H., Umbreș, R. , Vanags, E., Vlasceanu, M., Vonasch, A., Yucel, M., Zhang, Y., Abad, M., Adler, E., Akrawi, N., Mdarhri, H. , Amara, H., Amodio, D. , Antazo, B. , Apps, M., Ay, F. , Ba, M. , Bai, X., Baquiano, M. , Barbosa, S., Bastian, B., Belleza, D. , Berg, A., Bernal-Zárate, M. , Bernstein, M., Białek, M., Bilancini, E., Bogatyreva, N., Boncinelli, L., Booth, J. , Borau, S., Buchel, O., Cameron, D., Carvalho, C. , Celadin, T., Cerami, C., Chalise, H. , Cheng, X., Cian, L., Cockcroft, K., Conway, J., Córdoba-Delgado, M. , Crespi, C., Crouzevialle, M., Cutler, J., Cypryańska, M., Dabrowska, J., Daniels, M. , Davis, V. , Dayley, P. , Delouvee, S., Denkovski, O., Dezecache, G., Dhaliwal, N. , Diato, A. , Paolo, R. , Drosinou, M., Dulleck, U., Ekmanis, J., Ertan, A. , Farkhari, T. , Farmer, H., Fenwick, A., Fidanovski, K., Flew, T., Fraser, S., Frempong, R. , Fugelsang, J. , Gale, J., Garcia-Navarro, E. , Garladinne, P., Ghajjou, O., Gkinopoulos, T., Gray, K., Griffin, S. , Gronfeldt, B., Gümren, M., Gurung, R., Halperin, E., Harris, E., Herzon, V., Hruška, M., Huang, G. , Hudecek, M. , Isler, O., Jangard, S., Jørgensen, F. , Kachanoff, F., Kahn, J., Dangol, A. , Keudel, L., Koppel, L., Koverola, M., Kubin, E., Kunnari, A., Kutiyski, y., Labor, P. , Laguna, O., Leota, J., Lermer, E., Levy, J., Levy, N., Li, C., Long, E. , Longoni, C., Maglić, M., Mccashin, D., Metcalf, A. , Mikloušić, I., Mimouni, S. , Miura, A., Molina-Paredes, J., Monroy-Fonseca, C., Morales-Marente, E., Moreau, D., Muda, R., Myer, A., Nash, K., Nesh-Nash, T., Nitschke, J. , Nurse, M. , Ohtsubo, y., Mello, V. , O'Madagain, C., Onderco, M., Palacios-Galvez, M. , Palomäki, J., Pan, y., Papp, Z., Pärnamets, P., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Pavlović, Z., Gómez, C. , Perander, S., Pitman, M. , Prasad, R., Pyrkosz-Pacyna, J., Rathje, S., Raza, A., Rêgo, G. , Rhee, K., Robertson, C. , Rodríguez-Pascual, I., Saikkonen, T., Salvador-Ginez, O., Sampaio, W. , Santi, G. , Santiago-Tovar, N., Savage, D., Scheffer, J. , Schönegger, P., Schultner, D. , Schutte, E. , Scott, A., Sharma, M., Sharma, P., Skali, A., Stadelmann, D., Stafford, C. , Stanojević, D., Stefaniak, A., Sternisko, A., Stoica, C. , Stoyanova, K. , Strickland, B., Sundvall, J., Thomas, J. , Tinghög, G., Torgler, B., Traast, I. , Tucciarelli, R., Tyrala, M., Ungson, N. , Uysal, M. , Lange, P. , Prooijen, J. , Rooy, D. , Västfjäll, D., Verkoeijen, P., Vieira, J. , Sikorski, C. , Walker, A. , Watermeyer, J., Wetter, E., Whillans, A., Willardt, R., Wohl, M. , Wójcik, A. , Wu, K., Yamada, y., Yilmaz, O., Yogeeswaran, K., Ziemer, C., Zwaan, R. & Boggio, P. (2022). National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic: Results from 67 nations. Nature Communications, 13(1), 517. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-27668-9

Article dans une revue internationale  

Cova, F., Strickland, B., Abatista, A., Allard, A. , Andow, J., Attie, M., Beebe, J., Berniūnas, R., Boudesseul, J., Colombo, M., Cushman, F., Diaz, R., N’djaye Nikolai Van Dongen, N., Dranseika, V., Earp, B., Torres, A. , Hannikainen, I., Hernández-Conde, J., Hu, W., Jaquet, F., Khalifa, K., Kim, H., Kneer, M., Knobe, J., Kurthy, M., Lantian, A., Liao, S., Machery, E., Moerenhout, T., Mott, C., Phelan, M., Phillips, J., Rambharose, N., Reuter, K., Romero, F., Sousa, P., Sprenger, J. , Thalabard, E., Tobia, K., Viciana, H. , Wilkenfeld, D. & Zhou, X. (2021). Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 12(1), 9-44. doi:10.1007/s13164-018-0400-9

