ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Edited book  

Origgi, G. (2019). Passions Sociales. Paris: PUF

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Mamassian, P. & Vemuri, B. (1993). ISOPHOTES ON A SMOOTH SURFACE RELATED TO SCENE GEOMETRY. , Vol. 2031: In Geometric Methods in Computer Vision II, 124-133. doi:10.1117/12.146619

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Nicolas, D. (2004). The semantics of nouns derived from gradable adjectives. In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 8, 197-207.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Stojanovic, I., De Brabanter, P., Nicolas, D. & Villanueva, N. (2005). Deferential Utterances. In Casati, R. and Origgi, G. (Eds.), In Referring to Objects, Interdisciplines.org., 4-19.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Nicolas, D. (2007). Mass nouns and plural logic (extended abstract) In Proceedings of the 16th Amsterdam Colloquium, 163-168.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Caze, R., Humphries, M. & Gutkin, B. (2012). Spiking and saturating dendrites differentially expand single neuron computation capacity. , Vol. 13: In Twenty First Annual Computational Neuroscience Meeting: CNS*2012, Decatur, GA, USA.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Varnet, L., Meunier, F. & Hoen, M. (2016). Speech reductions cause a de-weighting of secondary acoustic cues. In Interspeech. doi:10.21437/Interspeech.2016-343

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Ponsot, E., Déjardin, H. & Roncière, E. (2016). Controlling Programme Loudness in Individualized Binaural Rendering of Multi-Channel Audio Contents. , Vol. 140: In Audio Engineering Society .

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Mari, A. (2016). Actuality entailments: when the modality is in the presupposition. In Amblard M., de Groote P., Pogodalla S., Retoré C. (Eds.), Vol. 10054: In Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics. Celebrating 20 Years of LACL (1996–2016), Dordrecht: Springer Verlag, 191-210. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-53826-5_12

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Aucouturier, J., Liuni, M. & Ponsot, E. (2017). Not so scary anymore : Screaming voices embedded in harmonic contexts are more positive and less arousing. In ESCOM.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Feest, U. , Bouvier, A., Henderson, D. , Kaldis , B., Montuschi , E., Risjord, M. , Roth, P., Zahle , J. & Zamora-Bonilla, J. (2019). Special Issue (Part I) , Vol. 49: In Joint Session of the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS) and the Roundtable on Philosophy of the Social Sciences , Hannover.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Feest, U. , Bouvier, A., Henderson, D. , Kaldis , B., Montuschi , E., Risjord, M. , Roth, P., Zahle , J. & Zamora-Bonilla, J. (2019). Special Issue (Part II) In Joint Session of the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS) and the Roundtable on Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Hannover.

Reviewed conference proceeding  
Reviewed conference proceeding  

Chiril, P. , Moriceau, V. , Benamara, F. , Origgi, G., Coulomb-Gully, M. & Mari, A. (2020). He said “who’s gonna take care of your children when you are at ACL?”: Reported Sexist Acts are Not Sexist. In 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020, France, 4055-4066. doi:10.18653/v1/2020.acl-main.373

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Origgi, G. (2021). Ground Zero. The Triangle of Humiliation. In Yale Political Theory Seminar, Yale, United States.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Graves, J., Egré, P., Pressnitzer, D. & de Gardelle, V. (2021). An implicit representation of stimulus ambiguity in pupil size. , Vol. 18: In Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, e2107997118. doi:10.1073/pnas.2107997118

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Parikh, R. , Kavalerov, I. , Espy-Wilson, C. & Shamma, S. (2022). Harmonicity Plays a Critical Role in DNN Based Versus in Biologically-Inspired Monaural Speech Segregation Systems. In ICASSP 2022 - 2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 536-540. doi:10.1109/ICASSP43922.2022.9747314

Reviewed conference proceeding  

M Siriwardena, Y., Marion, G. & Shamma, S. (2022). The Mirrornet: Learning Audio Synthesizer Controls Inspired by Sensorimotor Interaction. In ICASSP 2022-2022 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 946-950. doi:10.1109/ICASSP43922.2022.9747358