ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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Reviewed conference proceeding  

De Courson, B., Frankenhuis, W. , Nettle, D. & van Gelder, J. (2023). Why is violence high and persistent in deprived communities? A formal model. , Vol. 290: In . doi:10.1098/rspb.2022.2095

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Feyen, T. , Mari, A. & Portner, P. (2023). Pragmatic Annotation of Articles Related to Police Brutality. In Proceedings of the 17th Linguistic Annotation Workshop (LAW-XVII), Toronto, Canada: Association for Computational Linguistics, 146-153. doi:10.18653/v1/2023.law-1.15

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Icard, B., Atemezing, G. & Egré, P. (2022). VAGO: un outil en ligne de mesure du vague et de la subjectivité. In Conférence Nationale sur les Applications Pratiques de l’Intelligence Artificielle (PFIA 2022), Saint-Etienne, France, 68-71.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Ecoffet, P., Fontbonne, N., Andre, J. & Bredeche, N. (2021). Reinforcement Learning with Rare Significant Events: Direct Policy Search vs. Gradient Policy Search. In GECCO '21: Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference, New YorkNYUnited States: Association for Computing Machinery. doi:10.1145/3449726

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Guélorget, P., Icard, B., Gadek, G., Gahbiche, S., Gatepaille, S., Atemezing, G. & Egré, P. (2021). Combining Vagueness Detection with Deep Learning to Identify Fake News. In 2021 IEEE 24th International Conference on Information Fusion (FUSION), 1-8. doi:10.23919/FUSION49465.2021.9626899

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Origgi, G. (2021). Ground Zero. The Triangle of Humiliation. In Yale Political Theory Seminar, Yale, United States.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Chiril, P. , Moriceau, V. , Benamara, F. , Origgi, G., Coulomb-Gully, M. & Mari, A. (2020). He said “who’s gonna take care of your children when you are at ACL?”: Reported Sexist Acts are Not Sexist. In 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics 2020, France, 4055-4066. doi:10.18653/v1/2020.acl-main.373

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Riad, R., Bachoud-Levi, A., Rudzicz , F. & Dupoux, E. (2020). Identification of primary and collateral tracks in stuttered speech. , Vol. Proceedings of The 12th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference: In LREC, European Language Resources Association, 1681–1688.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Titeux, H., Riad, R., Cao, X., Hamilakis, N., Madden, K., Cristia, A., Bachoud-Levi, A. & Dupoux, E. (2020). Seshat: A tool for managing and verifying annotation campaigns of audio data. In LREC - 2th Language Resources and Evaluation Conference, Marseille, France.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Feest, U. , Bouvier, A., Henderson, D. , Kaldis , B., Montuschi , E., Risjord, M. , Roth, P., Zahle , J. & Zamora-Bonilla, J. (2019). Special Issue (Part I) , Vol. 49: In Joint Session of the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS) and the Roundtable on Philosophy of the Social Sciences , Hannover.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Feest, U. , Bouvier, A., Henderson, D. , Kaldis , B., Montuschi , E., Risjord, M. , Roth, P., Zahle , J. & Zamora-Bonilla, J. (2019). Special Issue (Part II) In Joint Session of the European Network for the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (ENPOSS) and the Roundtable on Philosophy of the Social Sciences, Hannover.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Abrusan, M., Asher, N. & van de Cruys, T. (2018). Lexical vs. logical words: the view from Distributional Semantics. In Proceedings of Sinn und Bedeutung 22.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Dudley, R., Rowe, M., Hacquard, V. & Lidz, J. (2018). Discovering the factivity of "know" , Vol. 27: In Proceedings of SALT 27, 600–619.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Scharenborg, O., Besacier, L., Black, A., Hasegawa-Johnson, M., Metze, F., Neubig, G., Stuker, S., Godard, P., Muller, M., Ondel, L., Palaskar, S., Arthur, P., Ciannella, F., Du, M., Larsen, E., Merkx, D., Riad, R., Wang, L. & Dupoux, E. (2018). Linguistic Unit Discovery From Multi-Modal Inputs In Unwritten Languages: Summary Of The “Speaking Rosetta” Jsalt 2017 Workshop. In Jsalt 2017 Workshop.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Tiercelin, C. (2018). « Comment situer l’esprit dans la nature ? » Exposé au Colloque de rentrée du Collège de France (18-20 octobre) In Descola, Ph. (Eds.), In Comment situer l’esprit dans la nature ?, Paris, Paris: Odile Jacob, 227-253.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Tiercelin, C. (2018). Et si nous considérions l’abduction comme un sentiment épistémique ? Actes du colloque de Grenoble sur l’abduction (4-5 novembre 2015) In Clot-Goudard, R., Huys, V., Vernant, D. (Eds.), Vol. 34: In Actes du colloque de Grenoble sur l’abduction (4-5 novembre 2015), Grenoble, France, Paris: Vrin, 81-95.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Hafri, A. , Trueswell, J. & Strickland, B. (2016). Extraction of events roles is from visual scenes is rapid, automatic, and interacts with-higher-level visual processing. In Proceedings of the 39th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society, Philadelphia, PA.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Mari, A. (2016). Actuality entailments: when the modality is in the presupposition. In Amblard M., de Groote P., Pogodalla S., Retoré C. (Eds.), Vol. 10054: In Logical Aspects of Computational Linguistics. Celebrating 20 Years of LACL (1996–2016), Dordrecht: Springer Verlag, 191-210. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-53826-5_12

