ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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National journal article  

Casati, R. (1987). Magritte: variatio eidetica e invarianti rappresentative. Fenomenologia e scienze dell'uomo

National journal article  

Casati, R. (1989). Considerazioni critiche sulla filosofia del suono di Husserl. Rivista di storia della filosofia

National journal article  

Casati, R. (1990). What is Wrong in Inverting Spectra? Teoria

National journal article  

Casati, R. (1991). Colori 1980-1990. Lingua e Stile

National journal article  

Casati, R. & Varzi, A. (1999). Traps in Spatial Representation. Sistemi intelligenti

National journal article  

Nicolas, D. (2002). Do mass nouns constitute a semantically uniform class? Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics, 26, 113-121. doi:10.17161/KWPL.1808.591

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Casati, R. (2003). Towards a cognitively oriented database of early shadow depictions. In .


Spector, B. (2003). Grammaire et logique. Labyrinthe, 14, 25–46OpenEdition. doi:10.4000/labyrinthe.595

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Spector, B. (2003). Plural Indefinite {DPs} as Plural-Polarity Items. In Josep Quer, Jan Schroten, Mauro Scorretti, Petra Sleeman and Els Verheugd (Eds.), In Selected papers from Going Romance, Amsterdam, 8 December 2001, John Benjamins Publishing Company, 295–313. doi:10.1075/cilt.245.18spe

National journal article  

Nicolas, D. (2004). Is there anything characteristic about the meaning of a count noun? Revue de la Lexicologie, 18-19, 125-138

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Matushansky, O. & Spector, B. (2004). Tinker, tailor, soldier, spy. In Maier, Emar and Corien Bary and Janneke Huitink (Eds.), In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 9, Maier, Emar and Corien Bary and Janneke Huitink, 241–255.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Spector, B. (2004). Distributivity and specific indefinites. In Sylvia Blaho, Luis Vicente and Mark de Vos (Eds.), In Proceedings of ConSOLE XII, Sylvia Blaho, Luis Vicente and Mark de Vos.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Spector, B. (2004). Pseudo weak crossover in French relative clauses and global economy. In Olivier Crouzet, Hamida Demirdache, Sophie Wauquier (Eds.), In Actes des Journées d'études linguistiques 2004, Université de Nantes.


Stojanovic, I. (2005). A Different Story about Indexicals. , Amsterdam: ILLC Research Reports


Spector, B. (2005). Linguistique générative et cognitivisme: bref aperçu. Labyrinthe, 20, 41-52OpenEdition. doi:10.4000/labyrinthe.756


de Vignemont, F. (2006). L’hystérie : ne plus pouvoir vouloir, ne plus vouloir pouvoir. Philosophiques, 33(1), 197-216


de Vignemont, F. (2006). Brainreading perceptual experiences: a challenge for firstperson authority. Anthropology and philosophy, 7, 151-162


Spector, B. (2006). Aspects de la pragmatique des opérateurs logiques.


de Vignemont, F. (2007). Commentary - How many representations of the body? Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 30(2), 204-5


Stojanovic, I. (2007). What Is Said as Lexical Meaning. Cadernos de Filosofia, 21, 7-42

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Spector, B. (2007). Modalized Questions and Exhaustivity. , Vol. 17: In Semantics and linguistics theory, Linguistic Society of America, 282. doi:10.3765/salt.v17i0.2962

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Abrusan, M. & Spector, B. (2008). An Interval-Based Semantics for Degree Questions: Negative Islands and Their Obviation. In Abner, Natasha and Jason Bishop (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 27th West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, Cascadilla Proceedings Project, 17-26.


Bouvier, A. (2009). Joint Commitment, Coercion and Freedom in Science : Conceptual Analysis and Case Studies. , 143–61


de Vignemont, F. (2009). Bodily spatial content. Psyche, 15(1), 100-108


Schlenker, P. (2010). Singular Pronouns with Split Antecedents . Snippets(23), 13-15


de Vignemont, F. & Farnè , A. (2010). Incorporer des objets et des membres factices: quelle différence? Widening the body to rubber hands and tools: what's the difference? La revue de Neuropsychologie, Neurosciences Cognitives, 2(3), 203-211


Stojanovic, I. (2010). When Is Action Intentional? A Problem for Ginet's Acausal Account of Intentional Action. Vox Philosophiae, 18-28

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Mayr, C. & Spector, B. (2010). Not too strong! Generalizing the scope economy condition. In Prinzhorn, Martin, Viola Schmitt and Sarah Zobel (Eds.), In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 14.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Chemla, E. & Spector, B. (2010 ). Experimental Detection of Embedded Implicatures. In Aloni, Maria and Bastiaanse, Harald and de Jager, Tikitu and Schulz, Katrin (Eds.), In Logic, Language and Meaning: 17th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 53–62. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14287-1_6