ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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International Journal article  

Faivre, N. & Kouider, S. (). Increased sensory evidence reverses nonconscious priming during crowding. Journal of vision. doi:10.1167/11.13.16

International Journal article  

Faivre, N. & Kouider, S. (). Multi-feature objects elicit nonconscious priming despite crowding. Journal of vision. doi:10.1167/11.3.2

International Journal article  

Pressnitzer, D. & Mcadams, S. (1999). Two phase effects in roughness perception. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 105(5), 2773-2782. doi:10.1121/1.426894

International Journal article  

Pressnitzer, D., Mcadams, S., Winsberg, S. & Fineberg, J. (2000). Perception of musical tension for nontonal orchestral timbres and its relation to psychoacoustic roughness. Perception and Psychophysics, 62(1), 66-80

International Journal article  

Pressnitzer, D. & Mcadams, S. (2000). Acoustics, psychoacoustics and spectral music. Contemporary Music Review, 19(2), 33-59. doi:10.1080/07494460000640251

International Journal article  

Pressnitzer, D., Winter, I. & Patterson, R. (2000). The responses of single units in the ventral cochlear nucleus of the guinea pig to damped and ramped sinusoids. Hearing Research, 149, 155-166. doi:10.1016/S0378-5955(00)00175-1

International Journal article  

Krumbholz, K., Patterson, R. & Pressnitzer, D. (2000). The lower limit of pitch as determined by rate discrimination. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 108, 1170-1180. doi:10.1121/1.1287843

International Journal article  

Pressnitzer, D., Mcadams, S., Winsberg, S. & Fineberg, J. (2000). Perception of musical tension for nontonal orchestral timbres and its relation to psychoacoustic roughness. . doi:10.3758/bf03212061

International Journal article  
International Journal article  

Pressnitzer, D., Patterson, R. & Krumbholz, K. (2001). The lower limit of melodic pitch. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109, 2074-2084. doi:10.1121/1.1359797

International Journal article  

Pressnitzer, D., Meddis, R., Delahaye, R. & Winter, I. (2001). Physiological correlates of comodulation masking release in the mammalian ventral cochlear nucleus. Journal of Neuroscience, 21(16), 6377-6386

International Journal article  

Neuert, V., Pressnitzer, D., Patterson, R. & Winter, I. (2001). The responses of single units in the inferior colliculus of the guinea pig to damped and ramped sinusoids. Hearing Research, 159, 36-52. doi:10.1016/S0378-5955(01)00318-5

International Journal article  

Pressnitzer, D., Meddis, R., Delahaye, R. & Winter, I. (2001). Physiological correlates of comodulation masking release in the mammalian ventral cochlear nucleus.

International Journal article  

Pressnitzer, D., Patterson, R. & Krumbholz, K. (2001). The lower limit of melodic pitch. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America, 109. doi:10.1121/1.1359797

International Journal article  

Pacherie, E. (2001). Agency Lost and Found: A Commentary on Spence. Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology, 8(2), 173–176

International Journal article  

Meddis, R., Delahaye, R., O'Mard, L., Summer, C., Fantini, D., Winter, I. & Pressnitzer, D. (2002). A model of signal processing in the cochlear nucleus: Comodulation masking release. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 88(3), 387-398

International Journal article  

Pacherie, E. (2002). Naturalistic Epistemologies and Normativity. Croatian Journal of Philosophy , 2(3), 299–317

International Journal article  

Pacherie, E. (2002). Emotion and Action. European Review of Philosophy, 5, 55-90

International Journal article  

Pacherie, E. (2002). The Role of Emotions in the Explanation of Action. European Review of Philosophy , 5, 53–92

International Journal article  

Verhey, J., Pressnitzer, D. & Winter, I. (2003). The psychophysics and physiology of comodulation masking release. Experimental brain research, 153(4), 405-17. doi:10.1007/s00221-003-1607-1

International Journal article  

Dupoux, E., Kouider, S. & Mehler, J. (2003). Lexical access without attention? Explorations using dichotic priming. Journal of Experimental Psychology-human Perception and Performance, 29(1), 172-184. doi:10.1037/0096-1523.29.1.172

International Journal article  

Pacherie, E. (2003). La dynamique des intentions. Dialogue, 447-480

International Journal article  

Kouider, S. & Dupoux, E. (2004). Partial awareness creates the "illusion" of subliminal semantic priming. Psychological Science, 15(2), 75-81

International Journal article  

Bayne, T. & Pacherie, E. (2004). Experience, Belief and the Interpretive Fold. Philosophy, Psychiatry & Psychology, 11(1), 81-86

International Journal article  

Bayne, T. & Pacherie, E. (2004). Bottom-Up or Top-Down: Campbell's Rationalist Account of Monothematic Delusions . Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology, 11(1), 1–11

International Journal article  

Jeannerod , M. & Pacherie, E. (2004). Agency, Simulation and Self-Identification. Mind and Language, 19(2), 113–146

International Journal article  

Pressnitzer, D., Bestel, J. & Fraysse, B. (2005). Music to electric ears: pitch and timbre perception by cochlear implant patients. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1060, 343-5. doi:10.1196/annals.1360.050

International Journal article  

Teichmann, M., Dupoux, E., Kouider, S., Brugières, P., Boissé, M., Baudic, S., Cesaro, P., Peschanski, M. & Bachoud-Levi, A. (2005). The role of the striatum in rule application: the model of Huntington's disease at early stage. Brain, 128(5), 1155-1167. doi:10.1093/brain/awh472

International Journal article  

Nakamura, K., Dehaene, S., Jobert, A., Le Bihan, D. & Kouider, S. (2005). Subliminal convergence of Kanji and Kana words: further evidence for functional parcellation of the posterior temporal cortex in visual word perception. Journal of cognitive neuroscience, 17(6), 954-68. doi:10.1162/0898929054021166

International Journal article  

J. Bayne, T. & Pacherie, E. (2005). In Defence of the Doxastic Conception of Delusions. Mind and Language , 20(2), 163–88