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Article dans une revue internationale  

Holgado, M. & Castro, V. (2020). The Social Cover View: a Non-epistemic Approach to Mindreading. Philosophia, 48, 483–505. doi:10.1007/s11406-019-00096-2

Article dans une revue internationale  

Pacherie, E. (2007). The Sense of Control and the Sense of Agency. PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness, 13, 1–30

Article dans une revue internationale  

Grynszpan, O. , Sahai, A., Hamidi, N. , Pacherie, E., Berberian, B. , Roche, L. & Saint-Bauzel, L. (2019). The sense of agency in human-human vs human-robot joint action. Consciousness and Cognition, 27, 102820. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2019.102820

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Schlenker, P. (2016). The Semantics/Pragmatics Interface. In Aloni, Maria and Dekker, Paul (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Formal Semantics (pp. 664-727). doi:10.1017/CBO9781139236157.023

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Dokic, J. (2018). The Role of Noetic Feelings in Sensory Substitution. In F. Macpherson (Eds.), Sensory Substitution and Augmentation, Proceedings of the British Academy Oxford University Press

Article dans une revue internationale  

Pacherie, E. (2002). The Role of Emotions in the Explanation of Action. European Review of Philosophy , 5, 53–92

Article dans une revue internationale  

Vantrepotte, Q., Chambon, V. & Berberian, B. (2023). The reliability of assistance systems modulates the sense of control and acceptability of human operators. Scientific reports, 13(1), 14410. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-41253-8

Article dans une revue internationale  

Bai, D. & Strickland, B. (2023). The Pulfrich solidity illusion: a surprising demonstration of the visual system’s tolerance of solidity violations. Psychon Bull Rev. doi:10.3758/s13423-023-02271-9

Article dans une revue internationale  

Schlenker, P. (2011). The Proviso Problem: A Note. Natural Language Semantics, 19(4), 395–422 . doi:10.1007/s11050-011-9072-z

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Schlenker, P. (2014). The Property Paradox in (not so) Plain English. Approaches to Meaning. Composition, Values, and Interpretation (pp. 203-219).

Article dans une revue internationale  

Armary, P., Dokic, J. & Sander, E. (2018). The Problem of Context for Similarity: An Insight From Analogical Cognition . Philosophies, 3(4), 39. doi:10.3390/philosophies3040039

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Pacherie, E. (2012). The Phenomenology of Joint Action: Self-Agency Vs. Joint-Agency . (pp. 343-389).

Article dans une revue internationale  

Dewey, J., Pacherie, E. & Knoblich, G. (2014). The phenomenology of controlling a moving object with another person. Cognition, 132(3), 383-97. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2014.05.002

Article dans une revue internationale  

Pacherie, E. (2008). The phenomenology of action: a conceptual framework. Cognition, 107(1), 179-217. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2007.09.003

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

Kriegel, U. (2019). The Perception/Cognition Divide: One More Time, with Feeling. In C. Limbeck-Lilienau and F. Stadler (Eds.), he Philosophy of Perception and Observation Berlin and Boston: De Gruyter

Article dans une revue internationale  

Dezecache, G., Grèzes, J. & Dahl, C. (2017). The nature and distribution of affiliative behaviour during exposure to mild threat. Royal Society open science, 4(8), 170265. doi:10.1098/rsos.170265

Article dans une revue internationale  

Fernandez-Velasco, P. & Casati, R. (2020). The many faces of disorientation: a response to Daniel R. Montello. Spatial Cognition & Computation , 20(4), 314-327. doi:10.1080/13875868.2020.1772267

Article dans une revue internationale  

Checchetto, A., Geraci, C., Cecchetto, C. & Zucchi, S. (2018). The language instinct in extreme circumstances: The transition to tactile Italian Sign Language ( LISt ) by Deafblind signers. Glossa, 3(1)

Article dans une revue internationale  

E. Santos, P. , Cabalar, P. & Casati, R. (2019). The knowledge of knots: an interdisciplinary literature review. Spatial Cognition & Computation , 19(4), 334-358. doi:10.1080/13875868.2019.1667998

