Director: Anne-Catherine Bachoud-Lévi
Administrator: Nathalie Marcinek


Address: 29 rue d’Ulm 75005 Paris
Phonel: +33 (0) 1 44 32 26 80


Interventional NeuroPsychological Team (NPI), INSERM U955 E01, is a mixed research unit (INSERM, UPEC, ENS), directed by Prof. Anne-Catherine Bachoud-Lévi.

The NPI team works at the interface in between fundamental research on human communication and clinical research on novel brain therapies.

Two main issues are investigated:

  • Cognitive processing, especially language and social cognition, by using cognitive neuropsychology methods, experimental psychology, psycholinguistics and linguistics across behavioural and brain imaging (ERP, fMRI, VBM) studies of brain-damaged and healthy subjects.
  • The link between cerebral tissue regeneration, especially the striatum, and cognitive function restoration by trying new ways of therapeutic intervention such as cellular grafts, gene therapy...

NPI is geographically based in/settled in two sites: Mondor Biomedical research institute, medicine faculty, UPEC, Creteil and the Cognition studies institute (IEC) of “Ecole Normale Superieure”, Paris.