ENS, salle Langevin, 24 rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris
9:30 Welcome of participants, general presentation
Goffredo Puccetti (NYU AD), Roberto Casati (EHESS)
Disorientation Remediation: The Very Idea
Louis-Marie Lorin (ENS)
Lost in the interface: Presentation of a State of the Art on the literature
11:30 - 13:00
Lukas Zimmer (A/Z, design studio)
Narrating Landscapes
13:00 - 14:00 Brown Bag Lunch
Julie Blanc (Paris VIII – EnsadLab), Jeremy De Barros, Louis Eveillard (L’atelier des chercheurs), Quentin Juhel (EnsadLab), Florent Levillain (EnsadLab)
Design and Spatial Intelligence: Presentation, Demonstrations and Discussions about the DIS Project