ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Riad, R., Titeux, H., Lemoine, L., Montillot, J., Sliwinski, A., Hamet Bagnou, J., Cao, X., Bachoud-Levi, A. & Dupoux, E. (2022). A comparison study on patient-psychologist voice diarization. In Ninth Workshop on Speech and Language Processing for Assistive Technologies (SLPAT-2022), Dublin, Ireland: Association for Computational Linguistics, 30-36. doi:10.18653/v1/2022.slpat-1.4

Book chapter  
Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Futaisi Al, N., Cristia, A. & Schuller, B. (2023). Hearttoheart: The Arts of Infant Versus Adult-Directed Speech Classification. In ICASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, 1-5. doi:10.1109/ICASSP49357.2023.10096728

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Dailey, M. & Peperkamp, S. (2023). Implicit vs. explicit perception of French optional liaison as a marker of formality. In Proceedings of the 20th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Peperkamp, S. & Brazeal, J. (2023). Lasting stress ‘deafness’ after auditory training: French listeners revisited. In Proceedings of ICPhS, Prague.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Peperkamp, S., Antoine, V. & Turnbull, R. (2022). Les Liaisons Dangereuses: Quantifying French liaison-induced homophony. In J. Culbertson, A. Perfors, H. Rabagliati & V. Ramenzoni (Eds.), In Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, 2409-2414.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Riochet, R., Ynocente Castro, M., Bernard, M., Lerer, A., Fergus, R., Izard, V. & Dupoux, E. (2022). IntPhys 2019: A Benchmark for Visual Intuitive Physics Understanding. , Vol. 44: In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, 5016-5025. doi:10.1109/TPAMI.2021.3083839

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Poli, M. , Dupoux, E. & Riad, R. (2023). Introducing Topography in Convolutional Neural Networks. In CASSP 2023 - 2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Rhodes Island, Greece, 1-5. doi:10.1109/ICASSP49357.2023.10096671

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Millet, J., Caucheteux, C. , Boubenec, Y., Gramfort, A., Dunbar, E., Pallier, C. & King, J. (2022). Toward a realistic model of speech processing in the brain with self-supervised learning. , Vol. 35: In 36th Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, 33428-33443.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  
Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Guerin, N. & Chemla, E. (2023). It is a Bird Therefore it is a Robin: On BERT’s Internal Consistency Between Hypernym Knowledge and Logical Words. In Rogers, Anna and Boyd-Graber, Jordan and Okazaki, Naoaki (Eds.), In ACL 2023, Toronto, Canada, Association for Computational Linguistics, 8807–8817. doi:10.18653/v1/2023.findings-acl.560

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Sarre, A. , Salpeter, H. , Lakretz, Y. , Bechar, D. & Cohen, L. (2024). Automatic Recognition of Gesture Identity and Onset of Cued-Speech. In ICASSP 2024 - 2024 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 10251-10255. doi:10.1109/ICASSP48485.2024.10446932

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Coffey, J. & Cristia, A. (2024). Long-Form Recordings to Study Children’s Language Input and Output in Under-Resourced Contexts. In Rooweither Mabuya, Muzi Matfunjwa, Mmasibidi Setaka, Menno van Zaanen (Eds.), In Proceedings of the Fifth Workshop on Resources for African Indigenous Languages @ LREC-COLING 2024, Torino, Italia, ELRA and ICCL, 20–31.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Andrea Cruz Blandón, M., Cristia, A. & Räsänen, O. (2023). Analysing the Impact of Audio Quality on the Use of Naturalistic Long-Form Recordings for Infant-Directed Speech Research. In M. Goldwater, F. K. Anggoro, B. K. Hayes, & D. C. Ong (Eds.), Vol. 45: In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society.

