Research at the DEC covers the full breadth of human cognitive abilities.

Research at the DEC uses the concepts, methods and techniques from a wide variety of disciplines: analytical philosophy, theoretical and experimental linguistics, anthropology, cognitive psychology, neuropsychology, neuro-economics, cognitive neuroscience, integrative neuroscience, and computational neuroscience.

Experimental platforms are located at Ecole normale supérieure, Hôpital Mondor and Hôpital Cochin Port-Royal, and allow for the testing of infants, children, and both healthy and brain-lesioned adults. These platforms are equipped with eye-trackers, as well as with EEG and NIRS recording systems.

The EUR Frontiers in Cognition supports research at the DEC.


To find out more about research at the DEC

Presentation of the experimental platforms (video made for the Fête de la Science 2020)

Presentation of experiments and research work for the Fête de la Science 2020 

DEC youtube channel