ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Book chapter  

Pacherie, E. & Castro, V. (2022). Robots and Resentment: Commitments, recognition and social motivation in HRI. Emotional Machines. Perspectives from Affective Computing and Emotional Human-Machine InteractionSpringer Fachmedien Wiesbaden

Book chapter  

Chevallier, C. (2021). Vivre dans un environnement risqué : quels impacts pour la psychologie ? In Claudia Senik (Eds.), Sociétés en danger (Odile Jacob ed., pp. 197 à 208). Paris: La Découverte. doi:10.3917/dec.senik.2021.01.0197

Book chapter  

Lussange, J., Belianin, A., Bourgeois-Gironde, S. & Gutkin, B. (2021). Learning and Cognition in Financial Markets: A Paradigm Shift for Agent-Based Models. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing (Vol. 1252, pp. 241-255). doi:10.1007/978-3-030-55190-2_19

Book chapter  

Bourgeois-Gironde, S. (2020). Le sourire de ma boulangère : sur le rôle des expressions faciales dans les transactions monétaires. In Claudia Senik (Eds.), Crise de confiance ? (pp. 213-230). Paris: La Découverte, "Recherche"

Book chapter  

Butterfill , S. & Pacherie, E. (2020). Towards a blueprint for a social animal. In Fiebich, Anika (Eds.), Minimal Cooperation and Shared Agency (pp. 111-125).Springer . doi:10.1007/978-3-030-29783-1

Book chapter  

Mylopoulos, M. & Pacherie, E. (2020). Self-Control as Hybrid Skill. In A. Mele (Eds.), Surrounding Self-Control (pp. 81-100). Oxford : Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/oso/9780197500941.003.0005

Book chapter  

Origgi, G. (2020). Trust and Reputation. In Judith Simon (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Trust and PhilosophyRoutledge

Book chapter  

Bourgeois-Gironde, S. (2019). Comment Managua fut vers 1979 le lieu d’un événement linguistique révolutionnaire. In ESKA (Eds.), Problèmes d'Amérique latine (Vol. 112, pp. 101-114). doi:0.3917/pal.112.0101

Book chapter  

Chevallier, C. (2019). Theory of mind and autism: Revisiting Baron-Cohen et al.’s Sally-Anne study. In A. Slater and P. Quinn (Eds.), Developmental Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies 2nd edition (pp. 148-163).Sage

Book chapter  

Origgi, G. (2019). Reputation in Moral Philosophy and Epistemology. In F. Giardini, R. Wittek (Eds.), he Oxford Handbook of Gossip and Reputation (pp. 69-81).Oxford University Press

Book chapter  

Origgi, G. (2019). Trust and Reputation as Filtering Mechanisms of Knowledge. In P. Graham (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology London: Routledge

Book chapter  

Bouvier, A. (2018). Intentional, unintentional and sub-intentional aspects of social mechanisms and rationality. The example of commitments in political life. In Gérald Bronner, Francesco Di Iorio (Eds.), The Mystery of Rationality: Mind, Beliefs and the Social Sciences (pp. 17-35). Cham (CH): Springer Nature

Book chapter  

Kim, S., Shahaeian, A. & Proust, J. (2018). Developmental diversity in mindreading and metacognition. In Proust, J. & Fortier, M (Eds.), Metacognitive Diversity (pp. 97-133).OUP

Book chapter  

Mari, A. (2018). The French Future : evidentiality and information increase. Evidence for Evidentiality (pp. 199-226). Dordrecht: Benjamins

Book chapter  

Mari, A. (2018). The French Future : evidentiality and information increase. Evidence for Evidentiality (pp. 199-226). Dordrecht: Benjamins

Book chapter  

Nicolas, D. (2018). The logic of mass expressions. In E. N. Zalta (Eds.), Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy Stanford: The Metaphysics Research Lab Center for the Study of Language and Information Stanford University

Book chapter  

Proust, J. (2018). Metacognition. In T. Crane (Eds.), Rootledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy

Book chapter  

Proust, J. (2018). Consensus as an epistemic norm for group acceptance. In J. A. Carter, A. Clark, J. Kallestrup, S.O. Palermos, and D. Pritchard (Eds.), Extended Epistemology Oxford : Oxford University Press.

Book chapter  

Bourgeois-Gironde, S. (2017). How regret moves individual and collective choices towards rationality. Handbook of Behavioural Economics and Smart Decision-Making: Rational …

Book chapter  

Bouvier, A. (2017). Analyse critique de F.H. Van Eemeren, B. Garssen, E.C.W.Krabbe, A.F. Snoeck Henkemans, B. Verheij, J.H.M. Wagemans (eds), 2014, Handbook of Argumentation Theory. L’Année sociologique (Vol. 67, pp. 7-11). Dordrecht: Springer Verlag

Book chapter  

Bouvier, A. (2017). Analyse critique de Ch. Plantin, 2016, Dictionnaire de l’argumentation. Une introduction aux études d’argumentation. L’Année sociologique (Vol. 67, pp. 1-5). Lyon: ENS Editions

Book chapter  

Giannakidou, A. & Mari, A. (2017). La dimension épistémique du futur : le rôle des adverbes. In Baranzini and de Saussures (Eds.), Le Futur dans les langues RomanesPeter Lang Ag

Book chapter  

Dezecache, G., Eskenazi, T. & Grèzes, J. (2016). Emotional Convergence: A Case of Contagion? In Sukhvinder D. Obhi & Emily S. Cross (Eds.), Shared Representations: Sensorimotor Foundations of Social Life (Cambridge University Press ed., pp. 417).

Book chapter  

Gutkin, B. (2015). Theta-neurons. In Springer Verlag (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Comptutational Neuroscience (pp. 1034-1042).

Book chapter  

Remme, M., Lengyel, M. & Gutkin, B. (2015). Trade-off between dendritic democracy and independence in neurons with intrinsic subthreshold membrane potential oscillatio. In Remme et al (eds) (Eds.), Dendritic ComputationSpringer

Book chapter  

Asic, T. & Corblin, F. (2014). Telic definties and their prepositions. French and Serbian. In Aguilar-Guevara, Ana, Bert Le Bruyn and Joost Zwarts (Eds.), Weak Referentiality (pp. 183-212).Benjamins

Book chapter  

Grèzes, J. & Dezecache, G. (2014). Bases cérébrales et cognitives de la communication émotionnelle. In M. Botbol (Eds.), L'empathie au carrefour des sciences et de la cliniqueJohn Libbey Eurotext

Book chapter  

Gutkin, B. & Stiefel, K. (2014). Cholinergic Neuromodulation of Phase Response Curves. In Schultheiss et al (eds) (Eds.), Phase Response Cruves in NeuroscienceSpringer

Book chapter  

Remme, M., Lengyel, M. & Gutkin, B. (2014). Phase Response Methods in Dendritic Dynamics. In Schultheiss et al (eds) (Eds.), Phase Response Cruves in NeuroscienceSpringer

Book chapter  

Caze, R., Humphries, M. & Gutkin, B. (2013). Dendrites enhance both single neuron and network computation. In Remme et al (eds) (Eds.), Dendritic ComputationSpringer