DEC AltAc + Applied cognitive science seminar

Regroop : Turning climate activism into a daily habit

Mélusine Boon Falleur (ENS)
Informations pratiques
25 mai 2023
17h15 - 18h15

ENS, salle Ribot, 29 rue d'Ulm, 75005 Paris

Mélusine started her career as an investor in the energy sector in New York. Working with leaders in the oil and gas industry, it became obvious that a transition to a zero carbon economy would not happen spontaneously. That led her to a master in economics at PSE to study environmental policy and understand the economic drivers of the ecological transition. There, she realized that even the best policies won't work unless they are aligned with our individual psychology. Therefore, she is now a PhD student in cognitive sciences at the ENS Paris, researching how evolution shaped our brain. 
In 2022, she co-founded Regroop to make climate activism accessible to all. Regroop is a social app that allows users to act daily for systemic change. Partnering with climate.

The DEC AltAc (Alternative to Academia) is a monthly seminar where individuals with a cognitive science background show researchers and students in cognitive science at the DEC the many ways their knowledge in cognitive science can be applied to the "real" (aka non-academic) world. 

This spring, the DECAltAc seminar and the Applied Cognitive Science seminar join forces to offer a common program.