ENS - Ecole Normale Supérieure
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International Journal article  

Lenglin, V., Wong, S. , O'Callaghan, C. , Erzinçlioǧlu, S. , Hornberger, M., Lebouvier, T., Piguet, O., Bourgeois-Gironde, S. & Bertoux, M. (2023). Zero the hero: Evidence for involvement of the ventromedial prefrontal cortex in affective bias for free items. Cortex, 160, 24-42. doi:10.1016/j.cortex.2022.12.009

International Journal article  

Engelen, T., Buot, A., Grèzes, J. & Tallon-Baudry, C. (2023). Whose emotion is it? Perspective matters to understand brain-body interactions in emotions. NeuroImage, 268, 119867. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2023.119867

International Journal article  

Chambon, V., Domenech, P., Pacherie, E., Koechlin, E., Baraduc, P. & Farrer, C. (2011). What are they up to? The role of sensory evidence and prior knowledge in action understanding. PloS one, 6(2), e17133. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0017133

Book chapter  

Pacherie, E. & Haggard, P. (2010). What Are Intentions? . (pp. 70–84).

International Journal article  

Buehler, D. (2020). Warrant from transsaccadic vision. Mind and Language, 36(3), 404-421. doi:10.1111/mila.12277

Book chapter  

Chevallier, C. (2021). Vivre dans un environnement risqué : quels impacts pour la psychologie ? In Claudia Senik (Eds.), Sociétés en danger (Odile Jacob ed., pp. 197 à 208). Paris: La Découverte. doi:10.3917/dec.senik.2021.01.0197

International Journal article  

Pichon, S., De Gelder, B. & Grèzes, J. (2009). Two different faces of threat. Comparing the neural systems for recognizing fear and anger in dynamic body expressions. NeuroImage, 47(4), 1873-83. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2009.03.084

International Journal article  

Sidarus, N., Palminteri, S. & Chambon, V. (2018). Trading off the cost of conflict against expected rewards. Plos Computational Biology, 42809. doi:10.1371/journal.pcbi.1007326

International Journal article  

Safra, L., Chevallier, C., Grèzes, J. & Baumard, N. (2020). Tracking historical changes in trustworthiness using machine learning analyses of facial cues in painting. Nature Communications, 11, 4728. doi:10.1038/s41467-020-18566-7

Book chapter  

Pacherie, E. (2006). Towards a Dynamic Theory of Intentions . (pp. 145-167).

Book chapter  

Butterfill , S. & Pacherie, E. (2020). Towards a blueprint for a social animal. In Fiebich, Anika (Eds.), Minimal Cooperation and Shared Agency (pp. 111-125).Springer . doi:10.1007/978-3-030-29783-1

International Journal article  

Dokic, J. & Pacherie, E. (2007). Too much ado about beliefs. Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences, 6(1-2), 185-200. doi:10.1007/s11097-006-9036-9

International Journal article  

Jones, B. , DeBruine, L. , .., .., Chevallier, C. & (Et Al), . (2021). To which world regions does the valence–dominance model of social perception apply? Nat Hum Behav, 5, 159-169. doi:10.6084/m9.figshare.7611443.v1

International Journal article  

Collins, T. & Jacquet, P. (2018). TMS over posterior parietal cortex disrupts trans-saccadic visual stability. Brain stimulation, 11(2), 390-399. doi:10.1016/j.brs.2017.11.019

International Journal article  

Pichon, S., De Gelder, B. & Grèzes, J. (2012). Threat prompts defensive brain responses independently of attentional control. Cerebral cortex (New York, N.Y. : 1991), 22(2), 274-85. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhr060

Book chapter  

Chevallier, C. (2019). Theory of mind and autism: Revisiting Baron-Cohen et al.’s Sally-Anne study. In A. Slater and P. Quinn (Eds.), Developmental Psychology: Revisiting the Classic Studies 2nd edition (pp. 148-163).Sage

International Journal article  

Mennella, R., Sarlo, M., Messerotti Benvenuti, S., Buodo, G., Mento, G. & Palomba, D. (2017). The two faces of avoidance: Time-frequency correlates of motivational disposition in blood phobia. Psychophysiology, 54(11), 1606-1620. doi:10.1111/psyp.12904

International Journal article  

Holgado, M. & Castro, V. (2020). The Social Cover View: a Non-epistemic Approach to Mindreading. Philosophia, 48, 483–505. doi:10.1007/s11406-019-00096-2

International Journal article  

Pacherie, E. (2007). The Sense of Control and the Sense of Agency. PSYCHE: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Research On Consciousness, 13, 1–30

International Journal article  

Grynszpan, O. , Sahai, A., Hamidi, N. , Pacherie, E., Berberian, B. , Roche, L. & Saint-Bauzel, L. (2019). The sense of agency in human-human vs human-robot joint action. Consciousness and Cognition, 27, 102820. doi:10.1016/j.concog.2019.102820

International Journal article  

Kret, M., Denollet, J., Grèzes, J. & De Gelder, B. (2011). The role of negative affectivity and social inhibition in perceiving social threat: an fMRI study. Neuropsychologia, 49(5), 1187-1193. doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2011.02.007

International Journal article  

Pacherie, E. (2002). The Role of Emotions in the Explanation of Action. European Review of Philosophy , 5, 53–92

International Journal article  

Vantrepotte, Q., Chambon, V. & Berberian, B. (2023). The reliability of assistance systems modulates the sense of control and acceptability of human operators. Scientific reports, 13(1), 14410. doi:10.1038/s41598-023-41253-8

Book chapter  

Pacherie, E. (2012). The Phenomenology of Joint Action: Self-Agency Vs. Joint-Agency . (pp. 343-389).

International Journal article  

Dewey, J., Pacherie, E. & Knoblich, G. (2014). The phenomenology of controlling a moving object with another person. Cognition, 132(3), 383-97. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2014.05.002

International Journal article  

Pacherie, E. (2008). The phenomenology of action: a conceptual framework. Cognition, 107(1), 179-217. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2007.09.003

International Journal article  

Dezecache, G., Grèzes, J. & Dahl, C. (2017). The nature and distribution of affiliative behaviour during exposure to mild threat. Royal Society open science, 4(8), 170265. doi:10.1098/rsos.170265


Bourgeois-Gironde, S. (2020). The Mind under the Axioms. Elsevier. doi:10.1016/C2017-0-02647-2

International Journal article  

Cohen, A. , Bourgeois-Gironde, S. & Pollack, Y. (2020). The impact of intrinsic and extrinsic features on delay discounting. Memory & Cognition, 49, 380-388. doi:10.3758/s13421-020-01088-4

International Journal article  

Patron, E., Mennella, R., Messerotti Benvenuti, S. & Thayer, J. (2019). The frontal cortex is a heart-brake: Reduction in delta oscillations is associated with heart rate deceleration. NeuroImage, 188, 403-410. doi:10.1016/j.neuroimage.2018.12.035