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Christiansen, H., Stojanovic, I. & A. Papadopoulos, G. (2015). Modeling and Using Context. . In .

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Schlenker, P. (2015). Donkey Anaphora in Sign Language II: The Presuppositions of Pronouns. In P. Grosz, P. Patel-Grosz and I. Yanovich (Eds.), In NELS 40: Proceedings of the Semantics Workshop on Pronouns.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Stojanovic, I. (2015). Evaluative Adjectives and Evaluative Uses of Ordinary Adjectives. In Bekki, D. and McCready, E. (Eds.), In Proceedings of LENLS-12: Logic and Engineering of Natural Language Semantics, Tokyo.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Casati, R. (2013). Knowledge of knots: shapes in action. In , 3-20.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Schlenker, P., Chemla, E., Arnold, K., Lemasson, A., Ouattara, K., Keenan, S., Stephan, C., Ryder, R. & Zuberbühler, K. (2013). Towards a formal analysis of primate alarm calls. In 23rd Semantics and Linguistics Theory Conference.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Schlenker, P., Chemla, E., Arnold, K., Lemasson, A., Ouattara, K., Keenan, S., Stephan, C., Ryder, R. & Zuberbühler, K. (2013). Dialectal variation in the meanings of Campbell’s monkey alarm calls. In XIXth International Congress of Linguists (ICL19)-Workshop" Language variation at the interface of psycholinguistics and sociolinguistics".

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Schlenker, P. (2013). Anaphora: Insights from Sign Language . In L'Interface langage-cognition The Language-cognition Interface. Actes du 19e Congrès International des Linguistes, Genève, 22-27 juillet 2013.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Schlenker, P. (2013). Supplements within a unidimensional semantics II: Epistemic status and projection. In S. Kan, C. Moore-Cantwell &R. Staubs (Eds.), Vol. 2: In Proceedings of the 40th Annual Meeting of the North East Linguistic Society, 167-182.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Stojanovic, I. (2013). Quantifier Domain Restriction and Cross-contextual Assessments of Truth Value. In Proceedings of the Tenth Tbilisi Symposium on Language, Logic and Computation, Tbilisi: Centre for Logic, Language and Speech.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Stojanovic, I. (2012). Generalized Quantifiers and Ontological Commitments. In Prosorov, Oleg et al. (Eds.), In Proceedings of PhML-2012 (Philosophy, Mathematics, Linguistics: Aspects of Interaction), Sankt Petersburg: Sankt Petersburg: EIMI Academic Publications.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Stojanovic, I. (2011). Talking about the Future: Unsettled Truth and Assertion. In Korta, Kepa and Maria Ponte (Eds.), In Proceedings of SPR-11: Semantics, Pragmatics, Rhetoric. Donostia: ILCLI Publications.

Reviewed conference proceeding  

Schlenker, P. (2010). Supplements Within a Unidimensional Semantics I: Scope. In Maria Aloni, Harald Bastiaanse, Tikitu de Jager, and Katrin Schulz (Eds.), In Logic, Language and Meaning: 17th Amsterdam Colloquium, Amsterdam, Amsterdam, 74-83. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-14287-1_8