ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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International Journal article  

Cavanagh, P., Casati, R. & Elder , J. (2022). Scaling depth from shadow offset. Journal of Vision, 21(12), 15. doi:10.1167/jov.21.12.15

International Journal article  

Kharitonov, E. , Polyak, A. , Adi, Y. , Copet, J. , Lakhotia, K. , Nguyen, T. , Rivière, M., Mohamed, A., Dupoux, E. & Hsu, W. (2022). Text-Free Prosody-Aware Generative Spoken Language Modeling. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), 8666–8681. doi:10.18653/v1/2022.acl-long.593

International Journal article  

Anlló, H., Katsumi, W., Sackur, J. & de Gardelle, V. (2022). Effects of false statements on visual perception hinge on social suggestibility. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 48(8), 889–900. doi:10.1037/xhp0001024

International Journal article  

Rouy, M. , de Gardelle, V., Reyes, G., Sackur, J., Vergnaud , J., Filevich, E. & Nathan, F. (2022). Metacognitive improvement: Disentangling adaptive training from experimental confounds. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. doi:10.1037/xge0001185

International Journal article  

Landry, M., Da Silva Castanheira , J., Sackur, J. & Raz, A. (2021). Difficult Turned Easy: Suggestion Renders a Challenging Visual Task Simple. Psychological Science, 32(1), 39-49. doi:10.1177/0956797620954856

International Journal article  

Rahnev, D., Balsdon, T., Charles, L., de Gardelle, V., Denison, R., Desender, K., Faivre, N., Filevich, E., Fleming, S., Jehee, J., Lau, H., Lee, A., Locke, S., Mamassian, P., Odegaard, B., Peters, M., Reyes, G., Rouault, M., Sackur, J., Samaha, J., Sergent, C., Sherman, M., Siedlecka, M., Soto, D., Vlassova, A. & Zylberberg, A. (2022). Consensus goals for the field of visual metacognition. Perspectives on Psychological Science, . doi:10.1177/17456916221075615

International Journal article  

Arcangeli, M. & Dokic, J. (2021). At the Limits: What Drives Experiences of the Sublime. British Journal of Aesthetics, 61(2), 145-161. doi:10.1093/aesthj/ayaa030

International Journal article  

Arcangeli, M. (2021). The conceptual nature of imaginative content. Synthese, 199(1-2), 3189-3205. doi:10.1007/s11229-020-02930-7

International Journal article  

Casati, R., Kulvicki, J. & Zeimbekis, J. (2022). Borgesian Maps . Analytic Philosophy, 63(2), 90–98. doi:10.1111/phib.12204


Casati, R. (2022). The Sailing Mind. Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-89639-3

Book chapter  

Casati, R. (2021). Shadows in the Moment. Liddy Scheffknecht – Points in Time (pp. 161-164).De Gruyter. doi:10.1515/9783110769562-010

Book chapter  

Casati, R. (2021). Im Moment des Schattens. Liddy Scheffknecht – Points in Time,De Gruyter,. doi:10.1515/9783110769562-005

International Journal article  

Casati, R. (2021). Drawing problems: thought in action. Adaptive Behavior, 29(5), 441-448. doi:10.1177/1059712319861551


Casati, R. (2022). Philosophie de l'océan. PUF

International Journal article  

A Cooper, E., Casati, R., Farid, H. & Cavanagh, P. (2023). The art of the float. Journal of vision, 23(8), 13. doi:10.1167/jov.23.8.13

International Journal article  

Perroy, B. , Gurchani, U. & Casati, R. (2023). Disorientation and time distortions during the metro commute: An analysis of 456 responses to a questionnaire distributed in real time on Twitter during traffic disruptions in the Paris area. Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006), 17470218231163702. doi:10.1177/17470218231163702

International Journal article  

Arcangeli, M. (2019). The Two Faces of Mental Imagery. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research

International Journal article  

Arcangeli, M., Sperduti, M., Jacquot, A., Piolino, P. & Dokic, J. (2020). Awe and the Experience of the Sublime: A Complex Relationship. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 1340. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.01340

Book chapter  

Arcangeli, M. & Dokic, J. (2020). A plea for the Sublime in science. In S. French & M. Ivanova (Eds.), The Aesthetics of Science: Beauty, Imagination and Understanding (Routledge ed., pp. 104-124). doi:10.4324/9780429030284-6

International Journal article  

Bastian, M., Lerique, S., Adam, V., Franklin, M., Schooler, J. & Sackur, J. (2017). Language facilitates introspection: Verbal mind-wandering has privileged access to consciousness. Consciousness and cognition, 49, 86-97. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2017.01.002

International Journal article  

Bastian, M. & Sackur, J. (2013). Mind wandering at the fingertips: automatic parsing of subjective states based on response time variability. Frontiers in psychology, 4, 573. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00573

International Journal article  

Battaglini, L., Maniglia, M., Konishi, M., Contemori, G., Coccaro, A. & Casco, C. (2018). Fast random motion biases judgments of visible and occluded motion speed. Vision research, 150, 38-43. doi:10.1016/j.visres.2018.08.001

International Journal article  

Battaglini, L., Mioni, G. , Casco, C., Contemori, G. & Konishi, M. (2020). Probing the effect of the expected-speed violation illusion. Psychological Research, . doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/s00426-020-01426-w

International Journal article  

Becchio, J., Sackur, J. & Anlló, H. (2017). French Norms for the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A. The International journal of clinical and experimental hypnosis, 65(2), 241-255. doi:10.1080/00207144.2017.1276369

International Journal article  

Berlemont, K., Martin, J., Sackur, J. & Nadal, J. (2020). Nonlinear neural network dynamics accounts for human confidence in a sequence of perceptual decisions. Scientific Reports, 10, 7940. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-63582-8

International Journal article  

Bernal Velasquez, R., Jacob, P., Kistler, M., Papineau, D. & Dokic, J. (2013). Précis of "E-Physicalism-a Physicalist Theory of Phenomenal Consciousness" Ideas Y Valores, 62(152 ), 268–297


Casati, R. & Cavanagh, P. (2019). The Visual World of Shadows. MIT Press

International Journal article  

Casati, R., Cavanagh, P. & Santos, P. (2018). Perception, cognition and reasoning about shadows. Spatial Cognition & Computation, 18(2), 78-85. doi:10.1080/13875868.2017.1377204

Book chapter  

Casati, R. & Tonello, F. (2018). Voto elettronico e partecipazione democratica. Web e società democratica (pp. 3-15). Turin: Accademia University Press

International Journal article  

Casati, R. (2019). Drawing problems: thought in action. Adaptive Behavior, . doi:10.1177/1059712319861551