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International Journal article  

Landemard, A., Bimbard, C., Demene, C. , Shamma, S., Norman-Haignere, S. & Boubenec, Y. (2021). Distinct higher-order representations of natural sounds in human and ferret auditory cortex. eLife, 10 , e65566. doi:10.7554/eLife.65566

International Journal article  

Varnet, L. & Lorenzi, C. (2022). Probing temporal modulation detection in white noise using intrinsic envelope fluctuations: A reverse-correlation study. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151(2), 1353-1366. doi:10.1121/10.0009629

International Journal article  

Attia, S., King, A., Varnet, L., Ponsot, E. & Lorenzi, C. (2022). Erratum: Double-pass consistency for amplitude- and frequency-modulation detection in normal-hearing listeners [J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 150, 3631–3647 (2021)] The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 151, 1180. doi:10.1121/10.0009583

International Journal article  

Caucheteux, C. & King, J. (2022). Brains and algorithms partially converge in natural language processing. Nature Communications Biology , 5, 134. doi:10.1038/s42003-022-03036-1

International Journal article  

Narbona Sabaté, L. , Mesbahi, G. , Dezecache, G., Cäsar, C., Zuberbühler, K. & Berthet, M. (2022). Animal linguistics in the making: the Urgency Principle and titi monkeys’ alarm system. Ethology Ecology & Evolution , . doi:10.1080/03949370.2021.2015452

International Journal article  

Lemi, L. , Gwilliams, L., Samaha, J., Auksztulewicz, R., M Cycowicz, Y. , King, J. , Nikulin, V., Thesen, T. , Doyle, W. , Devinsky, O. , E Schroeder, C. , Melloni, L. & Haegens, S. (2022). Ongoing neural oscillations influence behavior and sensory representations by suppressing neuronal excitability. NeuroImage , 247, 118746. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118746

Book chapter  
International Journal article  

Agus, T. & Pressnitzer, D. (2021). Repetition detection and rapid auditory learning for stochastic tone clouds. The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 150, 1735. doi:10.1121/10.0005935

International Journal article  

Osses , A. , Varnet, L., Carney, L. , Dau, T. , Bruce, I. , Verhulst, S. & Majdak, P. (2022). A comparative study of eight human auditory models of monaural processing. Acta Acustica, 6(17), 24. doi:10.1051/aacus/2022008

International Journal article  

Attaheri, A. , Choisdealbha, Á. , Di Liberto, G., Rocha, S. , Brusini, P. , Mead, N. , Olawole-Scott, H. , Boutris, P., Gibbon, S. , Williams, I. , Grey, C. , Flanagan, S. & Goswami, U. (2022). Delta- and theta-band cortical tracking and phase-amplitude coupling to sung speech by infants. NeuroImage, 247, 118698. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2021.118698

International Journal article  

Di Liberto, G., Hjortkjær, J. & Nima, M. (2022). Neural Tracking: Closing the Gap Between Neurophysiology and Translational Medicine. Front. Neurosci. doi:10.3389/fnins.2022.872600

International Journal article  

Li, K., Rajendran, V., Mishra, A. , Chan, C. & Schnupp, J. (2021). Interaural time difference tuning in the rat inferior colliculus is predictive of behavioral sensitivity. Hearing Research, 409, 108331. doi:10.1016/j.heares.2021.108331

International Journal article  

Kharitonov, E. , Polyak, A. , Adi, Y. , Copet, J. , Lakhotia, K. , Nguyen, T. , Rivière, M., Mohamed, A., Dupoux, E. & Hsu, W. (2022). Text-Free Prosody-Aware Generative Spoken Language Modeling. Proceedings of the 60th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics (Volume 1: Long Papers), 8666–8681. doi:10.18653/v1/2022.acl-long.593

International Journal article  

Anlló, H., Katsumi, W., Sackur, J. & de Gardelle, V. (2022). Effects of false statements on visual perception hinge on social suggestibility. J Exp Psychol Hum Percept Perform, 48(8), 889–900. doi:10.1037/xhp0001024

International Journal article  

Rouy, M. , de Gardelle, V., Reyes, G., Sackur, J., Vergnaud , J., Filevich, E. & Nathan, F. (2022). Metacognitive improvement: Disentangling adaptive training from experimental confounds. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General. doi:10.1037/xge0001185

International Journal article  

Landry, M., Da Silva Castanheira , J., Sackur, J. & Raz, A. (2021). Difficult Turned Easy: Suggestion Renders a Challenging Visual Task Simple. Psychological Science, 32(1), 39-49. doi:10.1177/0956797620954856

