International Journal article  

de Carvalho, A., Dautriche, I., Lin, I. & Christophe, A. (2017). Phrasal prosody constrains syntactic analysis in toddlers. Cognition, 163, 67-79. doi:10.1016/j.cognition.2017.02.018

Do mothers' perceptions of their children's intelligence affect children's cognition, literacy, and educational achievement?

One factor that contributes to children’s differences in school performance is their own beliefs about intelligence. These beliefs are likely informed by children’s early socialisation experiences, which vary across families and children. For example, some children may receive more frequent messages from their parents emphasizing their inherent intelligence or cleverness than others. Such differential reinforcement can contribute to shaping children's beliefs about their intelligence and, subsequently, impact their cognition, literacy, and educational achievement.

Mapping the Cognitive Model for Single-Word Processing onto Brain Dynamics

Background: The human brain can process single words during different tasks and via different modalities. We can hear the word ‘apple’ and repeat it out loud, or we see the word written on a page and read it, or we think of its concept, or see an image of it, and name it out loud. These three tasks (word repetition, reading and naming) require different computations at early stages, but share others at higher, amodal, levels.

Happiness at work

Qui sommes-nous ? Incenteev est une société française dédiée à l'amélioration de la performance et de la motivation des équipes. Nous proposons des solutions innovantes de coaching et de gamification conçues pour stimuler l'engagement, la collaboration et la productivité sur le lieu de travail.

Externalisation et réalisme de sources sonores en réalité virtuelle/augmentée

Le son émis par une source réelle est normalement perçu comme « externalisé », c’est-à-dire comme provenant de l’environnement autour de l’auditeur. Par contre, les sources reproduites au casque sont en général perçues comme « internalisées », le son semblant alors provenir de l’intérieur de la tête. La reproduction audio binaurale permet d’externaliser des sources sonores simulées au casque.

Collective Emotion: Social and Cognitive Mechanisms

Guillaume Dezecache (IRD, Université Paris Saclay) - Reviewer
Ivana Konvalinka(Technical University of Denmark) - Reviewer
Brian Parkinson (University of Oxford) - Examiner
Bernard Rimé (Université Catholique de Louvain) - Examiner
Mikko Salmela (University of Copenhagen) - Examiner
Julie Grèzes (Inserm, ENS, PSL) - Co-supervisor
Elisabeth Pacherie (CNRS, ENS, PSL, EHESS) - Co-supervisor