ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Caze, R., Humphries, M., Gutkin, B. & Schultz, S. (2013). A difficult classification for neurons without dendrites. In Neural Engineering (NER), 2013 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on, San Diego, CA, USA, IEEE, 215-218. doi:10.1109/NER.2013.6695910

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Chiril, P. , Moriceau, V. , Benamara, F. , Mari, A., Origgi, G. & Coulomb-Gully, M. (2020). An Annotated Corpus for Sexism Detection in French Tweets. In LREC 2020, Marseille, EuropeanLanguageResourcesAssociation (ELRA), 1397–1403.


Terrone, E. (2017). Film ed emozioni Milano: Cortina


Terrone, E. (2017). La trappola del naturalismo. Le neuroscienze e la naturalizzazione dell’estetica del cinema

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

van der Veer, A. , Alsmith, A., Longo, M. , Wong, H. , Diers, D. , Bues, M. , Giron, A. & Mohler, B. (2019). The influence of the viewpoint in a self-avatar on body part and self-localization. In ACM Symposium on Applied Perception 2019, 1-11. doi:10.1145/3343036.3343124