ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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International Journal article  

Bouttier, V., Leclercq, S., Jardri, R. & Denève, S. (2024). A normative approach to radicalization in social networks. J Comput Soc Sc, 7 , 1071–1093. doi:10.1007/s42001-024-00267-6

International Journal article  

Leclercq, S., Szaffarczyk, S., Leptourgos, P., Yger, P., Fakhri, A., Wathelet, M., Bouttier, V., Denève, S. & Jardri, R. (2024). Conspiracy beliefs and perceptual inference in times of political uncertainty. Scientific reports, 14(1), 9001. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-59434-4

International Journal article  

Derome, M., Kozuharova, P., O Diaconescu, A., Denève, S., Jardri, R. & Allen, P. (2023). Functional connectivity and glutamate levels of the medial prefrontal cortex in schizotypy are related to sensory amplification in a probabilistic reasoning task. NeuroImage, 278, 120280. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120280

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2023). Affordances from a control viewpoint. Philosophical Psychology . doi:10.1080/09515089.2023.2274489

International Journal article  

Bouttier, V., Duttagupta, S. , Denève, S. & Jardri, R. (2022). Circular inference predicts nonuniform overactivation and dysconnectivity in brain-wide connectomes. Schizophrenia Research, 245, 59-67. doi:10.1016/j.schres.2020.12.045

International Journal article  

Branch-Smith, T. , Origgi, G. & Morisseau, T. (2022). Why Trust Raoult? How Social Indicators Inform the Reputations of Experts. Social Epistemology, 36(3), 299-316 . doi:10.1080/02691728.2022.2042421

International Journal article  

Branch-Smith, T. & Origgi, G. (2022). Social Indicators of Trust in the Age of Informational Chaos. Social Epistemology, 36(5), 533-540. doi:10.1080/02691728.2022.2121622

International Journal article  

Leptourgos, P., Bouttier, V., Denève, S. & Jardri, R. (2022). From hallucinations to synaesthesia: A circular inference account of unimodal and multimodal erroneous percepts in clinical and drug-induced psychosis. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 135, 104593. doi:10.1016/j.neubiorev.2022.104593

International Journal article  

Origgi, G. (2022). Populismo epistemico o della tirannia del buon senso. Teoria politica, 11, 113-122

International Journal article  

Origgi, G. (2022). The Social Indicators of the Reputation of an Expert. Social Epistemology, 36(5), 541–549. doi:10.1080/02691728.2022.2116962

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2022). The Cultural Evolution of Information Seeking. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 25(5), 467-484. doi:10.1163/15685373-12340146

International Journal article  

Angeletos Chrysaitis, N. , Jardri, R., Denève, S. & Seriès, P. (2021). No increased circular inference in adults with high levels of autistic traits or autism. Plos Computational Biology, 17(9), e1009006. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1009006

International Journal article  

Kim, S., Le Guen, O. , Sodian, B. & Proust, J. (2021). Are Children Sensitive to What They Know?: An Insight from Yucatec Mayan Children. Journal of Cognition and Culture, 21(3-4), 226-242. doi:10.1163/15685373-12340106

International Journal article  

Kim, S., Senju, A., Sodian, B., Paulus, M., Itakura, S., Okuno , A., Ueno, M. & Proust, J. (2021). Memory Monitoring and Control in Japanese and German Preschoolers. Memory & Cognition. doi:10.3758/s13421-021-01263-1

International Journal article  

Leptourgos, P., Bouttier, V., Jardri, R. & Denève, S. (2021). A functional theory of bistable perception based on dynamical circular inference. Plos Computational Biology, 16(12), e1008480. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008480

International Journal article  

Marchand, S., Origgi, G. & Chouchan, N. (2021). Entretien avec G. Origgi : La post-vérité. Cahiers philosophiques, 164(1), 123-131. doi:10.3917/caph1.164.0125

International Journal article  

Morisseau, T. , Branch-Smith, T. & Origgi, G. (2021). Stakes of Knowing the Truth: A Motivational Perspective on the Popularity of a Controversial Scientific Theory. Front. Psychol., 12, 3800. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2021.708751

International Journal article  

Origgi, G., Branch-Smith, T. & Morisseau, T. (2021). Trust, expertise and the controversy over chloroquine. Social Epistemology A Journal of Knowledge, Culture and Policy

International Journal article  

Recanatesi, S., Farrell, M., Lajoie, G., Denève, S., Rigotti, M. & Shea-Brown, E. (2021). Predictive learning as a network mechanism for extracting low-dimensional latent space representations. Nature Communications, 12(1417). doi:10.1038/s41467-021-21696-1

International Journal article  

Zeldenrust, F., Gutkin, B. & Denève, S. (2021). Efficient and robust coding in heterogeneous recurrent networks. Plos Computational Biology, 17(4), e1008673. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1008673

International Journal article  

Bouvier, A. (2020). L’Individualisme méthodologique au défi des critiques de la philosophie analytique récente. L'Année sociologique, 70, 45-67. doi:10.3917/anso.201.0045

International Journal article  

Brendel, W. , Bourdoukan, R., Vertechi, P. , Machens, C. & Denève, S. (2020). Learning to represent signals spike by spike. PLOS Computational Biology, 16(3), e1007692. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007692

International Journal article  

Jardri, R., Leptourgos, P., Bouttier, V. & Denève, S. (2020). Circular Inference and Hallucinations. Biological Psychiatry, 87(9), S41-S42. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2020.02.131

International Journal article  

Kim, S., Sodian, B. & Proust, J. (2020). 12- and 24-Month-Old Infants’ Search Behavior Under Informational Uncertainty . Frontiers in Psychology, 11. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.00566

International Journal article  

Kim, S., Paulus, M., Sodian, B. & Proust, J. (2020). Children’s Prior Experiences of their Successes and Failures Modulate Belief Alignment. European Journal of Developmental Psychology, 17(5). doi:10.1080/17405629.2020.1722634

International Journal article  

Kim, S., Sodian, B., Senju, A., Okuno , A., Ueno, M., Itakura, S. & Proust, J. (2020). Metacognition and mindreading in young children: a cross-cultural study. Consciousness and Cognition , 85, 103017. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2020.103017

International Journal article  

Leptourgos, P., Notredame, C., Jardri, R., Denève, S. & Eck, M. (2020). Circular inference in bistable perception. Journal of Vision, 20(12), 521195. doi:10.1167/jov.20.4.12

International Journal article  

Bouvier, A. (2019). Individualism versus Holism. SAGE Research Methods Foundations, . doi:10.4135/9781526421036803102

International Journal article  

Proust, J. (2019). From Comparative Studies to Interdisciplinary Research on Metacognition. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 6(4), 309-328. doi:10.26451/abc.