ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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International Journal article  

Agus, T., Carrión-Castillo, A., Pressnitzer, D. & Ramus, F. (2014). Perceptual learning of acoustic noise by individuals with dyslexia. Journal of speech, language, and hearing research : JSLHR, 57(3), 1069-77. doi:10.1044/1092-4388(2013/13-0020)

International Journal article  

Altarelli, I., Monzalvo, K., Iannuzzi, S., Fluss, J., Billard, C., Ramus, F. & Dehaene-Lambertz, G. (2013). A functionally guided approach to the morphometry of occipitotemporal regions in developmental dyslexia: evidence for differential effects in boys and girls. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience, 33(27), 11296-301. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.5854-12.2013

International Journal article  

Altarelli, I., Leroy, F., Monzalvo, K., Fluss, J., Billard, C., Dehaene-Lambertz, G., Galaburda, A. & Ramus, F. (2014). Planum temporale asymmetry in developmental dyslexia: Revisiting an old question. Human brain mapping, 35(12), 5717-35. doi:10.1002/hbm.22579

International Journal article  

Azzalini, D., Buot, A., Palminteri, S. & Tallon-Baudry, C. (2021). Responses to Heartbeats in Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex Contribute to Subjective Preference-Based Decisions. Journal of Neuroscience, 41(23), 5102-5114. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.1932-20.2021

International Journal article  

Bavard, S., Rustichini, A. & Palminteri, S. (2021). Two sides of the same coin: Beneficial and detrimental consequences of range adaptation in human reinforcement learning. Science Advances, 7(14). doi:10.1126/sciadv.abe0340

International Journal article  

Bavard, S., Lebreton, M., Khamassi, M., Coricelli, G. & Palminteri, S. (2018). Reference-point centering and range-adaptation enhance human reinforcement learning at the cost of irrational preferences. Nature Communications, 9(4503)

International Journal article  

Becker, J., Czamara, D., Scerri, T., Ramus, F., Csépe, V., Talcott, J., Stein, J., Morris, A., Ludwig, K., Hoffmann, P., Honbolygó, F., Tóth, D., Fauchereau, F., Bogliotti, C., Iannuzzi, S., Chaix, Y., Valdois, S., Billard, C., George, F., Soares-Boucaud, I., Gérard, C., Van Der Mark, S., Schulz, E., Vaessen, A., Maurer, U., Lohvansuu, K., Lyytinen, H., Zucchelli, M., Brandeis, D., Blomert, L., Leppänen, P., Bruder, J., Monaco, A., Müller-Myhsok, B., Kere, J., Landerl, K., Nöthen, M., Schulte-Körne, G., Paracchini, S., Peyrard-Janvid, M. & Schumacher, J. (2014). Genetic analysis of dyslexia candidate genes in the European cross-linguistic NeuroDys cohort. European journal of human genetics : EJHG, 22(5), 675-80. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2013.199

International Journal article  

Bertram, C., Muller, M., Ramus, F. & Nugent, A. (2001). Measurements of steady turbulent flow through a rigid simulated collapsed tube. Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing, 39(4), 422-427

International Journal article  

Blotière, P., Miranda, S., Weill, A., Mikaeloff, Y., Peyre, H., Ramus, F., Mahmoud, Z., Coste, J. & Dray-Spira, R. (2020). Risk of early neurodevelopmental outcomes associated with prenatal exposure to the antiepileptic drugs most commonly used during pregnancy: a French nationwide population-based cohort study. BMJ Open, 10(6), e034829. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2019-034829

International Journal article  

Bouchacourt, F., Palminteri, S., Koechlin, E. & Ostojic, S. (2020). Temporal Chunking as a Mechanism for Unsupervised Learning of Task-Sets. eLife, 9, e50469. doi:10.7554/eLife.50469

International Journal article  

Bourguignon, M. , Molinaro, N. , Lizarazu, M., Taulu, S. , Jousmäki, V., Lallier, M. , Carreiras, M. & De Tiège, X. (2020). Neocortical activity tracks the hierarchical linguistic structures of self-produced speech during reading aloud. NeuroImage, 216, 116788 . doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2020.116788

International Journal article  

Di Folco , C. , Guez, A., Peyre, H. & Ramus, F. (2021). Epidemiology of reading disability: A comparison of DSM-5 and ICD-11 criteria. Scientific Studies of Reading, NA. doi:10.1080/10888438.2021.1998067

International Journal article  

Chambon, V., Thero, H., Vidal, M., Vandendriessche, C., Haggard, P. & Palminteri, S. (2020). Choosing and learning: outcome valence differentially affects learning from free versus forced choices. Nature Human Behaviour, .

