ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Book chapter  

Nicolas, D. (2002). La catégorisation des noms communs : massifs et comptables. Catégorisation et Langage (pp. 29-51).

National journal article  

Nicolas, D. (2002). Do mass nouns constitute a semantically uniform class? Kansas Working Papers in Linguistics, 26, 113-121. doi:10.17161/KWPL.1808.591

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2002). Conditionals as Definite Descriptions (A Referential Analysis) Journal of Language & Computation, 2(3), 417-462. doi:10.1007/s11168-004-0908-2

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2002). A Plea for Monsters . Linguistics and Philosophy, 26(1), 29–120. doi:10.1023/A:1022225203544

International Journal article  

Nicolas, D. & Lefeuvre, F. (2003). La phrase averbale existentielle et la distinction aspectuelle télique / atélique. Revue de Sémantique et Pragmatique, 14, 157-168

International Journal article  

Justo, D., Dutant, J., Hardy-Vallée, B., Nicolas, D. & Sylvand, B. (2003). Delegation, subdivision, and modularity: How rich is Conceptual Structure? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 26(6), 683-684. doi:10.1017/S0140525X03390156

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2003). Clausal Equations (A Note on the Connectivity Problem) Natural Language and Linguistic Theory, 21, 157-214. doi:10.1023/A:1021843427276

National journal article  

Nicolas, D. (2004). Is there anything characteristic about the meaning of a count noun? Revue de la Lexicologie, 18-19, 125-138

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2004). Context of Thought and Context of Utterance (A Note on Free Indirect Discourse and the Historical Present) Mind & Language, 19(3), 279-304. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0017.2004.00259.x

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2004). Person and Binding: A Partial Survey. Italian Journal of Linguistics/Rivista di Linguistica, 16(1), 155-218

Book chapter  

Schlenker, P. (2004). Sequence Phenomena and Double Access Readings Generalized. In Lecarme & Guéron (Eds.), The Syntax of Time (pp. 555-595).MIT Press

International Journal article  

Spector, B. (2004). Indefinites in subject position are positive polarity items. Snippets, 9, 13–14

Book chapter  

Nicolas, D. (2005). Types of degrees and types of event structures. Event arguments: foundations and applications (pp. 277-300).

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2005). Non-Redundancy: Towards a Semantic Reinterpretation of Binding Theory. Natural Language Semantics, 13(1), 1–92. doi:10.1007/s11050-004-2440-1

Book chapter  

Schlenker, P. (2005). Sens et Contexte . In S. Bourgeois-Gironde, Presses de la rue d'Ulm (Eds.), Les formes de l'Indexicalité (pp. 35-62).

Book chapter  

Nicolas, D. (2006). Massif / comptable. Sémanticlopédie: dictionnaire de sémantique

Book chapter  

Nicolas, D. (2006). Compositionalité: questions philosophiques. Sémanticlopédie: dictionnaire de sémantique

Book chapter  

Nicolas, D. (2006). Ambiguïté. Sémanticlopédie: dictionnaire de sémantique

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2006). Ontological Symmetry in Language: A Brief Manifesto. Mind Language, 21(4), 504–539. doi:10.1111/j.1468-0017.2006.00288.x

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2006). Scopal Independence: A Note on Branching & Island-Escaping Readings of Indefinites & Disjunctions. Journal of Semantics(21), 281-314

Book chapter  

De Brabanter, P., Nicolas, D., Stojanovic, I. & Villanueva Fernandez, N. (2007). Les usages déférentiels. In Bouvier, Alban and Conein, Bernard (Eds.), L'épistémologie sociale. Une théorie sociale de la connaissance (pp. 139-162).Editions de l'EHESS

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2007). Expressive Presuppositions . Theoretical Linguistics, 33(2), 237-246. doi:10.1515/TL.2007.017

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2007). How to Eliminate Self-Reference: A Précis. Synthese, 158(1), 127–138

Book chapter  

Schlenker, P. (2007). Transparency: An Incremental Theory of Presupposition Projection. In U. Sauerland and P. Stateva (Eds.), Presuppositions and Implicatures in Compositional Semantics (pp. 214-242).

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2007). Anti-Dynamics (Presupposition Projection Without Dynamic Semantics) Journal of Logic, Language and Information, 16(3), 325-356. doi:10.1007/s10849-006-9034-x

Book chapter  

Spector, B. (2007). Aspects of the Pragmatics of Plural Morphology: On Higher-Order Implicatures. In Sauerland, Uli and Penka Stateva (Eds.), Presupposition and Implicature in Compositional Semantics (pp. 243–281).Palgrave Macmillan {UK. doi:10.1057/9780230210752_9

Book chapter  

Spector, B. (2007). Scalar implicatures: Exhaustivity and Gricean reasoning. In Maria Aloni, Alastair Butler and Paul Dekker (Eds.), Questions in Dynamic Semantics (pp. 225-251).Elsevier. doi:10.1163/9780080470993_011

International Journal article  

Nicolas, D. (2008). Mass nouns and plural logic. Linguistics and Philosophy, 31(2), 211-244. doi:10.1007/s10988-008-9033-2

International Journal article  

Nicolas, D. & Linnebo, Ø. (2008). Superplurals in English. Analysis, 68(3), 186-197. doi:10.1093/analys/68.3.186

International Journal article  

Schlenker, P. (2008). Be Articulate: A Pragmatic Theory of Presupposition Projection . Theoretical Linguistics, 34(3), 157–212. doi:10.1515/THLI.2008.013