ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Riad, R., Titeux, H., Lemoine, L., Montillot, J., Sliwinski, A., Hamet Bagnou, J., Cao, X., Bachoud-Levi, A. & Dupoux, E. (2022). A comparison study on patient-psychologist voice diarization. In Ninth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT-2022), Dublin, Ireland: Association for Computational Linguistics, 30-36. doi:10.18653/v1/2022.slpat-1.4

National journal article  

Ramus, F., Di Folco , C. , Guez, A. & Peyre, H. (2021). Epidémiologie des troubles de la lecture en France : une comparaison du DSM-5 et de la CIM-11. Approche neuropsychologique des apprentissages chez l'enfant, 175, 639-649

National journal article  

Jacquemot, C. (2022). Le traitement lexico-sémantique dépend-il de ressources exécutives spécifiques au langage ? Revue neurobiologique, Supplément, S180-S181. doi:10.1016/j.neurol.2022.02.116

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Langlais, P. , Camps, J. , Baumard, N. & Morin, O. (2022). From Roland to Conan: First results on the corpus of French literary fictions (1050-1920) In Digital Humanities 2022 (DH2022), Tokyo, Japan.


Mercier, H. & Sperber, D. (2021). L'Énigme de la raison.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Futaisi Al, N., Cristia, A. & Schuller, B. (2023). Hearttoheart: The Arts of Infant Versus Adult-Directed Speech Classification. In ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, 1-5. doi:10.1109/ICASSP49357.2023.10096728

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Dailey, M. & Peperkamp, S. (2023). Implicit vs. explicit perception of French optional liaison as a marker of formality. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Peperkamp, S. & Brazeal, J. (2023). Lasting stress ‘deafness’ after auditory training: French listeners revisited. In Proceedings of ICPhS, Prague.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Peperkamp, S., Antoine, V. & Turnbull, R. (2022). Les Liaisons Dangereuses: Quantifying French liaison-induced homophony. In J. Culbertson, A. Perfors, H. Rabagliati & V. Ramenzoni (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2409-2414.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Riochet, R., Ynocente Castro, M., Bernard, M., Lerer, A., Fergus, R., Izard, V. & Dupoux, E. (2022). IntPhys 2019: A Benchmark for Visual Intuitive Physics Understanding. , Vol. 44: In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 5016-5025. doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3083839

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Poli, M. , Dupoux, E. & Riad, R. (2023). Introducing Topography in Convolutional Neural Networks. In CASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, 1-5. doi:10.1109/ICASSP49357.2023.10096671

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Guerin, N. & Chemla, E. (2023). It is a Bird Therefore it is a Robin: On BERT’s Internal Consistency Between Hypernym Knowledge and Logical Words. In Rogers, Anna and Boyd-Graber, Jordan and Okazaki, Naoaki (Eds.), In ACL 2023, Toronto, Canada, Association for Computational Linguistics, 8807–8817. doi:10.18653/v1/2023.findings-acl.560

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Sarre, A. , Salpeter, H. , Lakretz, Y. , Bechar, D. & Cohen, L. (2024). Automatic Recognition of Gesture Identity and Onset of Cued-Speech. In ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 10251-10255. doi:10.1109/ICASSP48485.2024.10446932

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Coffey, J. & Cristia, A. (2024). Long-Form Recordings to Study Children’s Language Input and Output in Under-Resourced Contexts. In Rooweither Mabuya, Muzi Matfunjwa, Mmasibidi Setaka, Menno van Zaanen (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Languages @ LREC-COLING 2024, Torino, Italia, ELRA and ICCL, 20–31.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Andrea Cruz Blandón, M., Cristia, A. & Räsänen, O. (2023). Analysing the Impact of Audio Quality on the Use of Naturalistic Long-Form Recordings for Infant-Directed Speech Research. In M. Goldwater, F. K. Anggoro, B. K. Hayes, & D. C. Ong (Eds.), Vol. 45: In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Berthet, M., Benjumea, J., Millet, J., Cäsar, C., Zuberbühler, K. & Dunbar, E. (2019). Animal linguistics and the puzzle of titi monkeys alarm sequences. In 22nd Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Chaabouni, R., Kharitonov, E., Bouchacourt, F., Dupoux, E. & Baroni, M. (2020). Compositionality and Generalization in Emergent Languages. In Proceedings of ACL 2020 (58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics), East Stroudsburg PA: ACL.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Chemla, E. & Spector, B. (2010 ). Experimental Detection of Embedded Implicatures. In Aloni, Maria and Bastiaanse, Harald and de Jager, Tikitu and Schulz, Katrin (Eds.), In Logic, Language and Meaning: 17th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 53–62. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14287-1_6