International Journal article  

Grinfeder, E., Lorenzi, C., Haupert, S. & Sueur, J. (2022). What Do We Mean by “Soundscape”? A Functional Description. Front. Ecol. Evol, 10, 894232. doi:10.3389/fevo.2022.894232

International Journal article  

Rahnev, D., Balsdon, T., Charles, L., de Gardelle, V., Denison, R., Desender, K., Faivre, N., Filevich, E., Fleming, S., Jehee, J., Lau, H., Lee, A., Locke, S., Mamassian, P., Odegaard, B., Peters, M., Reyes, G., Rouault, M., Sackur, J., Samaha, J., Sergent, C., Sherman, M., Siedlecka, M., Soto, D., Vlassova, A. & Zylberberg, A. (2022). Consensus goals for the field of visual metacognition. Perspectives on Psychological Science, . doi:10.1177/17456916221075615

International Journal article  

Kuhn, J., Sheng, H. & Schlenker, P. (2021). Timelines and Temporal Pointing in Chinese Sign Language. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 6(1), 133. doi:10.16995/glossa.5836

International Journal article  

Mascarenhas, S. (2021). A Note on the Cardinalities of Sets of Scalar Alternatives . Journal of Semantics, 38(3), 473–482. doi:10.1093/jos/ffab011

International Journal article  

Sablé{-}meyer, M. & Mascarenhas, S. (2021). Indirect Illusory Inferences From Disjunction: A New Bridge Between Deductive Inference and Representativeness . Review of Philosophy and Psychology, ., 1–26. doi:10.1007/s13164-021-00543-8

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2021). Triggering Presuppositions. Glossa, 6(1), 35. doi:10.5334/gjgl.1352

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2021). Musical meaning within Super Semantics. Linguistics and Philosophy , 45, 795–872. doi:10.1007/s10988-021-09329-8

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. & Lamberton, J. (2021). Focus and Intensification in the Semantics of Brow Raise. Glossa: a journal of general linguistics, 6(1), 102. doi:10.16995/glossa.5706

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. & Lamberton, J. (2021). Meaningful Blurs: the Sources of Repetition-based Plurals in ASL. Linguistics and Philosophy, 45, 201-264. doi:10.1007/s10988-020-09312-9

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2021). Non-local Attachment of Clauses: Evidence from ASL. Natural Language & Linguistic Theory, 39(4), 1-36. doi:10.1007/s11049-020-09486-8

Book chapter  

Falck, A., Strickland, B. & Jacob, P. (2022). Social Cognition and Moral Evaluation in Early Human Childhood. In O. Houdé & G. Borst (Eds.), The Cambridge Handbook of Cognitive Development (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press ed., pp. 269-298). doi:10.1017/9781108399838.016

