One of the DEC's missions is to make the general public aware of scientific culture. To allow everyone to discover the world of science and more particularly the cognitive science.


The DEC community regularly participates in events for the general public such as the Semaine du Cerveau, the Fête de la Science, the Forum des Sciences Cognitives and Les Nuits de l'ENS-PSL.

So many opportunities to open the doors of the department and invite the public to discover five laboratories, to meet the DEC community, to attend conferences, to participate in courses, workshops, experiments etc.

Find the video and audio recordings of these events on the DEC YouTube channel, the website and the ENS YouTube channel.


DEC members regularly go to schools to share their knowledge. This is notably the case through the actions led by the association Cerveau en Seine, which aims to introduce neuroscience research to the young Parisian public, or by participating in Declics meetings, which aim to establish a dialogue between researchers and high school students.


INTERNSHIP (Collège, lycée)

Finally, three times a year, the DEC offers middle and high school students a week of immersion in the department. The goal is to introduce them to cognitive science, to the functioning of research. The ENS also offers week-long internships in several science departments.


The program includes meetings with researchers and students to talk about about their work and their careers, meetings with the administration and technical support team, visits of the experimental platforms and the laboratories of the department, participation in workshops, workshop to raise awareness of the lack of women scientists, visits of the ENS.



DEC is committed to promoting and enhancing the value of scientific and technical careers among girls and young women by organizing or taking part in workshops, conferences, exhibitions and wikithons for the ENS community, and as part of events for the general public. 

A website dedicated to Women in Science has been created to showcase a virtual exhibition of thirteen portraits of talented and inspiring women scientists who have left their mark on the history of science, and portraits of women from the ENS who share anecdotes about their career path: examples designed to inspire, transmit their enthusiasm and passion for science and give young girls confidence in their future. 


For any questions regarding events, school interventions or internship requests, please contact


  • Nuit de l'ENS "The Energy", Friday, September 20, 2024
  • Fête de la Science at the ENS, October 2024
  • Semaine du cerveau, mars 2025