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International Journal article  

Palminteri, S. & Maël, L. (2022). The computational roots of positivity and confirmation biases in reinforcement-learning. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 26(7), 607-621. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2022.04.005

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P., Coye, C. , Steinert{-}threlkeld, S., Klinedinst, N. & Chemla, E. (2022). Beyond Anthropocentrism in Comparative Cognition: Recentering Animal Linguistics. Cognitive Science, 46(12), e13220 . doi:10.1111/cogs.13220

International Journal article  

Van Bavel, J. , Cichocka, A., Capraro, V., Sjåstad, H., Nezlek, J., Pavlović, T., Alfano, M., Gelfand, M., Azevedo, F., Birtel, M., Cislak, A., Lockwood, P., Ross, R., Abts, K., Agadullina, E., Aruta, J. , Besharati, S. , Bor, A., Choma, B. , Crabtree, C. , Cunningham, W. , De, K., Ejaz, W., Elbaek, C. , Findor, A., Flichtentrei, D., Franc, R., Gjoneska, B., Gruber, J., Gualda, E., Horiuchi, y., Huynh, T. , Ibanez, A., Imran, M. , Israelashvili, J., Jasko, K., Kantorowicz, J., Kantorowicz-Reznichenko, E., Krouwel, A., Laakasuo, M., Lamm, C., Leygue, C., Lin, M., Mansoor, M. , Marie, A. , Mayiwar, L., Mazepus, H., Mchugh, C., Minda, J. , Mitkidis, P., Olsson, A., Otterbring, T., Packer, D. , Perry, A., Petersen, M. , Puthillam, A., Riaño-Moreno, J. , Rothmund, T., Santamaría-García, H., Schmid, P. , Stoyanov, D., Tewari, S., Todosijević, B., Tsakiris , M., Tung, H., Umbreș, R. , Vanags, E., Vlasceanu, M., Vonasch, A., Yucel, M., Zhang, Y., Abad, M., Adler, E., Akrawi, N., Mdarhri, H. , Amara, H., Amodio, D. , Antazo, B. , Apps, M., Ay, F. , Ba, M. , Bai, X., Baquiano, M. , Barbosa, S., Bastian, B., Belleza, D. , Berg, A., Bernal-Zárate, M. , Bernstein, M., Białek, M., Bilancini, E., Bogatyreva, N., Boncinelli, L., Booth, J. , Borau, S., Buchel, O., Cameron, D., Carvalho, C. , Celadin, T., Cerami, C., Chalise, H. , Cheng, X., Cian, L., Cockcroft, K., Conway, J., Córdoba-Delgado, M. , Crespi, C., Crouzevialle, M., Cutler, J., Cypryańska, M., Dabrowska, J., Daniels, M. , Davis, V. , Dayley, P. , Delouvee, S., Denkovski, O., Dezecache, G., Dhaliwal, N. , Diato, A. , Paolo, R. , Drosinou, M., Dulleck, U., Ekmanis, J., Ertan, A. , Farkhari, T. , Farmer, H., Fenwick, A., Fidanovski, K., Flew, T., Fraser, S., Frempong, R. , Fugelsang, J. , Gale, J., Garcia-Navarro, E. , Garladinne, P., Ghajjou, O., Gkinopoulos, T., Gray, K., Griffin, S. , Gronfeldt, B., Gümren, M., Gurung, R., Halperin, E., Harris, E., Herzon, V., Hruška, M., Huang, G. , Hudecek, M. , Isler, O., Jangard, S., Jørgensen, F. , Kachanoff, F., Kahn, J., Dangol, A. , Keudel, L., Koppel, L., Koverola, M., Kubin, E., Kunnari, A., Kutiyski, y., Labor, P. , Laguna, O., Leota, J., Lermer, E., Levy, J., Levy, N., Li, C., Long, E. , Longoni, C., Maglić, M., Mccashin, D., Metcalf, A. , Mikloušić, I., Mimouni, S. , Miura, A., Molina-Paredes, J., Monroy-Fonseca, C., Morales-Marente, E., Moreau, D., Muda, R., Myer, A., Nash, K., Nesh-Nash, T., Nitschke, J. , Nurse, M. , Ohtsubo, y., Mello, V. , O'Madagain, C., Onderco, M., Palacios-Galvez, M. , Palomäki, J., Pan, y., Papp, Z., Pärnamets, P., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Pavlović, Z., Gómez, C. , Perander, S., Pitman, M. , Prasad, R., Pyrkosz-Pacyna, J., Rathje, S., Raza, A., Rêgo, G. , Rhee, K., Robertson, C. , Rodríguez-Pascual, I., Saikkonen, T., Salvador-Ginez, O., Sampaio, W. , Santi, G. , Santiago-Tovar, N., Savage, D., Scheffer, J. , Schönegger, P., Schultner, D. , Schutte, E. , Scott, A., Sharma, M., Sharma, P., Skali, A., Stadelmann, D., Stafford, C. , Stanojević, D., Stefaniak, A., Sternisko, A., Stoica, C. , Stoyanova, K. , Strickland, B., Sundvall, J., Thomas, J. , Tinghög, G., Torgler, B., Traast, I. , Tucciarelli, R., Tyrala, M., Ungson, N. , Uysal, M. , Lange, P. , Prooijen, J. , Rooy, D. , Västfjäll, D., Verkoeijen, P., Vieira, J. , Sikorski, C. , Walker, A. , Watermeyer, J., Wetter, E., Whillans, A., Willardt, R., Wohl, M. , Wójcik, A. , Wu, K., Yamada, y., Yilmaz, O., Yogeeswaran, K., Ziemer, C., Zwaan, R. & Boggio, P. (2022). National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic: Results from 67 nations. Nature Communications, 13(1), 517. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-27668-9

