Profile picture for user CARBAJAL J

Julia Carbajal

Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives et Psycholinguistique

PhD student
Directeurs de thèse : Sharon Peperkamp & Emmanuel Dupoux

Bâtiment Jaurès
29 rue d'Ulm
75005 Paris, FRANCE

Cognitive machine learning
Language and its acquisition
Selected publications
Reviewed conference proceeding  

Carbajal, J., Dawud, A., Thiollière, R. & Dupoux, E. (2016 ). The “language filter” hypothesis: A feasibility study of language separation in infancy using unsupervised clustering of I-vectors. In 2016 Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob), Cergy-Pontoise, France, 195-201. doi:10.1109/DEVLRN.2016.7846818

International Journal article  

Fort, M., Brusini, P., Carbajal, J., Sun, Y. & Peperkamp, S. (2017). A novel form of perceptual attunement: Context-dependent perception of a native contrast in 14-month-old infants. Developmental cognitive neuroscience, 26, 45-51. doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2017.04.006

International Journal article  

Kamienkowski, J. , Carbajal, J., Bianchi, B., Sigman, M. & Shalom, D. (2016). Cumulative Repetition Effects Across Multiple Readings of a Word: Evidence From Eye Movements. Discourse Processes, -, 1–16. doi:10.1080/0163853X.2016.1234872



 Research experience
  • 2014 - 2018: PhD research project at LSCP (ENS, Paris, France).
    Topic: Language separation and development in bilingual infants & children.
    Supervisors: Emmanuel Dupoux & Sharon Peperkamp
  • 2013 - 2014: Master research project at Neurospin (CEA Saclay, France).
    Topic: Mental representations of a periodically rotating object in 4-month-old infants: an ERP study.
    Supervisor: Ghislaine Dehaene-Lambertz.
  • 2012 - 2013: Master research project at LNI (Univ. of Buenos Aires, Argentina).
    Topic: Cumulative repetition effects across multiple readings of a word.
    Supervisors: Diego Shalom & Juan Kamienkowski.
  • 2011 - 2012: Undergrad research project at LNI (Univ. of Buenos Aires, Argentina).
    Topic: Proprioceptive body illusions modulate the visual perception of reaching distance.
    Supervisors: Mariano Sigman & Agustin Petroni.


Teaching experience
  • 2017: Co-upervision of M2 student Lamprini Chartofylaka (Master EdTech, CRI Paris, France)
  • 2016: Co-supervision of M1 student Mollie Hamilton (CogMaster Program, Paris, France)
  • 2015: Co-supervision of B.Sc. student Ahmad Dawoud (B.Sc. Cognitive Science, Universität Osnabrück, Germany)
  • 2013: Teaching assistant (1 semester), Physics lab course (Univ. of Buenos Aires, Argentina)
  • 2011 - 2012: Teaching assistant (2 semesters), Physics lab course (Univ. of Buenos Aires, Argentina)