Article dans une revue internationale  

Fisher, M., Knobe, J., Strickland, B. & Keil, F. (2017). The Influence of Social Interaction on Intuitions of Objectivity and Subjectivity. Cognitive science, 41(4), 1119-1134. doi:10.1111/cogs.12380

Article dans une revue internationale  

Cohen, A. , Bourgeois-Gironde, S. & Pollack, Y. (2020). The impact of intrinsic and extrinsic features on delay discounting. Memory & Cognition, 49, 380-388. doi:10.3758/s13421-020-01088-4

Chapitre d'ouvrage  

de Vignemont, F. (2018). The first-person in pain. In Bain, D., Brady, M., Corns, J. (Eds.), Philosophy of Pain: Unpleasantness, Emotion, and DevianceRoutledge

Article dans une revue internationale  

Bourgeois-Gironde, S. & Ferreira, J. (2023). The expressive power of voting rules. Soc Choice Welf. doi:10.1007/s00355-023-01486-y

Article dans une revue internationale  

Kuhn, J. (2021). The dynamics of negative concord. Linguist and Philos. doi:10.1007/s10988-020-09318-3

Article dans une revue internationale  

Rahnev, D., Desender, K., Lee, A., Adler, W., Aguilar-Lleyda, D., Akdoğan, B., Arbuzova, P., Atlas, L., Balcı, F., Bang, J., Bègue, I., Birney, D., Brady, T., Calder-Travis, J., Chetverikov, A., Clark, T., Davranche, K., Denison, R., Dildine, T., Double, K., Duyan, Y., Faivre, N., Fallow, K., Filevich, E., Gajdos, T., Gallagher, R., de Gardelle, V., Gherman, S., Haddara, N., Hainguerlot, M., Hsu, T., Hu, X., Iturrate, I., Jaquiery, M., Kantner, J., Koculak, M., Konishi, M., Koß, C., Kvam, P., Kwok, S., Lebreton, M., Lempert, K., Ming Lo, C., Luo, L., Maniscalco, B., Martin, A., Massoni, S., Matthews, J., Mazancieux, A., Merfeld, D., O'Hora, D., Palser, E., Paulewicz, B., Pereira, M., Peters, C., Philiastides, M., Pfuhl, G., Prieto, F., Rausch, M., Recht, S. , Reyes, G., Rouault, M., Sackur, J., Sadeghi, S., Samaha, J., Seow, T., Shekhar, M., Sherman, M., Siedlecka, M., Skóra, Z., Song, C., Soto, D., Sun, S., Van Boxtel, J., Wang, S., Weidemann, C., Weindel, G., Wierzchoń, M., Xu, X., Ye, Q., Yeon, J., Zou, F. & Zylberberg, A. (2020). The Confidence Database. Nature Human Behaviour, 4, 317–325. doi:10.1038/s41562-019-0813-1

Article dans une revue internationale  

Arcangeli, M. (2021). The conceptual nature of imaginative content. Synthese, 199(1-2), 3189-3205. doi:10.1007/s11229-020-02930-7

Article dans une revue internationale  

Fernandez-Velasco, P., Perroy, B. & Casati, R. (2021). The collective disorientation of the COVID-19 crisis. Global Discourse: An interdisciplinary journal of current affairs, 11(3), 44&-462. doi:10.1332/204378921X16146158263164

Article dans une revue internationale  

Baptista, A., Cohen, D., Jacquet, P. & Chambon, V. (2021). The Cognitive, Ecological, and Developmental Origins of Self-Disturbance in Borderline Personality Disorder. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 12. doi:10.3389/fpsyt.2021.707091

Article dans une revue internationale  

Marie, A. , Yesilaltay , S. & Strickland, B. (2020). The cognitive foundations of misinformation on science - What we know and what scientists can do about it. EMBO Rep , 21(4), e50205. doi:10.15252/embr.202050205

Article dans une revue internationale  

Fernandez-Velasco, P., Nijman , J. & Casati, R. (2023). The cognitive advantages of the notebook. Cognitive Semiotics, 16(1), 3-21. doi:10.1515/cogsem-2023-2003