• Updated
24 September 2020
NPI - A healthy brain!

The present initiative is a creative effort to raise awareness and promote better understanding of brain health in children aged 6 to 12 years old and, more broadly, to increase global public awareness of the importance of brain health to all age groups.

Scientific research in neurology and in epidemiology has shown that early prevention and lifelong healthy lifestyles may mitigate the risk of developing chronic diseases including dementia. Eléonore Bayen, doctor and MCU-PH at Pitié-Salpêtrière, with the help of Laurent Cleret De Langavant, researcher member of the NeuroPsychologie Interventionnelle team and MCU-PH, created a character named Robbie and a video that presents scientific knowledge about brain health prevention as a fun and engaging narrative. Robbie the brain explains to us the things we can do every day to keep our brain healthy.

Their goal is to empower children (as well as teenagers, adults and older people) to maintain a healthy brain throughout their lives by providing them with simple public health messages. In an effort to reduce health inequalities and promote health, they plan to translate the video "A healthy brain!" into different languages and to distribute it for free.

The video is available here:

A healthy brain