ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Reviewed conference proceeding  

Schlenker, P., Chemla, E., Arnold, K., Lemasson, A., Ouattara, K., Keenan, S., Stephan, C., Ryder, R. & Zuberbühler, K. (2013). Towards a formal analysis of primate alarm calls. In 23rd Semantics and Linguistics Theory Conference.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Schlenker, P., Chemla, E., Arnold, K., Lemasson, A., Ouattara, K., Keenan, S., Stephan, C., Ryder, R. & Zuberbühler, K. (2013). Dialectal variation in the meanings of Campbell’s monkey alarm calls. In XIXth International Congress of Linguists (ICL19)-Workshop" Language variation at the interface of psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics".

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Caze, R., Humphries, M. & Gutkin, B. (2012). Spiking and saturating dendrites differentially expand single neuron computation capacity. , Vol. 13: In Twenty First Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2012, Decatur, GA, USA.


Quer, J., Cecchetto, C., Donati, C., Geraci, C., Kelepir, M., Pfau, R. & Steinbach, M. (2017). SignGram Blueprint: A Guide to Sign Language Grammar Writing.


Gutkin, B. & Ahmed, S. (2012). Computational Neuroscience of Drug Addiction.


Lazarevich, I. , Gutkin, B. & Prokin, I. (2018). Neural activity classification with machine learning models trained on interspike interval series data. arxiv , 1810.03855


Martinez-Saito, M. , Konovalov, R. , Piradov, M. , Shestakova, A. , Gutkin, B. & Klucharev, V. (2018). Action in auctions: neural and computational mechanisms of bidding behavior. BioRxiv, 464925. doi:10.1101/464925


Lussange, J., Belianin, A., Bourgeois-Gironde, S. & Gutkin, B. (2017). A bright future for financial agent-based models. arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.08222


Geraci, C. & Aristodemo, V. (2016). An in-depth tour into sentential complementation in Italian Sign Language. , 95–150


Battaglino, C., Geraci, C., Lombardo, V. & Mazzei, A. (2015). Prototyping and Preliminary Evaluation of Sign Language Translation System in the Railway Domain. , 339–350Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-20681-3


Branchini, C., Cardinaletti, A., Cecchetto, C., Donati, C. & Geraci, C. (2015). WH-duplication in Italian Sign Language (LIS) , 39–70John Benjamins Publishing Company. doi:10.1075/bct.71.03bra


Geraci, C. (2015). Italian Sign Language. , 473–510De Gruyter Mouton


Geraci, C. & Quer, J. (2014). Determining argument structure in sign languages. , 45–60John Benjamins Publishing Company


Geraci, C. (2014). Spatial syntax in your hands. , 1, 123–134


Dezecache, G. (2013). La communication émotionnelle ou le jeu des affordances sociales. Santé Mentale, 177, 26-31


Geraci, C. & Cecchetto, C. (2013). Negleted cases of rightward movement. , 211–241John Benjamins Publishing Company