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International Journal article  

Chambon, V., Thero, H., Vidal, M., Vandendriessche, C., Haggard, P. & Palminteri, S. (2020). Choosing and learning: outcome valence differentially affects learning from free versus forced choices. Nature Human Behaviour, .

International Journal article  

Dezecache, G., Grèzes, J. & Dahl, C. (2017). The nature and distribution of affiliative behaviour during exposure to mild threat. Royal Society open science, 4(8), 170265. doi:10.1098/rsos.170265

International Journal article  

Dezecache, G., Jacob, P. & Grèzes, J. (2015). Emotional contagion: its scope and limits. Trends in cognitive sciences, 19(6), 297-9. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2015.03.011

International Journal article  

Hyafil, A., Fontolan, L., Kabdebon, C., Gutkin, B. & Giraud, A. (2015). Speech encoding by coupled cortical theta and gamma oscillations. eLife, 4, 1-45. doi:10.7554/eLife.06213

International Journal article  

Hyafil, A., Giraud, A., Fontolan, L. & Gutkin, B. (2015). Neural Cross-Frequency Coupling: Connecting Architectures, Mechanisms, and Functions. Trends in neurosciences, 38(11), 725-40. doi:10.1016/j.tins.2015.09.001

International Journal article  

Jacquot, A., Eskenazi, T., Sales{-}wuillemin, E., Montalan, B., Proust, J., Grèzes, J. & Conty, L. (2015). Source Unreliability Decreases but Does Not Cancel the Impact of Social Information on Metacognitive Evaluations . Frontiers in Psychology, 6. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2015.01385

International Journal article  

Mcdonnell, M., Iannella, N., To, M., Tuckwell, H., Jost, J., Gutkin, B. & Ward, L. (2015). A review of methods for identifying stochastic resonance in simulations of single neuron models. Network: Computation in Neural Systems, 26(2), 35-71. doi:10.3109/0954898X.2014.990064

International Journal article  

Oster, A., Faure, P. & Gutkin, B. (2015). Mechanisms for multiple activity modes of VTA dopamine neurons. Frontiers in computational neuroscience, 9, 95. doi:10.3389/fncom.2015.00095

International Journal article  

Tran-Van-Minh, A., Caze, R., Abrahamsson, T., Cathala, L., Gutkin, B. & Digregorio, D. (2015). Contribution of sublinear and supralinear dendritic integration to neuronal computations. Frontiers in cellular neuroscience, 9, 67. doi:10.3389/fncel.2015.00067

International Journal article  

Grèzes, J. & Dezecache, G. (2014). How do shared-representations and emotional processes cooperate in response to social threat signals? Neuropsychologia, 55, 105-14. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2013.09.019

International Journal article  

Keramati, M. & Gutkin, B. (2014). Homeostatic reinforcement learning for integrating reward collection and physiological stability. eLife, 3. doi:10.7554/eLife.04811

International Journal article  

Krupa, M., Gielen, S. & Gutkin, B. (2014). Intrinsic and synaptic mechanisms for clustered cortical gamma. J Comput. Neurosci , 37(2), 357-76

International Journal article  

Maex, R., Budygin, E., Grinevich, V., Bencherif, M. & Gutkin, B. (2014). Receptor activation and desensitization as mechanisms for a7 regulation of dopamine response to nicotine. Chemical Neuroscience , 15(10), 1032-40. doi:10.1021/cn500126t

International Journal article  

Caze, R., Humphries, M. & Gutkin, B. (2013). Modulation of computational capacity of neurons due to dendritic synaptic interactions. PLoS Comput. Biol., 9(2)

International Journal article  

Dezecache, G., Conty, L. & Grèzes, J. (2013). Social affordances: is the mirror neuron system involved? The Behavioral and brain sciences, 36(4), 417-8. doi:10.1017/S0140525X12001872

International Journal article  

Dezecache, G., Conty, L., Chadwick, M., Philip, L., Soussignan, R., Sperber, D. & Grèzes, J. (2013). Evidence for unintentional emotional contagion beyond dyads. PloS one, 8(6), e67371. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0067371