International Journal article  

Van Bavel, J. , Cichocka, A., Capraro, V., Sjåstad, H., Nezlek, J., Pavlović, T., Alfano, M., Gelfand, M., Azevedo, F., Birtel, M., Cislak, A., Lockwood, P., Ross, R., Abts, K., Agadullina, E., Aruta, J. , Besharati, S. , Bor, A., Choma, B. , Crabtree, C. , Cunningham, W. , De, K., Ejaz, W., Elbaek, C. , Findor, A., Flichtentrei, D., Franc, R., Gjoneska, B., Gruber, J., Gualda, E., Horiuchi, y., Huynh, T. , Ibanez, A., Imran, M. , Israelashvili, J., Jasko, K., Kantorowicz, J., Kantorowicz-Reznichenko, E., Krouwel, A., Laakasuo, M., Lamm, C., Leygue, C., Lin, M., Mansoor, M. , Marie, A. , Mayiwar, L., Mazepus, H., Mchugh, C., Minda, J. , Mitkidis, P., Olsson, A., Otterbring, T., Packer, D. , Perry, A., Petersen, M. , Puthillam, A., Riaño-Moreno, J. , Rothmund, T., Santamaría-García, H., Schmid, P. , Stoyanov, D., Tewari, S., Todosijević, B., Tsakiris , M., Tung, H., Umbreș, R. , Vanags, E., Vlasceanu, M., Vonasch, A., Yucel, M., Zhang, Y., Abad, M., Adler, E., Akrawi, N., Mdarhri, H. , Amara, H., Amodio, D. , Antazo, B. , Apps, M., Ay, F. , Ba, M. , Bai, X., Baquiano, M. , Barbosa, S., Bastian, B., Belleza, D. , Berg, A., Bernal-Zárate, M. , Bernstein, M., Białek, M., Bilancini, E., Bogatyreva, N., Boncinelli, L., Booth, J. , Borau, S., Buchel, O., Cameron, D., Carvalho, C. , Celadin, T., Cerami, C., Chalise, H. , Cheng, X., Cian, L., Cockcroft, K., Conway, J., Córdoba-Delgado, M. , Crespi, C., Crouzevialle, M., Cutler, J., Cypryańska, M., Dabrowska, J., Daniels, M. , Davis, V. , Dayley, P. , Delouvee, S., Denkovski, O., Dezecache, G., Dhaliwal, N. , Diato, A. , Paolo, R. , Drosinou, M., Dulleck, U., Ekmanis, J., Ertan, A. , Farkhari, T. , Farmer, H., Fenwick, A., Fidanovski, K., Flew, T., Fraser, S., Frempong, R. , Fugelsang, J. , Gale, J., Garcia-Navarro, E. , Garladinne, P., Ghajjou, O., Gkinopoulos, T., Gray, K., Griffin, S. , Gronfeldt, B., Gümren, M., Gurung, R., Halperin, E., Harris, E., Herzon, V., Hruška, M., Huang, G. , Hudecek, M. , Isler, O., Jangard, S., Jørgensen, F. , Kachanoff, F., Kahn, J., Dangol, A. , Keudel, L., Koppel, L., Koverola, M., Kubin, E., Kunnari, A., Kutiyski, y., Labor, P. , Laguna, O., Leota, J., Lermer, E., Levy, J., Levy, N., Li, C., Long, E. , Longoni, C., Maglić, M., Mccashin, D., Metcalf, A. , Mikloušić, I., Mimouni, S. , Miura, A., Molina-Paredes, J., Monroy-Fonseca, C., Morales-Marente, E., Moreau, D., Muda, R., Myer, A., Nash, K., Nesh-Nash, T., Nitschke, J. , Nurse, M. , Ohtsubo, y., Mello, V. , O'Madagain, C., Onderco, M., Palacios-Galvez, M. , Palomäki, J., Pan, y., Papp, Z., Pärnamets, P., Paruzel-Czachura, M., Pavlović, Z., Gómez, C. , Perander, S., Pitman, M. , Prasad, R., Pyrkosz-Pacyna, J., Rathje, S., Raza, A., Rêgo, G. , Rhee, K., Robertson, C. , Rodríguez-Pascual, I., Saikkonen, T., Salvador-Ginez, O., Sampaio, W. , Santi, G. , Santiago-Tovar, N., Savage, D., Scheffer, J. , Schönegger, P., Schultner, D. , Schutte, E. , Scott, A., Sharma, M., Sharma, P., Skali, A., Stadelmann, D., Stafford, C. , Stanojević, D., Stefaniak, A., Sternisko, A., Stoica, C. , Stoyanova, K. , Strickland, B., Sundvall, J., Thomas, J. , Tinghög, G., Torgler, B., Traast, I. , Tucciarelli, R., Tyrala, M., Ungson, N. , Uysal, M. , Lange, P. , Prooijen, J. , Rooy, D. , Västfjäll, D., Verkoeijen, P., Vieira, J. , Sikorski, C. , Walker, A. , Watermeyer, J., Wetter, E., Whillans, A., Willardt, R., Wohl, M. , Wójcik, A. , Wu, K., Yamada, y., Yilmaz, O., Yogeeswaran, K., Ziemer, C., Zwaan, R. & Boggio, P. (2022). National identity predicts public health support during a global pandemic: Results from 67 nations. Nature Communications, 13(1), 517. doi:10.1038/s41467-021-27668-9

International Journal article  

Cova, F., Strickland, B., Abatista, A., Allard, A. , Andow, J., Attie, M., Beebe, J., Berniūnas, R., Boudesseul, J., Colombo, M., Cushman, F., Diaz, R., N’djaye Nikolai Van Dongen, N., Dranseika, V., Earp, B., Torres, A. , Hannikainen, I., Hernández-Conde, J., Hu, W., Jaquet, F., Khalifa, K., Kim, H., Kneer, M., Knobe, J., Kurthy, M., Lantian, A., Liao, S., Machery, E., Moerenhout, T., Mott, C., Phelan, M., Phillips, J., Rambharose, N., Reuter, K., Romero, F., Sousa, P., Sprenger, J. , Thalabard, E., Tobia, K., Viciana, H. , Wilkenfeld, D. & Zhou, X. (2021). Estimating the Reproducibility of Experimental Philosophy. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 12(1), 9-44. doi:10.1007/s13164-018-0400-9

International Journal article  

Falck, A. & Strickland, B. (2021). Gaze following and mental state attribution: the agent’s line of sight moderates the gaze cueing effect. Journal of Vision, 21(9), 2569-2569. doi:10.1167/jov.21.9.2569