ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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International Journal article  

Bouttier, V., Leclercq, S., Jardri, R. & Denève, S. (2024). A normative approach to radicalization in social networks. J Comput Soc Sc, 7 , 1071–1093. doi:10.1007/s42001-024-00267-6

International Journal article  
International Journal article  

Coye, C. , Veselinović, D., Candiotti, A. , Schlenker, P., Lemasson, A. & Chemla, E. (2024). Female Diana Monkeys (Cercopithecus diana) Have Complex Calls. Linguistic Inquiry, ., 1-10. doi:10.1162/ling_a_00535

International Journal article  

De Falco, E., Solca, M., Bernasconi, F., Babo-Rebelo, M., Young, N., Sammartino, F., Tallon-Baudry, C., Navarro , V., R Rezai, A., Krishna, V. & Blanke, O. (2024). Single neurons in the thalamus and subthalamic nucleus process cardiac and respiratory signals in humans. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 121(11), e2316365121. doi:10.1073/pnas.2316365121

International Journal article  

Egré, P. (2024). Eubulide et la conséquence logique. Revue de métaphysique et de morale, 2, 243-265

International Journal article  

Fernandez Velasco, P., Perroy, B. , Gurchani, U. & Casati, R. (2024). Social and temporal disorientation during the Covid-19 pandemic: An analysis of 3306 responses to a quantitative questionnaire. British journal of psychology (London, England : 1953), . doi:10.1111/bjop.12704

International Journal article  

Leclercq, S., Szaffarczyk, S., Leptourgos, P., Yger, P., Fakhri, A., Wathelet, M., Bouttier, V., Denève, S. & Jardri, R. (2024). Conspiracy beliefs and perceptual inference in times of political uncertainty. Scientific reports, 14(1), 9001. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-59434-4

International Journal article  

Salgues, S., Jacquot, A., Makowski, D., Tahar, C., Baekeland, J., Arcangeli, M., Dokic, J., Piolino, P. & Sperduti, M. (2024). Self-reference and emotional reaction drive aesthetic judgment. Scientific reports, 14(1), 19699. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-68331-9

International Journal article  

Salis, A., Badaire, F., Coye, C. , Leroux, M., Lengagne , T., Schlenker, P. & Chemla, E. (2024). Mechanisms of mobbing call recognition: Exploring featural decoding in great tits. Animal Behaviour

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P., Salis, A., Leroux, M., Coye, C. , Rizzi, L., Steinert-Threlkeld, S. & Chemla, E. (2024). Minimal Compositionality versus Bird Implicatures: two theories of ABC-D sequences in Japanese tits. Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, . doi:10.1111/brv.13068

International Journal article  

A Cooper, E., Casati, R., Farid, H. & Cavanagh, P. (2023). The art of the float. Journal of vision, 23(8), 13. doi:10.1167/jov.23.8.13

International Journal article  

Arcangeli, M. (2023). Aphantasia Demystified. Synthese, 201(31). doi:10.1007/s11229-022-04027-9

International Journal article  

Bai, D. & Strickland, B. (2023). The Pulfrich solidity illusion: a surprising demonstration of the visual system’s tolerance of solidity violations. Psychon Bull Rev. doi:10.3758/s13423-023-02271-9

International Journal article  

Baptista, A., Chambon, V., Hoertel, N., Olfson, M. , Blanco, C. , Cohen, D. & O Jacquet, P. (2023). Associations Between Early Life Adversity, Reproduction-Oriented Life Strategy, and Borderline Personality Disorder. JAMA psychiatry, 80(6), 558-566. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2023.0694

International Journal article  

Bourgeois-Gironde, S. & Ferreira, J. (2023). The expressive power of voting rules. Soc Choice Welf. doi:10.1007/s00355-023-01486-y

International Journal article  

Candia-Rivera, D. , Raimondo , F., Perez, P. , Naccache, L., Tallon-Baudry, C. & D Sitt, J. (2023). Conscious processing of global and local auditory irregularities causes differentiated heartbeat-evoked responses. eLife, 27(12), e75352. doi:10.7554/eLife.75352

International Journal article  

Chemla, E., Charnavel , I., Dautriche, I., Embick, D., Lerdahl, F., Patel-Grosz, P., Poeppel, D. & Schlenker, P. (2023). Formal Models at the Core. Cognitive science, 47(3), e13267. doi:10.1111/cogs.13267

International Journal article  

Chung, V., Grèzes, J. & Pacherie, E. (2023). Collective Emotion: A Framework for Experimental Research. Emotion Review, 16(1), 28-45. doi:10.1177/17540739231214533

International Journal article  

Cremers, A., Wilcox, E. & Spector, B. (2023). Exhaustivity and anti-exhaustivity in the RSA framework: Testing the effect of prior beliefs. Cognitive Science, 47(5), e13286. doi:https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/cogs.13286

International Journal article  

Da Re, B. , Szmuc, D. , Chemla, E. & Egré, P. (2023). On three-valued presentations of classical logic. The Review of Symbolic Logic, 1-23. doi:10.1017/S1755020323000114

International Journal article  

Derome, M., Kozuharova, P., O Diaconescu, A., Denève, S., Jardri, R. & Allen, P. (2023). Functional connectivity and glutamate levels of the medial prefrontal cortex in schizotypy are related to sensory amplification in a probabilistic reasoning task. NeuroImage, 278, 120280. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.120280

International Journal article  

Egré, P. (2023). Truth and Falsity in Buridan’s Bridge. Synthese , 201(17). doi:10.1007/s11229-022-03907-4

International Journal article  

Egré, P., Spector, B., Mortier, A. & (Et Al), . (2023). On the optimality of vagueness: “around”, “between” and the Gricean maxims. Linguist and Philos, 46, 1075–1130. doi:10.1007/s10988-022-09379-6

International Journal article  

Engelen, T., Buot, A., Grèzes, J. & Tallon-Baudry, C. (2023). Whose emotion is it? Perspective matters to understand brain-body interactions in emotions. NeuroImage, 268, 119867. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.119867

International Journal article  

Engelen, T., Solca, M. & Tallon-Baudry, C. (2023). Interoceptive rhythms in the brain. Nature neuroscience, 26, 1670–1684. doi:10.1038/s41593-023-01425-1

International Journal article  

Fernandez-Velasco, P., Perroy, B. , Gurchani, U. & Casati, R. (2023). Lost in pandemic time: a phenomenological analysis of temporal disorientation during the Covid-19 crisis. , 22, 1121–1144. doi:10.1007/s11097-022-09847-1

International Journal article  

Fernandez-Velasco, P., Nijman , J. & Casati, R. (2023). The cognitive advantages of the notebook. Cognitive Semiotics, 16(1), 3-21. doi:10.1515/cogsem-2023-2003

International Journal article  

Garcia, B., Lebreton, M., Bourgeois-Gironde, S. & Palminteri, S. (2023). Experiential values are underweighted in decisions involving symbolic options. Nature human behaviour, . doi:10.1038/s41562-022-01496-3

International Journal article  

Giardino, V. (2023). New Perspectives: An Introduction. Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, . doi:10.1007/978-3-030-19071-2_126-1

International Journal article  

Giardino, V. (2023). Diagrammatic Proofs in Mathematics: (Almost) 20 Years of Research. Handbook of the History and Philosophy of Mathematical Practice, . doi:10.1007/978-3-030-19071-2_46-1