ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Book chapter  

Soria Ruiz, A., Maldonado, M. & Stojanovic, I. (2022). Good and Ought in Argumentation: COVID-19 as a Case Study. In Oswald, S., Lewiński, M., Greco, S., Villata, S. (Eds.), The Pandemic of Argumentation - Argumentation Library (pp. 43-64).Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-91017-4_3

Book chapter  

Recanati, F. (2021). Entertaining as Simulation. In Gabriele M. Mras, Michael Schmitz (Eds.), Force, Content and the Unity of the Proposition (pp. 266). New York: Routledge

Book chapter  

Recanati, F. (2021). Fictional reference as simulation. In Emar Maier, Andreas Stokke (Eds.), The language of fiction (pp. 17-36).Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780198846376.003.0002

Book chapter  

Kaiser, A. & Stojanovi, I. (2021). Exploring Valence in Judgments of Taste. In Wyatt, Jeremy, Zakkou, Julia & Zeman, Dan (Eds.), Perspectives on Taste (pp. 231-259).Routledge

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2021). Derogatory Terms in Free Indirect Discourse. In Maier, Emar & Stokke, Andreas (Eds.), The Language of Fiction (pp. 349-378).Oxford University Press

Book chapter  

Soria Ruiz, A., Stojanovic, I. & Cepollaro, B. (2021). The Semantics and Pragmatics of Value Judgments. In Stalmaszczyk, Piotr (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Philosophy of Language (pp. 434-449).Cambridge University Press

Book chapter  

Recanati, F. (2021). Mental Files. The Cambridge Handbook of the Philosophy of Language (Cambridge University Press ed., pp. 535-547). doi:10.1017/9781108698283.030

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2017). Metaethical Relativism. (pp. 119–134).

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2016). Speaking About Oneself. (pp. 200–219 ). doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198713265.003.0008

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2012). Situation Semantics. (pp. 67-86).

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2009). The Vicious Triangle of A Priori Truth, Contingent Truth, and Logical Truth. (pp. 69–82).

Book chapter  

Predelli, S. & Stojanovic, I. (2008). Semantic Relativism and the Logic of Indexicals. (pp. 63–90).

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2001). For Whom is the Problem of the Essential Indexical a Problem? . (pp. 304-315).

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2010). Referring with Proper Names: Towards a Pragmatic Account. (pp. 139-160).

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2017). Aesthetic Adjectives. In Louise McNally, in Young, James (Eds.), The Semantics of Aesthetic Judgment (pp. 17-37).Oxford: Oxford University Press

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2016). Evaluative Predicates and Evaluative Uses of Ordinary Predicates. In Bekki, D. et al. (Eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence: JSAI-isAI 2015 Workshops, Revised Selected Papers. Lecture Notes in Computer Science Series (pp. 128-140).Springer-Verlag

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2014). Talking about the Future: Settled Truth and Assertion. In De Brabanter, Ph., Kissine, M. and Sharifzadeh, S. (Eds.), Future Times, Future Tenses (pp. 26-43).Oxford: OUP

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2011). Context, Meaning and Logical Truth. In Gupta, A. and van Benthem, J. (Eds.), Logic and Philosophy Today (Vol. 30, pp. 11-24). London: College Publications, Studies in Logic Series

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2003). What to Say on What Is Said. In Blackburn et al. (Eds.), Modeling and Using Context. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2680. (pp. 300-313). Berlin: Springer-Verlag

Book chapter  

Bouvier, A. (2018). Intentional, unintentional and sub-intentional aspects of social mechanisms and rationality. The example of commitments in political life. In Gérald Bronner, Francesco Di Iorio (Eds.), The Mystery of Rationality: Mind, Beliefs and the Social Sciences (pp. 17-35). Cham (CH): Springer Nature

Book chapter  

Bouvier, A. (2011). Individualism, Collective Agency and The “Micro–Macro Relation”. In Ian Jarvie and Jesus Zamora (Eds.), Handbook of Philosophy of Social Science (pp. 199).Sage Publications

Book chapter  

Bouvier, A. (2017). Analyse critique de F.H. Van Eemeren, B. Garssen, E.C.W.Krabbe, A.F. Snoeck Henkemans, B. Verheij, J.H.M. Wagemans (eds), 2014, Handbook of Argumentation Theory. L’Année sociologique (Vol. 67, pp. 7-11). Dordrecht: Springer Verlag

Book chapter  

Bouvier, A. (2017). Analyse critique de Ch. Plantin, 2016, Dictionnaire de l’argumentation. Une introduction aux études d’argumentation. L’Année sociologique (Vol. 67, pp. 1-5). Lyon: ENS Editions

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Caze, R., Humphries, M., Gutkin, B. & Schultz, S. (2013). A difficult classification for neurons without dendrites. In Neural Engineering (NER), 2013 6th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on, San Diego, CA, USA, IEEE, 215-218. doi:10.1109/NER.2013.6695910

Book chapter  

Caze, R., Humphries, M. & Gutkin, B. (2013). Dendrites enhance both single neuron and network computation. In Remme et al (eds) (Eds.), Dendritic ComputationSpringer

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Chiril, P. , Moriceau, V. , Benamara, F. , Mari, A., Origgi, G. & Coulomb-Gully, M. (2020). An Annotated Corpus for Sexism Detection in French Tweets. In LREC 2020, Marseille, EuropeanLanguageResourcesAssociation (ELRA), 1397–1403.

Book chapter  

De Brabanter, P., Nicolas, D., Stojanovic, I. & Villanueva Fernandez, N. (2007). Les usages déférentiels. In Bouvier, Alban and Conein, Bernard (Eds.), L'épistémologie sociale. Une théorie sociale de la connaissance (pp. 139-162).Editions de l'EHESS

Book chapter  

Graupner, M. & Gutkin, B. (2012). Dynamical Approaches to understanding cholinergic control of nicotine action pathways in the dopaminergic reward circuits. Computational Neuroscience of Drug Addiction (Springer ed.).Ahmed and Gutkin (eds.)

Book chapter  

Gutkin, B. (2015). Theta-neurons. In Springer Verlag (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Comptutational Neuroscience (pp. 1034-1042).

Book chapter  

Gutkin, B. & Stiefel, K. (2014). Cholinergic Neuromodulation of Phase Response Curves. In Schultheiss et al (eds) (Eds.), Phase Response Cruves in NeuroscienceSpringer