International Journal article  

Chambon, V., Thero, H., Vidal, M., Vandendriessche, H., Haggard, P. & Palminteri, S. (2020). Information about action outcomes differentially affects learning from self-determined versus imposed choices. Nature Human Behaviour , 4, 1067-1079. doi:10.1038/s41562-020-0919-5

International Journal article  

Charafeddine, R., Zambrana , I., Triniol, B. , Mercier, H., Clément, F. , Kaufmann, L. , Reboul, A. , Pons, F. & Van Der Henst, J. (2020). How Preschoolers Associate Power with Gender in Male-Female Interactions: A Cross-Cultural Investigation. Sex Roles, 83, 453-473. doi:10.1007/s11199-019-01116-x

International Journal article  

Chevallier, C., Hacquin, A. & Mercier, H. (2021). COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy: Shortening the Last Mile. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 25(5), 331–333. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2021.02.002

International Journal article  

Claire, S., Corazzol, M. , Labouret, G., Stockart, F. , Wexler, M., King, J. , Florent, M. & Pressnitzer, D. (2021). Bifurcation in brain dynamics reveals a signature of conscious processing independent of report. Nature Communications, 12, 1149. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-21393-z

International Journal article  

Correa, C. , Noorman, S. , Jiang, J. , Palminteri, S., Cohen, M. , Lebreton, M. & van Gaal, S. (2018). How the level of reward awareness changes the computational and electrophysiological signatures of reinforcement learning. Journal of Neuroscience , 0457-18. doi:10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0457-18.2018

International Journal article  

Coste, J., Blotière, P., Miranda, S., Mikaeloff, Y., Peyre, H., Ramus, F., Zureik, M., Weill, A. & Dray-Spira, R. (2020). Risk of early neurodevelopmental disorders associated with in utero exposure to valproate and other antiepileptic drugs: a nationwide cohort study in France. Scientific Reports, 10(1), 17362. doi:10.1038/s41598-020-74409-x

International Journal article  

Couvignou, M., Peretz, I. & Ramus, F. (2019 ). Comorbidity and cognitive overlap between developmental dyslexia and congenital amusia. Cognitive neuropsychology, 36(1-2), 1-17. doi:10.1080/02643294.2019.1578205

International Journal article  

Dominey, P. & Ramus, F. (2000). Neural network processing of natural language: I. Sensitivity to serial, temporal and abstract structure of language in the infant. Language and Cognitive Processes, 15(1), 87-127

International Journal article  

Falck, A., Labouret, G., Izard, V., Wertz, A., Keil Frank, C. & Strickland, B. (2020). Core cognition in adult vision: A surprising discrepancy between the principles of object continuity and solidity. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 149(12), 2250–2263. doi:10.1037/xge0000785

International Journal article  

Feng, X., Altarelli, I., Monzalvo, K., Ding, G., Ramus, F., Shu, H., Dehaene, S., Meng, X. & Dehaene-Lambertz, G. (2020). A universal reading network and its modulation by writing system and reading ability in French and Chinese children. eLife, 9, e54591. doi:10.7554/eLife.54591

International Journal article  

Findling, C., Skvortsova , V., Dromnelle, R. , Palminteri, S. & Wyart, V. (2019). Computational noise in reward-guided learning drives behavioral variability in volatile environments. Nature Neuroscience , 22, 2066–2077. doi:10.1101/439885

International Journal article  

Fontanesi , L., Palminteri, S. & Lebreton, M. (2019). Decomposing the effects of context valence and feedback information on speed and accuracy during reinforcement learning: A meta-analytical approach using diffusion decision modeling. Cognitive Affective Behavioral Neuroscience, 1-13. doi:10.3758/s13415-019-00723-1

International Journal article  

Forgeot D'Arc, B., Ramus, F., Lefebvre, A., Brottier, D., Zalla, T., Moukawane, S., Amsellem, F., Letellier, L., Peyre, H., Mouren, M., Leboyer, M. & Delorme, R. (2016). Atypical Social Judgment and Sensitivity to Perceptual Cues in Autism Spectrum Disorders. Journal of autism and developmental disorders, 46(5), 1574-81. doi:10.1007/s10803-014-2208-5

International Journal article  

Forgeot D'Arc, B. & Ramus, F. (2011). Belief attribution despite verbal interference. Quarterly journal of experimental psychology (2006), 64(5), 975-90. doi:10.1080/17470218.2010.524413

International Journal article  

Forgeot D'Arc, B., Delorme, R., Zalla, T., Lefebvre, A., Amsellem, F., Moukawane, S., Letellier, L., Leboyer, M., Mouren, M. & Ramus, F. (2017). Gaze direction detection in autism spectrum disorder. Autism : the international journal of research and practice, 21(1), 100-107. doi:10.1177/1362361316630880

International Journal article  

Galaburda, A., Loturco, J., Ramus, F., Fitch, R. & Rosen, G. (2006). From genes to behavior in developmental dyslexia. Nature neuroscience, 9(10), 1213-7. doi:10.1038/nn1772

International Journal article  

Garcia, B., Cerrotti, F. & Palminteri, S. (2021). The description-experience gap: a challenge for the neuroeconomics of decision-making under uncertainty. Philosophical transactions of the royal society B, 376(1819). doi:10.1098/rstb.2019.0665