Doc'In Nicod

Modus representandi et componendi : a numerically-schismatic, idolatrous compte rendu of modes of representation... and a new genus ?

Emilio Rubiera Azcona (Institut Jean Nicod / University of Oviedo)
Practical information
12 January 2024

ENS, meeting room Institut Jean-Nicod, ENS, 29 rue d’Ulm, 75005 Paris


Commentator : Jérôme Dokic

In this presentation I set up a "numerically-schismatic, idolatrous compte rendu" of the most familiar modes of representation and I argue that the iconic and discursive modes of representation are not as mutually exclusive categories as traditionally thought. At least a third kind of representation blending the semantic properties of icons and the syntactic properties of discourses. This iconic-discursive genus behaves differently from other representational formats, such as distributed representations or maps, previously put forward as challenging Jerry Fodor’s —among others— basic distinction. Some practical illustrations —artificial and natural— are provided showing how iconic-discursive representations may facilitate trade-offs between the world and the representational mind, as well as between the differently complex levels of representation that mediate between percepts and concepts.


Doctoral and post-doctoral seminar of the IJN

Doc’in Nicod is a biweekly seminar providing an opportunity for young researchers, doctoral students and post-doctoral fellows from the IJN to receive feedback on work in progress from fellow graduate students and researchers of the Institute. Each session will feature one researcher of the IJN as a commentator.

Contact: Armando Lavalle ou Valentin Weber

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