Book chapter  

Bachoud-Levi, A. (2017). From open to large-scale randomized cell transplantation trials in Huntington's disease: Lessons from the multicentric intracerebral grafting in Huntington's disease trial (MIG-HD) and previous pilot studies. Prog Brain Res. (Vol. 230, pp. 227-261). doi:10.1016/bs.pbr.2016.12.011

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Berthet, M., Benjumea, J., Millet, J., Cäsar, C., Zuberbühler, K. & Dunbar, E. (2019). Animal linguistics and the puzzle of titi monkeys alarm sequences. In 22nd Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Caucheteux, C. , Gramfort, A. & King, J. (2021). Disentangling syntax and semantics in the brain with deep networks. , Vol. 139: In International Conference on Machine Learning, PMLR, 1336-1348.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Chaabouni, R., Kharitonov, E., Bouchacourt, F., Dupoux, E. & Baroni, M. (2020). Compositionality and Generalization in Emergent Languages. In Proceedings of ACL 2020 (58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics), East Stroudsburg PA: ACL.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Chemla, E. & Spector, B. (2010 ). Experimental Detection of Embedded Implicatures. In Aloni, Maria and Bastiaanse, Harald and de Jager, Tikitu and Schulz, Katrin (Eds.), In Logic, Language and Meaning: 17th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 53–62. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14287-1_6

Book chapter  

Cremers, A. & Chemla, E. (2017). Probability Judgments of Gappy Sentences. In Pistoia-Reda, Salvatore and Filippo Domaneschi (Eds.), Linguistic and Psycholinguistic Approaches on Implicatures and Presuppositions (pp. 111-150).Palgrave

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Cristia, A. & Peperkamp, S. (2012). Generalizing without encoding specifics: Infants infer phonotactic patterns on sound classes. In Proceedings of the 36th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, 126-138.

Book chapter  

Darcy, I., Peperkamp, S. & Dupoux, E. (2007 ). Bilinguals play by the rules. Perceptual compensation for assimilation in late L2-learners. In Cole, J. and Hualde, J. (Eds.), Laboratory Phonology 9 (pp. 411-442). Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Erdmann, A. , Joseph Wrisley, D., Allen, B. , Brown, C. , Cohen-Bodenes, S., Elsner, M. , Feng, Y. , D Joseph, B. , Joyeux-Prunel, B. & de Marneffe, M. (2019). Practical, Efficient, and Customizable Active Learning for Named Entity Recognition in the Digital Humanities. In Proceedings of the 2019 Conference of the North, 2223-2234. doi:10.18653/v1/N19-1231

Book chapter  

Fenelon, G. (2019). Hallucinations visuelles. In Hélène Amievia, Antoinette Prouteau, Olivier Martinaud (Eds.), Neuropsychologie en psychiatrie

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Futaisi Al, N., Zhang, Z., Cristia, A., Warlaumont, A. & Schuller, B. (2019). VCMNet: Weakly Supervised Learning for Automatic Infant Vocalisation Maturity Analysis. In 2019 International Conference on Multimodal Interaction, 205-209.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Guevara-Rukoz, A. , Yu, S. & Peperkamp, S. (2021). Speech perception and loanword adaptations: the case of copy-vowel epenthesis. In Proceedings of INTERSPEECH, Brno, Czech Republic.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Havron, N., Babineau, M., Fiévet, A., de Carvalho, A. & Christophe, A. (2019). Young Children Build Syntactic Predictions During Language Processing and Use Them to Learn Novel-Word Meanings. In The 44th Annual Boston University Conference on Language Development, Boston, USA.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Jacquemot, C. (2019). Coupling language and executive functions for premanifest and early Huntington’s Disease follow up. , Vol. 24: In Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 77-79.

Non-reviewed conference proceeding  

Kahn, J., Rivière, M., Zheng, W., Kharitonov, E., Xu, Q., Mazaré, P., Karadayi, J., Lipchinsky , V., Collobert, R., Fuegen, C., Likhomanenko, T., Synnaeve, G., Joulin, A., Mohamed, A. & Dupoux, E. (2020). Libri-Light: A Benchmark for ASR with Limited or No Supervision. In Acoustics Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) ICASSP 2020 - 2020 IEEE International Conference, 2020 IEEE International Conference , 7414-7418. doi:10.1109/ICASSP40776.2020.9052942

Book chapter  

Kouider, S. (2018). Devenir scientifique pour comprendre qui nous sommes. In Michel Dugnat (Eds.), Bébé attentif cherche adulte(s) attentionné(s) (pp. 45-48). Toulouse, France: ERES