International Journal article  

Dipoppa, M. & Gutkin, B. (2013). Flexible frequency control of cortical oscillations enables computations required for working memory. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 110(31), 12828-12833. doi:10.1073/pnas.1303270110

International Journal article  

Dipoppa, M. & Gutkin, B. (2013). Correlations in background activity control persistent state stability and allow execution of working memory tasks. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience, 7, 139. doi:10.3389/fncom.2013.00139

International Journal article  

Fontolan, L., Krupa, M., Hyafil, A. & Gutkin, B. (2013). Analytical insights on theta-gamma coupled neural oscillators. Journal of Mathematical Neuroscience, 3(1), 1-20. doi:10.1186/2190-8567-3-16

International Journal article  

Graupner, M., Maex, R. & Gutkin, B. (2013). Endogenous Cholinergic Inputs and Local Circuit Mechanisms Govern the Phasic Mesolimbic Dopamine Response to Nicotine. PLoS Computational Biology, 9(8). doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003183

International Journal article  

Grèzes, J., Philip, L., Chadwick, M., Dezecache, G., Soussignan, R. & Conty, L. (2013). Self-relevance appraisal influences facial reactions to emotional body expressions. PloS one, 8(2), e55885. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055885

International Journal article  

Grèzes, J., Philip, L., Chadwick, M., Dezecache, G., Soussignan, R. & Conty, L. (2013). Self-relevance appraisal influences facial reactions to emotional body expressions. PLoS ONE, 8(2). doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0055885

International Journal article  

Soussignan, R., Chadwick, M., Philip, L., Conty, L., Dezecache, G. & Grèzes, J. (2013). Self-relevance appraisal of gaze direction and dynamic facial expressions: Effects on facial electromyographic and autonomic reactions. Emotion, 13(2), 330-337. doi:10.1037/a0029892

International Journal article  

Tolu, S., Eddine, R., Marti, F., David, V., Graupner, M., Pons, S., Baudonnat, M., Husson, M., Besson, M., Reperant, C., Zemdegs, J., Pagès, C., Hay, Y., Lambolez, B., Caboche, J., Gutkin, B., Gardier, A., Changeux, J., Faure, P. & Maskos, U. (2013). Co-activation of VTA da and GABA neurons mediates nicotine reinforcement. Molecular Psychiatry, 18(3), 382-393. doi:10.1038/mp.2012.83

International Journal article  

Wu, J., Gao, M., Shen, J., Shi, W., Oster, A. & Gutkin, B. (2013). Cortical control of VTA function and influence on nicotine reward. Biochemical Pharmacology, 86(8), 1173-1180. doi:10.1016/j.bcp.2013.07.013

International Journal article  

Conty, L., Dezecache, G., Hugueville, L. & Grèzes, J. (2012). Early binding of gaze, gesture, and emotion: neural time course and correlates. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 32(13), 4531-4539. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5636-11.2012

International Journal article  

Dipoppa, M., Krupa, M., Torcini, A. & Gutkin, B. (2012). Marginally Stable States and Quasi-periodic minor attractors in excitable pulse-coupled networks. SIADS , 63(1), 62-97

International Journal article  

Zhang, D., Gao, M., Xu, D., Shi, W., Gutkin, B., Steffensen, S., Lukas, R. & Wu, J. (2012). Impact of prefrontal cortex in nicotine-induced excitation of ventral tegmental area dopamine neurons in anesthetized rats. Journal of Neuroscience, 32(36), 12366-12375. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5411-11.2012

International Journal article  

Jedlicka, P., Deller, T., Gutkin, B. & Backus, K. (2011). Activity-dependent intracellular chloride accumulation and diffusion controls GABA(A) receptor-mediated synaptic transmission. Hippocampus, 21(8), 885-98. doi:10.1002/hipo.20804

International Journal article  

Keramati, M. & Gutkin, B. (2011). A Reinforcement Learning Theory for Homeostatic Regulation. NIPS, .