International Journal article  

Vandendriessche, H., Demmou, A. , Bavard, S., Yadak, J. , Lemogne, C. , Mauras, T. & Palminteri, S. (2022). Contextual influence of reinforcement learning performance of depression: evidence for a negativity bias? Psychological Medicine, ., 1-11. doi:10.1017/S0033291722001593

International Journal article  

Williams, C., Peyre, H., Toro, R. & Ramus, F. (2022). Comparing brain asymmetries independently of brain size. NeuroImage, 254, 119118. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2022.119118

International Journal article  

XIAO, H., Strickland, B. & Peperkamp, S. (2022). How fair is gender-fair language? Insights from gender ratio estimations in French. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, . doi:10.1177/0261927X221084643

International Journal article  

Zhao, J., Song, Z., Zhao, Y., Thiebaut De Schotten, M., Altarelli, I. & Ramus, F. (2022). White matter connectivity in uncinate fasciculus accounts for visual attention span in developmental dyslexia. Neuropsychologia, 177, 108414. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2022.108414

International Journal article  

Spector, B. (2021). Interpreting plural predication: homogeneity and non-maximality. Linguistics and Philosophy , 44, 1131–1178. doi:10.1007/s10988-020-09311-w

International Journal article  

Anvari, A. & Blumberg, K. (2021). Subclausal Local Contexts. Journal of Semantics, ffab004. doi:10.1093/jos/ffab004/6291386

International Journal article  

Azzalini, D., Buot, A., Palminteri, S. & Tallon-Baudry, C. (2021). Responses to Heartbeats in Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Contribute to Subjective Preference-Based Decisions. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(23), 5102-5114. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1932-20.2021

International Journal article  

Bai, D., Falck, A. & Strickland, B. (2021). The adult visual system resists learning continuity violations. Journal of vision, 21, 2590. doi:10.1167/jov.21.9.2590

International Journal article  

Balsdon, T., Mamassian, P. & Wyart, V. (2021). Separable neural signatures of confidence during perceptual decisions. eLife, 10, e68491. doi:10.7554/eLife.68491

International Journal article  

Balsdon, T., Mamassian, P. & Wyart, V. (2021). Neural signatures of confidence after the completion of a perceptual decision. Journal of Vision, 21(9). doi:10.1167/jov.21.9.2518

International Journal article  

Bavard, S., Rustichini, A. & Palminteri, S. (2021). Two sides of the same coin: Beneficial and detrimental consequences of range adaptation in human reinforcement learning. Science Advances, 7(14). doi:10.1126/sciadv.abe0340

International Journal article  

Bavard, S. & Palminteri, S. (2021). Why unchosen options linger in our minds. Communications Biology , 4, 1271. doi:10.1038/s42003-021-02803-w

International Journal article  

Briseño-Jaramillo, M. , Berthet, M., Estrada, A. , Biquand, V. & Lemasson, A. (2021). Socially mediated overlap in vocal interactions between free-ranging black howler monkeys. , 83(8), e23297. doi:10.1002/ajp.23297

International Journal article  

Claire, S., Corazzol, M. , Labouret, G., Stockart, F. , Wexler, M., King, J. , Florent, M. & Pressnitzer, D. (2021). Bifurcation in brain dynamics reveals a signature of conscious processing independent of report. Nature Communications, 12, 1149. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-21393-z

