DEC AltAc + Applied cognitive science seminar

Cognitive Science in the business world

Informations pratiques
13 avril 2023

ENS, salle Ribot, 29 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris

Le séminaire "DEC Alt Ac + Sciences Cognitives Appliquées" est un séminaire bi-mensuel dans le cadre duquel les invité.es montrent comment les sciences cognitives peuvent être appliquées au monde "réel" (c'est-à-dire non-académique). Ce séminaire s'adresse à toute.s les étudiant.es, jeunes chercheur.ses curieux.ses des applications possibles de la recherche en sciences cognitives. Le 13 avril 2023, le séminaire accueillera un invité exceptionnel, le professeur Olivier Sibony.

olivier sibony

Olivier Sibony is Professor of Strategy (Education Track) at HEC Paris, where he was awarded the Vernimmen teaching award in 2020. He is also an Associate Fellow of Saïd Business School in Oxford University, and has taught at London Business School, Ecole Polytechnique, ENA, IE Madrid, and other institutions. 
More broadly, Olivier Sibony is a professor, author, and advisor specializing in the quality of strategic thinking and the design of decision processes. Olivier builds on this research and experience to advise senior leaders on strategic and operational decision-making. He is a frequent keynote speaker and facilitator of top management and board meetings. He also serves as a member of corporate, advisory, and investment boards, and is a knight in the French Order of the Légion d’Honneur.
Olivier’s latest book, Noise: A Flaw in Human Judgment, co-authored with Daniel Kahneman and Cass R. Sunstein, has appeared on multiple bestseller lists worldwide, including the New York Times, Wall Street Journal and Sunday Times lists.

Site internet d'Olivier Sibony

Le séminaire aura lieu à l'ENS à 17h15 dans la salle Ribot, 29 rue d’Ulm, ainsi qu'en ligne : https://sciencespo.zoom.us/j/9864164767.

Conférence en anglais. La conférence sera suivie d'un échange avec Olivier Sibony.