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Stojanovic, I. (2005). A Different Story about Indexicals. , Amsterdam: ILLC Research Reports


Stojanovic, I. (2007). What Is Said as Lexical Meaning. Cadernos de Filosofia, 21, 7-42


Bouvier, A. (2009). Joint Commitment, Coercion and Freedom in Science : Conceptual Analysis and Case Studies. , 143–61


Stojanovic, I. (2010). When Is Action Intentional? A Problem for Ginet's Acausal Account of Intentional Action. Vox Philosophiae, 18-28


Stojanovic, I. (2012). Emotional Disagreement. The Role of Semantic Content in the Expression of, and Disagreement Over, Emotional Values. Dialogue, 51(1), 99-117


Stojanovic, I. (2013). Context and the Attitudes.


Terrone, E. (2017). La La La ricerca della felicità – Matrimonio, rimatrimonio e non-matrimonio nella commedia romantica. Segnocinema, 205, 16-18


Origgi, G. (2018). https://www.openaire.eu.


Origgi, G. (2018). South, Status and Knowledge: Epistemic Dominance and Forms of Epistemic Injustice.


Pasquinelli, E., Farina, M. , Bedel, A. & Casati, R. (2020). Définir et éduquer l'esprit critique.


Terrone, E. (2017). La trappola del naturalismo. Le neuroscienze e la naturalizzazione dell’estetica del cinema


Terrone, E. (2017). Film ed emozioni Milano: Cortina

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2001). For Whom is the Problem of the Essential Indexical a Problem? . (pp. 304-315).

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2003). What to Say on What Is Said. In Blackburn et al. (Eds.), Modeling and Using Context. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence 2680. (pp. 300-313). Berlin: Springer-Verlag

Book chapter  

De Brabanter, P., Nicolas, D., Stojanovic, I. & Villanueva Fernandez, N. (2007). Les usages déférentiels. In Bouvier, Alban and Conein, Bernard (Eds.), L'épistémologie sociale. Une théorie sociale de la connaissance (pp. 139-162).Editions de l'EHESS

Book chapter  

Predelli, S. & Stojanovic, I. (2008). Semantic Relativism and the Logic of Indexicals. (pp. 63–90).

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2009). The Vicious Triangle of A Priori Truth, Contingent Truth, and Logical Truth. (pp. 69–82).

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2010). Referring with Proper Names: Towards a Pragmatic Account. (pp. 139-160).

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2011). Context, Meaning and Logical Truth. In Gupta, A. and van Benthem, J. (Eds.), Logic and Philosophy Today (Vol. 30, pp. 11-24). London: College Publications, Studies in Logic Series

Book chapter  

Bouvier, A. (2011). Individualism, Collective Agency and The “Micro–Macro Relation”. In Ian Jarvie and Jesus Zamora (Eds.), Handbook of Philosophy of Social Science (pp. 199).Sage Publications

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2012). Situation Semantics. (pp. 67-86).

Book chapter  

Graupner, M. & Gutkin, B. (2012). Dynamical Approaches to understanding cholinergic control of nicotine action pathways in the dopaminergic reward circuits. Computational Neuroscience of Drug Addiction (Springer ed.).Ahmed and Gutkin (eds.)

Book chapter  

Caze, R., Humphries, M. & Gutkin, B. (2013). Dendrites enhance both single neuron and network computation. In Remme et al (eds) (Eds.), Dendritic ComputationSpringer

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2014). Prepragmatics: Widening the Semantics-Pragmatics Boundary . In Burgess, Alexis and Brett Sherman (Eds.), Metasemantics: New Essays on the Foundations of Meaning (pp. 311–326). Oxford: OUP

Book chapter  

Stojanovic, I. (2014). Talking about the Future: Settled Truth and Assertion. In De Brabanter, Ph., Kissine, M. and Sharifzadeh, S. (Eds.), Future Times, Future Tenses (pp. 26-43).Oxford: OUP

Book chapter  

Remme, M., Lengyel, M. & Gutkin, B. (2014). Phase Response Methods in Dendritic Dynamics. In Schultheiss et al (eds) (Eds.), Phase Response Cruves in NeuroscienceSpringer