ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Book chapter  

Grèzes, J. & Dezecache, G. (2014). Bases cérébrales et cognitives de la communication émotionnelle. In M. Botbol (Eds.), L'empathie au carrefour des sciences et de la cliniqueJohn Libbey Eurotext

Book chapter  

Arcangeli, M. & Dokic, J. (2020). A plea for the Sublime in science. In S. French & M. Ivanova (Eds.), The Aesthetics of Science: Beauty, Imagination and Understanding (Routledge ed., pp. 104-124). doi:10.4324/9780429030284-6

Book chapter  

Pacherie, E. (2012). Action. (pp. 92–111 ).

Book chapter  

Arcangeli, M. & Dokic, J. (2018). Affective Memory: A Little Help From Our Imagination. In K. Michaelian, D. Debus, D. Perrin (Eds.), New Directions in the Philosophy of Memory, (pp. 139–157).Routledge,

Book chapter  

Berthet, M. & Zuberbühler, K. (2019). Alarm Calling. Encyclopedia of Evolutionary Psychological Science. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-16999-6_1235-1

Book chapter  

Bouvier, A. (2017). Analyse critique de Ch. Plantin, 2016, Dictionnaire de l’argumentation. Une introduction aux études d’argumentation. L’Année sociologique (Vol. 67, pp. 1-5). Lyon: ENS Editions

Book chapter  

Bouvier, A. (2017). Analyse critique de F.H. Van Eemeren, B. Garssen, E.C.W.Krabbe, A.F. Snoeck Henkemans, B. Verheij, J.H.M. Wagemans (eds), 2014, Handbook of Argumentation Theory. L’Année sociologique (Vol. 67, pp. 7-11). Dordrecht: Springer Verlag

Book chapter  

Spector, B. (2007). Aspects of the Pragmatics of Plural Morphology: On Higher-Order Implicatures. In Sauerland, Uli and Penka Stateva (Eds.), Presupposition and Implicature in Compositional Semantics (pp. 243–281).Palgrave Macmillan {UK. doi:10.1057/9780230210752_9

Book chapter  

Varzi, A. & Casati, R. (2020). Ballot Ontology. In Sara Bernstein & Tyron Goldschmidt (Eds.), Non-Being: New Essay on the Metaphysics of Non-ExistenceOxford University Press

Book chapter  

Varzi, A. & Casati, R. (2021). Ballot Ontology. In Sara Bernstein & Tyron Goldschmidt (Eds.), Non-Being: New Essay on the Metaphysics of Non-Existence (pp. 139–164). Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Book chapter  

Kriegel, U. (2018). Belief-that and Belief-in: Which Reductive Analysis? Non-Propositional Intentionality (pp. 192-213). New York: Oxford University Press

Book chapter  

Kriegel, U. (2017). Brentano on Judgment. (pp. 103–109).

Book chapter  

Kriegel, U. (2017). Brentano's Classification of Mental Phenomena. (pp. 97–102).

Book chapter  

Kriegel, U. (2017). Brentano's Concept of Mind: Underlying Nature, Reference-Fixing, and the Mark of the Mental. In Sandra Lapointe & Christopher Pincock (Eds.), Innovations in the History of Analytical PhilosophyPalgrave-Macmillan

Book chapter  

Kriegel, U. (2017). Brentano's Philosophical Program. (pp. 21–32 ).

Book chapter  

Kriegel, U. (2018). Brentano's Philosophical System: Mind, Being, Value .

Book chapter  

Gutkin, B. & Stiefel, K. (2014). Cholinergic Neuromodulation of Phase Response Curves. In Schultheiss et al (eds) (Eds.), Phase Response Cruves in NeuroscienceSpringer

Book chapter  

Bourgeois-Gironde, S. (2019). Comment Managua fut vers 1979 le lieu d’un événement linguistique révolutionnaire. In ESKA (Eds.), Problèmes d'Amérique latine (Vol. 112, pp. 101-114). doi:0.3917/pal.112.0101

Book chapter  

Grèzes, J. & Dezecache, G. (2012). Communication émotionnelle: mécanismes cognitifs et cérébraux. In P. Allain, G. Aubin & D. Le Gal (Eds.), Cognition Sociale et NeuropsychologieSolal


Gutkin, B. & Ahmed, S. (2012). Computational Neuroscience of Drug Addiction.

Book chapter  

Proust, J. (2018). Consensus as an epistemic norm for group acceptance. In J. A. Carter, A. Clark, J. Kallestrup, S.O. Palermos, and D. Pritchard (Eds.), Extended Epistemology Oxford : Oxford University Press.

Book chapter  

Kim, S., Shahaeian, A. & Proust, J. (2018). Developmental diversity in mindreading and metacognition. In Proust, J. & Fortier, M (Eds.), Metacognitive Diversity (pp. 97-133).OUP

Book chapter  

Kriegel, U. (2017). Dignity and the Phenomenology of Recognition-Respect. In J. J. Drummond & S. Rinofner-Kreidl (Eds.), Emotional Experience: Ethical and Social SignificanceRowman & Littlefield

Book chapter  

Kuhn, J. (2021). Discourse anaphora – theoretical and experimental perspectives. In Quer, Pfau, and Herrmann (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Theoretical and Experimental Sign Language Research (pp. 458-479).Routledge

Book chapter  

Fernandez-Velasco, P. & Casati, R. (2020). Disorientation and GIS-Informed Wilderness Search and Rescue. The Philosophy of GIS Switzerland: Springer Nature. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-16829-2_11

Book chapter  

Kuznetsov, A. & Gutkin, B. (2015). Dopaminergic cell Models. The Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience (pp. 2958-2965).

Book chapter  

Dumont, G., Maex, R. & Gutkin, B. (2018). Dopaminergic Neurons in the Ventral Tegmental Area and Their Dysregulation in Nicotine Addiction. In Alan Anticevic and John D. Murray (Eds.), Computational Psychiatry: Mathematical Modeling of Mental Illness (pp. 47-84). doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-809825-7.00003-1

Book chapter  

Graupner, M. & Gutkin, B. (2012). Dynamical Approaches to understanding cholinergic control of nicotine action pathways in the dopaminergic reward circuits. Computational Neuroscience of Drug Addiction (Springer ed.).Ahmed and Gutkin (eds.)

Book chapter  

Dezecache, G., Eskenazi, T. & Grèzes, J. (2016). Emotional Convergence: A Case of Contagion? In Sukhvinder D. Obhi & Emily S. Cross (Eds.), Shared Representations: Sensorimotor Foundations of Social Life (Cambridge University Press ed., pp. 417).

Book chapter  

Schlenker, P. & Lamberton, J. (2012). Formal Indices and Iconicity in ASL. In Maria Aloni, Vadim Kimmelman, Floris Roelofsen, Galit Weidman Sassoon, Katrin Schulz and Matthijs Westera (Eds.), Logic, Language and Meaning: 18th Amsterdam Colloquium (Vol. 7218, pp. 1-11).Springer