International Journal article  

Cova, F., Strickland, B., Abatista, A., Allard, A. , Andow, J., Attie, M., Beebe, J., Berniūnas, R., Boudesseul, J., Colombo, M., Cushman, F., Diaz, R., N’djaye Nikolai Van Dongen, N., Dranseika, V., Earp, B., Torres, A. , Hannikainen, I., Hernández-Conde, J., Hu, W., Jaquet, F., Khalifa, K., Kim, H., Kneer, M., Knobe, J., Kurthy, M., Lantian, A., Liao, S., Machery, E., Moerenhout, T., Mott, C., Phelan, M., Phillips, J., Rambharose, N., Reuter, K., Romero, F., Sousa, P., Sprenger, J. , Thalabard, E., Tobia, K., Viciana, H. , Wilkenfeld, D. & Zhou, X. (2021). Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 12(1), 9-44. doi:10.1007/s13164-018-0400-9

International Journal article  

Di Folco , C. , Guez, A., Peyre, H. & Ramus, F. (2021). Epidemiology of reading disability: A comparison of DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria. Scientific Studies of Reading, NA. doi:10.1080/10888438.2021.1998067

International Journal article  

Enguehard, E. & Spector, B. (2021). Explaining gaps in the logical lexicon of natural languages: A decision-theoretic perspective on the square of Aristotle. Semantics and Pragmatics, 14(5). doi:10.3765/sp.14.5

International Journal article  

Falck, A. & Strickland, B. (2021). Gaze following and mental state attribution: the agent’s line of sight moderates the gaze cueing effect. Journal of Vision, 21(9), 2569-2569. doi:10.1167/jov.21.9.2569

International Journal article  

Findling, C. & Wyart, V. (2021). Computation noise in human learning and decision-making: origin, impact, function. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 38, 124-132. doi:10.1016/j.cobeha.2021.02.018

International Journal article  

Garcia, B., Cerrotti, F. & Palminteri, S. (2021). The description-experience gap: a challenge for the neuroeconomics of decision-making under uncertainty. Philosophical transactions of the royal society B, 376(1819). doi:10.1098/rstb.2019.0665

International Journal article  

Garcia, B., Cerrotti, F. & Palminteri, S. (2021). The description–experience gap: a challenge for the neuroeconomics of decision-making under uncertainty. Phil. Trans. R. Soc. B, 376, 20190665. doi:10.1098/rstb.2019.0665

International Journal article  

Gialluisi, A., Andlauer, T., Mirza-Schreiber, N., Moll, K., Becker, J., Hoffmann, P., Ludwig, K., Czamara, D., Pourcain, B. , Honbolygó, F., Tóth, D., Csépe, V., Huguet, G., Chaix, Y., Iannuzzi, S., Démonet, J., Morris, A., Hulslander, J., Willcutt, E., Defries, J., Olson, R., Smith, S., Pennington, B., Vaessen, A., Maurer, U., Lyytinen, H., Peyrard-Janvid, M., Leppänen, P., Brandeis, D., Bonte, M., Stein, J., Talcott, J., Fauchereau, F., Wilcke, A., Kirsten, H., Müller, B., Francks, C., Bourgeron, T., Monaco, A., Ramus, F., Landerl, K., Kere, J., Scerri, T., Paracchini, S., Fisher, S., Schumacher, J., Nöthen, M., Müller-Myhsok, B. & Schulte-Körne, G. (2021). Genome-wide association study reveals new insights into the heritability and genetic correlates of developmental dyslexia. Molecular Psychiatry, 26 (7), 3004-3017. doi:10.1038/s41380-020-00898-x

International Journal article  

Guez, A., Peyre, H., Williams, C., Labouret, G. & Ramus, F. (2021). The epidemiology of cognitive development. Cognition, 213, 104690. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104690

International Journal article  

King, J. & Wyart, V. (2021). The Human Brain Encodes a Chronicle of Visual Events at each Instant of Time thanks to the Multiplexing of Traveling Waves. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(34), 7224-7233. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2098-20.2021

International Journal article  

Kominsky, J. , Baker, L. , Keil Frank, C. & Strickland, B. (2021). Causality and continuity close the gaps in event representations. Memory and Cognition, 49, 518-531. doi:10.3758/s13421-020-01102-9

International Journal article  

Kuhn, J., Geraci, C., Schlenker, P. & Strickland, B. (2021). Boundaries in Space and Time: Iconic Biases Across Modalities . Cognition, 210, 104596. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2021.104596

International Journal article  

Kuhn, J. (2021). The dynamics of negative concord. Linguist and Philos. doi:10.1007/s10988-020-09318-3