Article dans une revue internationale  

Falck, A. & Strickland, B. (2021). Gaze following and mental state attribution: the agent’s line of sight moderates the gaze cueing effect. Journal of Vision, 21(9), 2569-2569. doi:10.1167/jov.21.9.2569

Article dans une revue internationale  

Bai, D., Falck, A. & Strickland, B. (2021). The adult visual system resists learning continuity violations. Journal of vision, 21, 2590. doi:10.1167/jov.21.9.2590

Article dans une revue internationale  

Eising, E. , Mirza-Schreiber, N. , de Zeeuw, E. , ..., .., Ramus, F. & (Et Al), . (2022). Genome-wide analyses of individual differences in quantitatively assessed reading- and language-related skills in up to 34,000 people. PNAS, 19(35), e2202764119. doi:10.1073/pnas.2202764119

Article dans une revue internationale  

Doust, C., Fontanillas, P., Eising, E. , D Gordon, S., Wang, Z., Alagöz, G., Molz, B., Research Team, 2., Ramus, F., St Pourcain, B., Francks, C., E Marioni, R., Zhao, J., Paracchini, S., B Talcott, J., P Monaco, A., F Stein, J., R Gruen, J., K Olson, R., G Willcutt, E., C Defries, J., F Pennington, B., D Smith, S., J Wright, M., G Martin, N., Auton, A., C Bates, T., E Fisher, S. & Luciano, M. (2022). Discovery of 42 genome-wide significant loci associated with dyslexia. Nature genetics, 54(11), 1621-1629. doi:10.1038/s41588-022-01192-y

Article dans une revue internationale  

Zhao, J., Song, Z., Zhao, Y., Thiebaut De Schotten, M., Altarelli, I. & Ramus, F. (2022). White matter connectivity in uncinate fasciculus accounts for visual attention span in developmental dyslexia. Neuropsychologia, 177, 108414. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108414

Article dans une revue internationale  

Williams, C., Peyre, H., Labouret, G., Fassaya, J., Guzmán García, A., Gauvrit, N. & Ramus, F. (2023). High Intelligence is Not Associated with a Greater Propensity for Mental Health Disorders. European Psychiatry, 66(1), e3. doi:10.1192/j.eurpsy.2022.2343

Article dans une revue internationale  

Ramus, F. (2023). Cognitive traits are more appropriate for genetic analysis than social outcomes. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46, e224

Article dans une revue internationale  

M Price, K., G Wigg, K., Eising, E. , Feng, Y. , Blokland, K., Wilkinson, M., N Kerr, E., L Guger, S., Trait Working Group Of The Genlang Consortium, Q., Ramus, F., E Fisher, S., W Lovett, M., J Strug, L. & L Barr, C. (2022). Hypothesis-driven genome-wide association studies provide novel insights into genetics of reading disabilities. Translational psychiatry, 12(495), 1-9. doi:10.1038/s41398-022-02250-z

Article dans une revue internationale  

Williams, C., Peyre, H. & Ramus, F. (2023). Brain volumes, thicknesses, and surface areas as mediators of genetic factors and childhood adversity on intelligence. Cerebral cortex, 33, 5885–5895. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhac468

Article dans une revue internationale  

Schlenker, P., Coye, C. , Steinert{-}threlkeld, S., Klinedinst, N. & Chemla, E. (2022). Beyond Anthropocentrism in Comparative Cognition: Recentering Animal Linguistics. Cognitive Science, 46(12), e13220 . doi:10.1111/cogs.13220

Article dans une revue internationale  

Williams, C., Labouret, G., Wolfram, T., Peyre, H. & Ramus, F. (2023). A General Cognitive Ability Factor for the UK Biobank. Behavior genetics, 53(2), 85-100. doi:10.1007/s10519-022-10127-6

Article dans une revue internationale  

Loza, E. , Amsellem, F., Zalla, T., Cartigny, A. , Leboyer, M., Delorme, R., Ramus, F. & Forgeot D'Arc, B. (2023). A mind-reading puzzle: Autistic people are more efficient at a theory-of-mind task. Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, 101, 102105. doi:10.1016/j.rasd.2023.102105

Article dans une revue internationale  

Bai, D. & Strickland, B. (2023). The Pulfrich solidity illusion: a surprising demonstration of the visual system’s tolerance of solidity violations. Psychon Bull Rev. doi:10.3758/s13423-023-02271-9