National journal article  

Cleret de Langavant, L., Petit, A. , NGuyen, R. , Gendre, T. , Abdelhedi, J. , Djellaoui, A. , Seddik, L. , Faugeras, F., Salhi, H., Wahab, A. , Fechtenbaum, L. , Dormeuil, A. , Hosseini, H., Youssov, K., Fenelon, G., Bapst, B. , Brugières, P., Tuilier, T. , Kalsoum, E. , Matignon, M., Oniszczuk, J. , Gallien, S. , Vindrios, W. , Melica, G., Scain, A. , Esser, R. , Rostain, L., Guillaud, C. , Dubos-Lascu, G. , Saada, N. , Guillet, H. , Khellaf, M. , Bardel, B. , Ayache, S. , Lefaucheur, J. , Pawlotsky, J. , Fourati, S. & Bachoud-Levi, A. (2021). Clinical description of the broad range of neurological presentations of COVID-19: A retrospective case series. Revue Neurologique, 177(3), 275-282. doi:10.1016/j.neurol.2021.01.004

Edited book  

Collins, T., Andler, D. & Tallon-Baudry, C. (2018). La Cognition. Du Neurone à la société.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Cristia, A. & Peperkamp, S. (2012). Generalizing without encoding specifics: Infants infer phonotactic patterns on sound classes. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 126-138.

National journal article  

Djellaoui, A. , Faugeras, F., Hosseini, H., Seddik, L. , Bachoud-Levi, A. & Abdelhedi, J. (2019). Astrocytome anaplasique mimant une encéphalite herpétique: un challenge diagnostique. Revue Neurologique, 175, S47. doi:10.1016/j.neurol.2019.01.143

National journal article  

Dubourg, E., Andre, J. & Baumard, N. (2021). L’origine des fictions : l’hypothèse des fonctions évolutionnaires sociales. Fabula-LhT, 25


Dupoux, E. (2001 ). Language, Brain and Cognitive Development: Essays in Honor of Jacques Mehler. Cambridge, Mass: MIT Press (translated in French: (2002). Les langages du cerveau, Paris: O. Jacob.)

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Ecoffet, P., Andre, J. & Bredeche, N. (2020). Learning to Cooperate in a Socially Optimal Way in Swarm Robotics. In ALIFE 2020: The 2020 Conference on Artificial Life, 251-259. doi:10.1162/isal_a_00315

National journal article  

Fenelon, G., Parant, J. & Cleret de Langavant, L. (2021). Victor Parant (1848–1924) and the first report of psychosis in the course of Parkinson's disease with dementia. Revue Neurologique. doi:10.1016/j.neurol.2021.03.004

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Futaisi Al, N., Zhang, Z., Cristia, A., Warlaumont, A. & Schuller, B. (2019). VCMNet: Weakly Supervised Learning for Automatic Infant Vocalisation Maturity Analysis. In 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 205-209.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Guevara-Rukoz, A. , Yu, S. & Peperkamp, S. (2021). Speech perception and loanword adaptations: the case of copy-vowel epenthesis. In Proceedings of INTERSPEECH, Brno, Czech Republic.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Havron, N., Babineau, M., Fiévet, A., de Carvalho, A. & Christophe, A. (2019). Young Children Build Syntactic Predictions During Language Processing and Use Them to Learn Novel-Word Meanings. In The 44th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, USA.

National journal article  

Jacob, P. (2020). Jules Vuillemin et la triple controverse entre Carnap et Quine. Revue de Synthèse, 141(1-2), 57-83. doi:10.1163/19552343-14000024