ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Book chapter  

de Vignemont, F. (2023). The Phenomenology of Bodily Ownership. In Manuel García-Carpintero, and Marie Guillot (Eds.), (pp. 269–290).Oxford. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198805397.003.0012

Book chapter  

Soria Ruiz, A., Maldonado, M. & Stojanovic, I. (2022). Good and Ought in Argumentation: COVID-19 as a Case Study. In Oswald, S., Lewiński, M., Greco, S., Villata, S. (Eds.), The Pandemic of Argumentation - Argumentation Library (pp. 43-64).Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-91017-4_3

Book chapter  

de Vignemont, F. (2021). What is the body schema? In Yochai Ataria, Shogo Tanaka, and Shaun Gallagher (Eds.), Body Schema and Body Image: New Directions. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198851721.003.0001

Book chapter  

de Vignemont, F. (2021). Feeling the world as being here. In F. de Vignemont, A. Serino, H.Y. Wong, A. Farnè (Eds.), The world at our fingertips: A multidisciplinary investigation of peripersonal space, Oxford : Oxford University Press

Book chapter  

Kaiser, A. & Stojanovi, I. (2021). Exploring Valence in Judgments of Taste. In Wyatt, Jeremy, Zakkou, Julia & Zeman, Dan (Eds.), Perspectives on Taste (pp. 231-259).Routledge

Book chapter  

Recanati, F. (2021). Entertaining as Simulation. In Gabriele M. Mras, Michael Schmitz (Eds.), Force, Content and the Unity of the Proposition (pp. 266). New York: Routledge

Book chapter  

Recanati, F. (2021). Fictional reference as simulation. In Emar Maier, Andreas Stokke (Eds.), The language of fiction (pp. 17-36).Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198846376.003.0002

Book chapter  

Recanati, F. (2021). Mental Files. The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language (Cambridge University Press ed., pp. 535-547). doi:10.1017/9781108698283.030

Book chapter  

Soria Ruiz, A., Stojanovic, I. & Cepollaro, B. (2021). The Semantics and Pragmatics of Value Judgments. In Stalmaszczyk, Piotr (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Philosophy of Language (pp. 434-449).Cambridge University Press

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2021). Derogatory Terms in Free Indirect Discourse. In Maier, Emar & Stokke, Andreas (Eds.), The Language of Fiction (pp. 349-378).Oxford University Press

Book chapter  

Zuberbühler, K., Chemla, E. & Schlenker, P. (2021). Stereotyped vocalizations. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science (pp. 7970-7974).Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_3330-1

Book chapter  

de Vignemont, F. (2020). Un homme augmenté mais à quel prix ? In Bénédicte Boyer-Bévière, Isabelle Moine-Dupuis (Eds.), L’humain en transformation. Entre transhumanisme et humanité (pp. 23-30). doi:10.4000/cdst.2307

Book chapter  

de Vignemont, F. (2020). Bodily Feelings: Presence, Agency, and Ownership. In Uriah Kriegel (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of Consciousness Oxford: Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198749677.013.4

Book chapter  

Koechlin, E. (2020). Executive Control and Decision-Making: a neural theory of prefrontal function. The Cognitive Neurosciences VI (pp. 451).

Book chapter  

Massin, O. & de Vignemont, F. (2020). Unless I Put My Hand into His Side, I Will Not Believe: The Epistemic Privilege of touch. In Berit Brogaard & Dimitria Electra Gatzia (Eds.), The Epistemology of non-Visual Perception (pp. 165).Oxford University Press

Book chapter  

Recanati, F. (2020). Reference and Singular Thought. The Routledge Handbook of Linguistic Reference (pp. 399-408).Routledge

Book chapter  

Recanati, F. (2020). Coreference De Jure. In Rachel Goodman, James Genone, and Nick Kroll (Eds.), Singular Thought and Mental Files Oxford : Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198746881.003.0008

Book chapter  

Recanati, F. (2020). Penser avec le langage. Langue et Science, Langage et Pensée (pp. 147-164).Collège de France/Éditions Odile Jacob

Book chapter  

Recanati, F. (2020). Multiple Grounding. In Springer (Eds.), Language and Reality from a Naturalistic Perspective. Philosophical Studies Series (Vol. 142). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-47641-0_5

Book chapter  

Alsmith, A. & Longo, M. (2019). Using VR technologies to investigate the flexibility of human self-conception. In E. Fischer and M. Curtis (Eds.), Methodological Advances in Experimental Philosophy (pp. 153-174). London: Bloomsbury

Book chapter  

de Vignemont, F. (2019). The phenomenology of bodily ownership. In Guillot, Marie Garcia-Carpintero, Manuel (Eds.), The sense of mineness Oxford: Oxford University Press

Book chapter  

de Vignemont, F. (2019). Against phenomenal parsimony: a plea for bodily feelings. In Goldman, Alvin McLaughlin, McLaughlin (Eds.), Metaphysics and cognitive science Oxford: Oxford University Press

Book chapter  

de Vignemont, F. (2018). The first-person in pain. In Bain, D., Brady, M., Corns, J. (Eds.), Philosophy of Pain: Unpleasantness, Emotion, and DevianceRoutledge

Book chapter  

de Vignemont, F. (2018). Varieties of bodily feelings. In Kriegel, Uriah (Eds.), The Oxford handbook of consciousness Oxford: Oxford University Press

Book chapter  

de Vignemont, F. (2018). Was Descartes right after all? An affective background for bodily awareness. . In Tsakiris, Manos de Preester, Helena (Eds.), The Interoceptive Basis of the Mind: from homeostasis to awareness Oxford: Oxford University Press

Book chapter  

de Vignemont, F. (2018). Schéma corporel et image corporelle. In De Boeck/Solal (Eds.), Manuel de psychomotricité

Book chapter  

de Vignemont, F. & Sackur, J. (2018). La conscience. In Collins, Thérèse, Tallon-Baudry, Catherine, Andler, Daniel (Eds.), La cognitionGallimard

Book chapter  

Recanati, F. (2018). From Meaning to Content. In D. Ball et B. Rabern (Eds.), The Science of Meaning : Essays on the Metatheory of Natural Language Semantics (pp. 113-137). Oxford : Oxford University Press

Book chapter  

Recanati, F. (2018). Contextualism and Singular Reference. In J. Collins et T. Dobler (Eds.), The Philosophy of Charles Travis: Language, Thought, and Perception (pp. 181-196). Oxford : Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198783916.003.0009

Book chapter  

Cremers, A. & Chemla, E. (2017). Probability Judgments of Gappy Sentences. In Pistoia-Reda, Salvatore and Filippo Domaneschi (Eds.), Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Approaches on Implicatures and Presuppositions (pp. 111-150).Palgrave